Nghĩa của từ computer-assisted bằng Tiếng Đức

computer-assisted [kəmpjuːtərəsistid] computerunterstützt

Đặt câu có từ "computer-assisted"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "computer-assisted", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ computer-assisted, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ computer-assisted trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Computer-assisted Anesthetizations

2. We offer painless, computer-assisted Anesthetizations

3. System prepared for computer assisted for an ad valorem property tax.

4. Key words: expert system, wastewater treatment, facultative aerated lagoons, computer-assisted operation.

5. The evidence for or against computer-assisted history taking systems is sparse.

6. Computer-assisted method for the advanced design of folded pieces of composite material

7. The survey used random-digit-dialling (RDD) methods via Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI).

8. Increase the use of computer assisted auditing techniques such as ACL in audits and investigations

9. Increase the use of computer assisted auditing techniques such as ACL in audits and investigations.

10. Recently our firm has implemented computer-assisted manufacturing, i.e. design, pattern gradation, digitalization and sample stitching.

Die langjaehrige Zusammenarbeit mit deutschen Kunden, hat in unserer Firma das Verantwortungsgefuehl fuer die Produkte, Qualitaet und Einhaltung der Termine gebildet.

11. This includes such things as computer-assisted instruction, teaching machines, programs, television, and other audiovisual devices.

12. Computer-assisted myelography indicated that the metal wire remained in place and that the syrinx had collapsed.

13. Computer-assisted transmission of messages, images and digital files, online and via all other kinds of communications networks

Computergestützte Übertragung, Online-Übertragung und Übertragung über sonstige Kommunikationsnetze aller Art von Nachrichten, Bildern und digitalen Dateien

14. Recently our firm has expanded its activity with computer-assisted production. We run Lectra, Assyst and Gerber systems.

Unsere Sortiments Damenjacketts, Roecke, Hosen, Kostueme, Jacken ,Maentel, Blusen, sowie Kleider fuer die exklusivsten Damen dieser Welt durch Vorgabe und Auftraege grosser Modeschoepfer.

15. Computer assisted, computer mediated and on-line computer services, all for training, teaching, education, instruction and testing purposes

Computergestützte, über Computer bereitgestellte und Online-Computerdienste, alle für Ausbildungs-, Unterrichts-, Erziehungs-, Unterweisungs- und/oder Prüfungszwecke

16. The younger generation is used to Computer Assisted Learning and other modern technology which is an adjunct to learning.

17. In their intense struggle for survival, these women now make use of computer-assisted financial accounting, through the efforts of Udogini.

18. Computer-assisted studies of style have often attempted to settle questions of chronology in the work of authors whose works are undated.

19. In computer-assisted circuit simulation, it is necessary to derive functional descriptions of electronic components, chiefly transistors, several times at numerous predefined points.

Bei der rechnergestützten Schaltungssimulation ist es notwendig, funktionale Beschreibungen elektronischer Bauelemente, insbesondere Transistoren, mehrfach an zahlreichen vorgebbaren Stellen abzuleiten.

20. Bui-Mansfield, "Magnetic resonance diagnosis of tarsal tunnel syndrome due to flexor digitorum Accessorius longus and peroneocalcaneus internus muscles," Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, vol

21. The rendering of architectural spaces without the use of paper and pencil tools is now a widely accepted practice with a number of computer-assisted architectural design systems.

22. The disquisition pilot study about the computer assisted optimization design of a screw spring of many radices using math layout theory conjoint to computer programmer method with a exemplity.

23. The .Alb extension can also be found in Album View (Alb) files used by Pro/Desktop (Pro/D), an advanced computer-assisted design (CAD) program with 3D/2D drawing capabilities developed by PTC

24. Strengthening Europe's linguistic infrastructure implies establishing an open framework comprising interoperable multilingual resources encompassing for example multilingual glossaries and ontologies, translation memories and terminology collections, and the associated tools such as computer assisted translation.

Um die europäische Sprachinfrastruktur zu stärken, muss ein offener Rahmen geschaffen werden, der interoperable mehrsprachige Ressourcen wie Glossare, Enzyklopädien, Übersetzungsspeicher und Terminologiesammlungen sowie die entsprechenden Instrumente wie computergestützte Übersetzung umfasst.

25. Biomechanics includes the topics of musculoskeletal mechanics, cardiac mechanics, mechano-electrochemical responses of soft and hard tissues, cell-matrix interactions, cellular Biomechanics, functional tissue engineering, image-based functional anatomy, and computer-assisted surgery and surgical planning.

26. The reuslts of this study indicate, that computer assisted videokeratography is helpfull for evaluation and management of corneal refractive errors. Advances in topographic analysis have provided powerful tools for detecting subtile alterations of regional corneal shape.

Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die computergestützte Videokeratoskopie nicht nur zur Verlaufkontrolle keratorefraktiver Maßnahmen hilfreich ist, sondern auch aufgrund ihrer hohen Präzision differentialdiagnostisch zur Aufdeckung subtiler, regionaler Veränderungen der Hornhautkurvatur eingesetzt werden kann.

27. Calms: Credit and Load Management System (utilities; UK) Calms: Computer-Aided Load Manifesting System (US DoD) Calms: Central American Lutheran Mission Society (Houston, TX) Calms: Computer-Assisted Load Management System: Calms: Combined Allowances for Logistics & Maintenance Support

28. Bioinformatics is a computer-assisted interface discipline dealing with the collection, compilation, storage, management, access, processing and representation of information in order to understand life processes in healthy and diseased states and find new treatment techniques or better drugs.

29. Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science (Cames) is a referred international journal, published quarterly, indexed by Scopus and EBSCO, providing a scientific exchange forum and an authoritative source of information in the field of computational sciences and related areas of applied engineering

30. For example , a profiling program called the Computer - Assisted Passenger Pre - Screening System ( CAPPS ) determines which passengers ' baggage receives special scrutiny ; it looks at such factors as gender , age , purchase with cash or credit card , time of check - in , type of luggage , and demeanor .

31. A Cel, short for Celluloid, is a transparent sheet on which objects are drawn or painted for traditional, hand-drawn animation.Actual Celluloid (consisting of Cellulose nitrate and camphor) was used during the first half of the 20th century, but since it was flammable and dimensionally unstable it was largely replaced by Cellulose acetate.With the advent of computer-assisted animation