Nghĩa của từ country of destination bằng Tiếng Đức

country of destination [kʌntriːɔfdestineiʃən] Bestimmungsland

Đặt câu có từ "country of destination"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "country of destination", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ country of destination, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ country of destination trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. According to economic theory, migration should either reduce wages or increase unemployment in the country of destination

2. According to economic theory, migration should either reduce wages or increase unemployment in the country of destination.

3. Defectors were used as tools to prove the superiority of the political system of the country of destination.

4. Final third country of destination after [transit] / [storage] (3) (7): ......Exit Community BIP name and address (7):6.

...5.2. Endbestimmungsdrittland nach [Durchfuhr] / [Lagerung](3) (7): ......Namen und Anschrift der Grenzkontrollstelle des Austritts aus der Gemeinschaft(7):6.

5. The customer accounts for any VAT due in his normal VAT return at the rate in force in the country of destination.

6. On-carriage – Tra ort from the port of arrival in the country of destination to the buyer's premises. Usually by truck, rail or inland waterways.

7. A variety of documents can be accepted as such evidence, ranging from customs import declarations issued by the country of destination, to bank documents evidencing payment.

Als Belege kommen die verschiedensten Dokumente in Frage, von vom Bestimmungsland ausgestellten Einfuhrzollanmeldungen bis zu Bankbelegen über die Zahlung.

8. This is indeed an area where all States- North or South, country of origin or country of destination- share a common abhorrence of the abuses human beings are subjected to

9. (b) "animal for slaughter" means a bovine animal or swine intended to be taken on arrival in the country of destination direct to a slaughterhouse, or to a market adjoining a slaughterhouse under whose rules all animals may be removed, in particular after the market, only to a slaughterhouse approved for this purpose by the competent central authority.

b) Schlachttiere : Rinder und Schweine, die dazu bestimmt sind, sofort nach ihrer Ankunft im Bestimmungsland unmittelbar zu einem Schlachthof oder auf einen Markt, der an einen Schlachthof angrenzt, gebracht zu werden ; die Vorschriften dieses Marktes dürfen den Abtrieb sämtlicher Tiere, vor allem nach Beendigung des Marktes, nur zu einem von der zuständigen Zentralbehörde dafür bestimmten Schlachthof gestatten.

10. To adopt concrete measures to prevent violations of the human rights of migrants while in transit, including in ports and airports and at borders and migration checkpoints, to train public officials who work in those facilities and in border areas to treat migrants and their families respectfully and in accordance with the law, and to prosecute, in conformity with applicable law, any act of violation of the human rights of migrants and their families, such as arbitrary detention, torture and violations of the right to life, including extrajudicial executions, during their transit from their country of origin to the country of destination and vice versa, including their transit through national borders;