Nghĩa của từ came into being bằng Tiếng Đức

came into being [keimintəbiːiŋ] entstand

Đặt câu có từ "came into being"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "came into being", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ came into being, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ came into being trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Judaism came into being in accordance with monotheism.

2. 3 Judaism came into being in accordance with monotheism.

3. The European Common Market came into being in 19

4. Do you know how the Orcs first came into being?

5. The squatter settlements originally came into being through illegal land invasions.

6. The Brat Pack came into being sometime in the early eighties.

7. Cide came into being for a reason, or maybe two or three.

8. The term Cyberspace came into being in regard to managing physical spaces

9. The disarmament agency accordingly came into being as a semidetached part of State.

10. Some time ago, a new phrase " high mark spoor competence" came into being.

11. Joint-stock company first came into being in the early stage of capitalism.

12. During the Archaic period the Doric and Ionic architectural orders came into being.

13. The concept of work most certainly came into being in the Neolithic village community.

14. 2 Subsection two: The reasons for the Chinese insurance adjuster institution came into being.

15. Thus the wheel and axle came into being, and with then the first carts.

16. You would recall that after the recession in 2008, the G20 came into being.

17. Antitheism is the sister religion of Atheism that came into being at around 42 BC

18. When the Biocidal Products Regulation came into being in September 2013, BioCote welcomed its introduction

19. Dialect, oriental or occidental, as it came into being, was well nigh inseparable with sophistry.

20. 9 From the destruction and the dissipation of energy,[] more complex forms came into being.

21. 11 Dialect, oriental or occidental, as it came into being, was well nigh inseparable with sophistry.

22. Phenomenological pedagogy thus came into being for this spirit and was brought to the educative domain.

23. Capitalism needed the house of correction, and somehow it magically came into being as a result.

24. In other words, with Arouse the reactions already existed, but with raise they just came into being

25. Refugee camps came into being, people were uprooted, the economy lagged behind and you created fathomless sadness.

26. 15 As a successor to the League, the United Nations came into being on October 24, 1945.

27. Origin; Changelessness; The early Christian Church came into being as a liturgical church because Jews worshipped liturgically

28. It came into being after a lama saw a fight between a white crane and an ape.

29. Wenzhou's labour intensive industry centering on small commodities just came into being and developed under this background.

30. To respond to your second question, since the agreements came into being we have not completed a year.

31. Hence, residential institutions for children came into being as a positive measure for vulnerable children all over Europe.

32. The colonies voted by referendum to unite in a federation in 1901, and modern Australia came into being.

33. All living creatures are thought to descend from an organism that came into being three billion years ago.

34. 24 It came into being after a lama saw a fight between a white crane and an ape.

35. To the utter shock of American Brahminism an unusual organization called Equality Labs came into being in New York

36. Buttes Area Council came into being May 1, 1924 and included Butte (southern portion), Colusa, Sutter and Yuba Counties

37. Harlem Renaissance came into being in the high tide of modernism. It is by no means an accidental phenomenon.

38. 29 In some mysterious way, from this horror of blank boundless vacancy the best of all things came into being.

39. 23 In some mysterious way, from this horror of blank boundless vacancy the best of all things came into being.

40. Elections took place in May 1973 under a system of proportional representation and the new local authorities came into being.

41. After independence, the state of Himachal Pradesh came into being in 1948 as a result of integration of 28 princely states.

42. The Bureau of Indian Standards Act was passed by the Parliament in 1986 and Bis came into being on 1 April 1987

43. This remarkable human presence in the Alpine region came into being with the population growth and agrarian expansion of the High Middle Ages.

Diese starke Präsenz der Menschen im Gebirge begann sich mit dem Bevölkerungswachstum und dem Landesausbau seit dem Hochmittelalter abzuzeichnen.

44. The ' Standard ' part came into being in 1906 , when the Standard Statistics Bureau was set up to examine finances of non-railroad companies .

45. 1 As from 1952, a number of associations of contractors came into being in the Netherlands building market, grouped according to sector or region.

1 Von 1952 an wurden auf dem niederländischen Baumarkt verschiedene Vereinigungen gegründet, in denen sich die Unternehmer nach Sektoren oder Regionen zusammenschlossen.

46. This place is the new hall built alongside the earlier oratory, and identical to it, through which a twin basilica, Basilicae geminae, came into being

47. Development, it might be useful to recap how the dependency theory came into being when it was conceptualised for examining the relationship between the centre in …

48. The history of Creationism relates to the history of thought based on the premise that the natural universe had a beginning, and came into being supernaturally

49. Chaos, (Greek: “Abyss”) in early Greek cosmology, either the primeval emptiness of the universe before things came into being or the abyss of Tartarus, the underworld

50. Ludwig Wittgenstein: The possibility of "crossing" was encoded into the objects "chicken" and "road", and circumstances came into being which caused the actualization of this potential occurrence.