Nghĩa của từ catchwords bằng Tiếng Đức

catchwords [kætʃwəːdz] Schlagwörte

Đặt câu có từ "catchwords"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "catchwords", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ catchwords, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ catchwords trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Synonyms for Catchlines include slogans, watchwords, catchphrases, catchwords, jingles, mantras, mottos, shibboleths, banners and cries

2. § 114-710, and cases annotated under catchwords, `Conclusivenesses of findings.'" Pan American Fire &c

3. The Catchlines of sections of this Code printed in boldface type, italics or otherwise, are intended merely as catchwords to indicate the contents of the section, and shall not be deemed or taken to be titles of such sections, nor as any part …

4. The Catchlines of the several sections of this code printed in boldface type are intended as mere catchwords to indicate the contents of the section and shall not be deemed or taken to be titles of such sections, nor as any part of the section, nor, unless expressly so provided, shall they be so deemed when any of such sections, including the Catchlines, are amended or reenacted.

5. The Catchlines of the several sections of this code are intended as mere catchwords to indicate the content of the section and shall not be deemed or taken to be titles of such sections, nor be deemed to govern, limit, modify or in any manner affect the scope, meaning or intent of the provisions of any section hereof, nor unless expressly so provided, shall they be so deemed when any of such

6. The analysis is aligned along four main focuses: the first can be described using the catchwords »time – primeval times – the history of the earth,« the second as »primary processes – alchemy – energy,« the third as »picture in picture – exit from the picture,« and the fourth theme as »body and action.« The desire to expand the boundaries of art and life increasingly led to a process-based approach that was at the same time designed to resist appropriation by the art market.

Dabei dienen vier Schwerpunkte als Leitfaden: Der erste Themenbereich lässt sich mit den Stichworten Zeit – Urzeit – Erdgeschichte umreißen, der zweite mit den Stichworten Primärprozesse – Alchemie – Energie, der dritte mit Bild im Bild – Ausstieg aus dem Bild, das vierte Thema befasst sich mit Körper und Handlung. Der Wunsch, die Grenzen von Kunst und Leben zu erweitern, führte vermehrt zu einer prozessualen Vorgehensweise, die sich dabei gleichzeitig einer Vereinnahmung durch den Kunstmarkt widersetzte.