Nghĩa của từ characteristic curve bằng Tiếng Đức

characteristic curve [kærəktəristikkəːv] Kennlinie

Đặt câu có từ "characteristic curve"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "characteristic curve", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ characteristic curve, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ characteristic curve trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. A controller which regulates the steering adjuster comprises a transmission member with a characteristic curve.

Ein Regler zur Ansteuerung eines Lenkstellers umfasst ein Übertragungsglied (13) mit einer Kennlinie (30).

2. Device for adapting the characteristic curve of a hydraulic accumulator to that of a consumer

3. The invention concerns an analogue function network which simulates a predetermined characteristic curve (21) hardwarewise.

Ein analoges Funktionsnetzwerk bildet eine vorgegebene Kennlinie (21) hardwaremäßig nach.

4. The slope of the characteristic curve depends markedly on concentration and temperature of the developing solution.

Von wesentlichem Einfluß auf die Steigung der Schwärzungskurve sind die Entwicklerkonzentration und die Entwicklungstemperatur; letztgenannte sollte auf 0,5°C konstant gehalten werden.

5. The invention relates to a method and a system for linearizing the characteristic curve of a power amplifier.

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Anordnung zur Linearisierung einer Leistungsverstärkerkennlinie.

6. Accordingly the typical pathophysiological ERA-characteristic curve for amplitudes and latencies could be found in more than 100 hard-of-hearing children.

Entsprechend könnten für die über 100 hörgeschädigten Kinder typische pathophysiologische ERA-Kennlinien für Amplitude und Latenz gefunden werden.

7. Then, the currents per winding are modified from a set starting time (t1) in accordance with the characteristic curve based on the amplitude values.

Anschließend werden die Wicklungsströme beginnend zu einem Startzeitpunkt (t1) gemäß dem ermittelten Amplitudenverlauf verändert.

8. When the resting potential declines, the characteristic curve gets less steep. The amplitude decreases and the maximum of the amplitude characteristics goes to lower frequencies.

Beim Amplitudengang nimmt die Amplitude ab und das Maximum des Amplitudenganges verschiebt sich zu tieferen Frequenzen.

9. Receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was used to evaluate the cutoff value of S-CEA level as a predicting factor for the prognosis of CRC.

10. 24 Receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was used to evaluate the cutoff value of S-CEA level as a predicting factor for the prognosis of CRC.

11. Because of the form of turbine characteristic curve is complicated, if we use the ordinary interpolate method, the computational process is more complicated, and the precision is not high.

12. Receiver operating characteristic curve analyses and the area under the curve (AUC) were used to estimate the predictive ability (mortality) of the scoring systems on admission and the maximum value.

Um die prädiktive Wertigkeit (Mortalität) der Scoringsysteme zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme und des Maximalwerts abzuschätzen, wurden diese durch eine „Receiver-Operating-Characteristic“-(ROC-)Analyse und den AUC-Wert („area under curve“; Fläche unter der Kurve) evaluiert.

13. RESULTS: All three reviewers were statistically significantly better able to differentiate small (diameter less than 3 cm; n = 84) Benignancies from small malignancies with the combination of moderately and heavily T2-weighted images (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.99 for each reader) than with moderately T2-weighted

14. Here, if an actually occurring variation in the engine torque is detected, then by varying the gradient of the activation-energy/valve-stroke characteristic curve of the fuel injection valve, the engine torque is matched to the engine torque generated with an injection valve with a reference characteristic.

Wird dabei eine tatsächlich auftretende Änderung des Motordrehmoments erkannt, so wird durch Verändern der Steigung der Ansteuerenergie-Nadelhub-Kennlinie des Kraft- stoff-Einspritzventils das Motordrehmoment an das mit einem Einspritzventil mit Referenzcharakteristik erzeugte Motordrehmoment angepasst.

15. Described is a method of correcting the output signal from a gravimetric airflow meter with a reverse-flow detection capability, the method calling for the airflow meter characteristic curve to be adapted, particularly in the reverse-flow region, so that the relationship between the sensor voltage and the airflow rate is error-free.

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Korrektur des Ausgangssignales eines Luftmassenmessers mit Rückströmerkennung beschrieben, bei dem die Kennlinie des Luftmassenmessers insbesonders im Rückströmbereich so angepaßt wird, daß der Zusammenhang zwischen Sensorspannung und Luftmasse fehlerlos wird.