Nghĩa của từ certifying bằng Tiếng Đức

certifying [səːtifaiiŋ] bescheinigend

Đặt câu có từ "certifying"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "certifying", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ certifying, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ certifying trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. This is known as Certifying for benefits

2. Certifying and measuring competency in the United States.

3. an ENDORSEMENT from the competent official agency certifying that

einem VERMERK der zuständigen Stelle, der bescheinigt, dass

4. as well as an ENDORSEMENT from the competent official agency certifying that

sowie einem VERMERK der zuständigen Stelle, der bescheinigt, dass

5. He handed her a piece of paper certifying she was in good health.

6. They must bear the official stamp certifying acceptance following the regulation rests.

7. arrangements for forwarding aggregated data to the certifying authority in case of a decentralised system,

Vorkehrungen für die Weiterleitung aggregierter Daten an die Bescheinigungsbehörde im Falle eines dezentralisierten Systems;

8. Synonyms for Attesting include confirming, certifying, authenticating, corroborating, substantiating, verifying, affirming, manifesting, witnessing and supporting

9. - be accompanied by a document or certificate certifying that the above conditions have been met.

- müssen mit einem Dokument oder einer Bescheinigung versehen sein, aus der hervorgeht, daß die vorgenannten Anforderungen erfuellt sind.

10. Synonyms for Countersigning include attesting, authenticating, authorising, authorizing, certifying, confirming, corroborating, endorsing, marking and notarizing

11. Synonyms for Authorizing include commissioning, empowering, enabling, entitling, accrediting, qualifying, certifying, chartering, licencing and licensing

12. — arrangements for forwarding aggregated data to the certifying authority in case of decentralised system

— Welche Vorkehrungen werden getroffen, um — im Falle eines dezentralen Systems — aggregierte Daten an die Bescheinigungsbehörde weiterzuleiten?

13. Receptacles shall bear the official stamp certifying that they have been accepted following the required tests.

Die Behälter müssen den amtlichen Stempel zum Zeichen der Abnahme aufgrund der vorgeschriebenen Prüfungen tragen.

14. By 1837 he had ceased acting as a certifying surgeon, which involved some conflict of interest.

15. — arrangements for forwarding aggregated data to the certifying authority in case of a decentralised system,

— Vorkehrungen für die Weiterleitung aggregierter Daten an die Bescheinigungsbehörde im Falle eines dezentralisierten Systems;

16. We understand the importance of our program in teaching and certifying responsible Allergen service measures

17. 4. The necessary certificate in respect of categories at Para 2(B) and 3 above will be given in duplicate by the certifying authority indicating clearly the full name, designation and address of the certifying authority.

18. The American Bureau of Shipping no longer wishes to be included in the list of certifying authorities.

19. ‘certifying authority’: the body designated by a Member State under Article 27(1)(b) of the basic act,

„Bescheinigungsbehörde“: die von einem Mitgliedstaat gemäß Artikel 27 Absatz 1 Buchstabe b des Basisrechtsakts benannte Einrichtung oder Stelle;

20. Denmark has been informed that the internal audit service will no longer be accepted as a certifying body.

Dänemark wurde davon in Kenntnis gesetzt, daß die interne Stelle für Innenrevision nicht mehr als bescheinigende Stelle anerkannt wird.

21. The 2006 mission programme, which is based on a detailed risk-analysis, includes 5 missions to certifying bodies.

Das Prüfprogramm 2006, das auf einer eingehenden Risikoanalyse beruht, sieht fünf Besuche bei bescheinigenden Stellen vor.

22. • Certifying departmental trial balances consisting of the opening and closing balances of departmental accounts (including FIS control accounts).

23. e) Require certifying officers to ensure that project expenditures are kept within the approved budgets/allotment ceilings (para

24. appropriate aircraft rated certifying staff qualified in category C assisted by support staff as specified in point 145.

ausreichend qualifiziertes für das Luftfahrzeugmuster freigabeberechtigtes Personal der Kategorie C vorhanden sein, das von dem in 145.

25. You will file a Biweekly claim for two weeks at a time, certifying your eligibility for each week separately

26. What is the difference between password-locking a document in Acrobat and certifying a document then disallowing all modifications?

27. Payments are made to the exporter by the bank on presentation of documents certifying compliance with the original contract.

28. Flights performed exclusively for the purpose of checking, testing or certifying aircraft or airborne or ground-based equipment.

Flüge, die ausschließlich der Kontrolle, Erprobung oder Zulassung von Luftfahrzeugen bzw. Bord- oder Bodenausrüstung dienen;

29. — ‘certifying authority’: the body designated by a Member State under Article 27(1)(b) of the basic act,

— „Bescheinigungsbehörde“: die von einem Mitgliedstaat gemäß Artikel 27 Absatz 1 Buchstabe b des Basisrechtsakts benannte Einrichtung oder Stelle;

30. I certify the accuracy and completeness of the information about the identification and internal control systems of the certifying authority

Der/die Unterzeichnete bestätigt die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Angaben zu der Bescheinigungsbehörde und zu deren internen Kontrollsystemen.

31. they have a medical certificate certifying that their physical and mental health is adequate for the task to be performed;

Sie sind im Besitz eines ärztlichen Attests, das ihnen die zur Ausübung dieser Tätigkeit erforderliche körperliche und geistige Gesundheit bescheinigt.

32. I certify the accuracy and completeness of the information about the identification and internal control systems of the Certifying Authority

Der/die Unterzeichnete bestätigt die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Angaben zu der Bescheinigungsbehörde und zu deren internen Kontrollsystemen.

33. A federal grand jury charged four leaders of the far-right Proud Boys with Conspiring to block Congress from certifying U.S

34. The CFR® F5 Cetane Rating Unit is the globally accepted standard for determining and certifying the ignition quality of diesel fuels

35. B - visa not required for service, tourist and private trips on conditions that documents certifying the purpose of the trip are provided.

36. The certificate must state whether the Certifying Body has gained reasonable assurance that the paying agency's accounts are true, complete and accurate.

Die Bescheinigung muss eine Aussage darüber enthalten, ob die bescheinigende Stelle sich hinreichend davon überzeugt hat, dass die Rechnungslegung der Zahlstelle der Wahrheit entspricht, vollständig und genau ist.

37. Where the managing authority also carries out in addition the functions of the certifying authority, description of how separation of functions is ensured.

Falls die Verwaltungsbehörde auch die Aufgaben der Bescheinigungsbehörde wahrnimmt, Beschreibung, wie die Aufgabentrennung gewährleistet wird.

38. Certifying is the process of answering basic questions every two weeks that tells us you’re still unemployed and eligible to continue receiving benefit payments.

39. Those who are illiterate and born before 26.01.1989, can furnish a notarized affidavit in the prescribed format certifying their date and place of birth.

40. Outline authorized remote notarial acts such as taking an acknowledgment or verification on oath/affirmation, witnessing/Attesting a signature, or certifying/Attesting a copy

41. The Coroner is responsible for investigating and certifying the cause and manner of death for certain types of death occurring within the county

42. The design and analysis of Approximation algorithms crucially involves a mathematical proof certifying the quality of the returned solutions in the worst case.

43. Where the managing authority also carries out in addition the functions of the certifying authority, description of how separation of functions is ensured (see 2.1.2).

Falls die Verwaltungsbehörde auch die Aufgaben der Bescheinigungsbehörde wahrnimmt, Beschreibung, wie die Aufgabentrennung gewährleistet wird (siehe 2.1.2.).

44. For 12 years and counting, Cradles to Crayons has earned Charity Navigator’s highest rating of four stars, certifying our commitment to accountability, transparency and responsible fiscal management

45. Brooks, 66, a six-term congressman, was one of the first members of Congress to publicly declare that he would object to certifying President Biden’s election victory.

46. Article #(d) of Regulation (EC) No #/# provides that payment for transport costs for free distribution shall be subject to the presentation of documents certifying the transport costs actually incurred

Gemäß Artikel # Absatz # Buchstabe d der Verordnung (EG) Nr. #/# erfolgt die Zahlung der Transportkosten im Zusammenhang mit der kostenlosen Verteilung gegen die Vorlage von Belegen, mit denen die tatsächlich entstandenen Transportkosten bescheinigt werden

47. IronRidge bridges these two approaches (attached and Ballasted) by certifying our Flat Roof Attachment–a high-strength cast aluminum attachment–for use on our Ballasted system

48. Testing and evaluation of the skills of others, namely, certifying that prospective members of the Society of Actuaries possess the education and experience to qualify for membership as Associates

Prüfung und Bewertung von Fertigkeiten Dritter, nämlich Zertifizierung, dass künftige Mitglieder der Society of Actuaries (Vereinigung der Aktuare) über die entsprechende Ausbildung und Erfahrung verfügen, um als Partner Mitglied werden zu können

49. Before Adjourning, the outgoing members got through the consent agenda as well as items certifying the election results and mid-year capital improvement project budget adjustments, said Dave Rolland, the …

50. Cardholders are responsible for erroneous payments that result from information, data, or service, including designation of proper appropriations or other funds they provide to a Certifying Official