Nghĩa của từ as requested bằng Tiếng Đức

as requested [əzrikwestid] wie gewünscht, wunschgemäß

Đặt câu có từ "as requested"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "as requested", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ as requested, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ as requested trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Commander, I have that transmission as requested.

2. Challenger shrugged, but tossed the football as requested.

3. One ad hoc production on topics related to peacekeeping as requested by DPKO

4. one sample, plus additional samples as requested by the type approval authority or technical service

ein Muster sowie zusätzlich weitere Muster, wenn sie von der Genehmigungsbehörde oder dem technischen Dienst angefordert werden

5. As requested, we will inform you of the date of despatch immediately upon completing shipment.

6. Those who bid properly and as requested accept that offer (the Invitation or Request) by bidding.

7. As requested, the annex also contains a list of national associations issuing TIR Carnets and providing guarantee coverage.

8. Here too the legatee would be asked to give a guarantee that he would make over the property as requested.

9. Cooperating organizations must comply with all reporting and auditing activities required by The Rotary Foundation and provide receipts as requested.

10. Provincial public health authorities are provided the opportunity to request ad hoc queries of their data and receive summaries as requested.

11. The following example creates an app named app_name with a system-Assigned managed identity, as requested by the --assign-identity parameter

12. 1 Here too the legatee would be asked to give a guarantee that he would make over the property as requested.

13. On # ecember # raq submitted to the IAEA its “Currently accurate full and complete declaration” as requested by the Council in resolution

14. Breezeways supplies every client with a complimentary system estimate to replace your heating and cooling systems as requested/needed! Ductless System Replacement Proposals

15. An interactive video system can access and transmit a set as requested by a consumer without further processing of the digital signals.

16. Clearly, the duty free access extended by India on all export items as requested by Bangladesh, barring only 25 items, is yielding some results.

17. As requested, I would put it on Emi’s cheeks and lips, and she would then smile and say, “Now we are ready to go!”

18. 22 If any additional document, such as certificate of origin, consular invoice, etc. is required, the seller may provide as requested for the Buyer's account.

19. [name of air carrier] will cooperate fully with all inspections, as required, and provide access to all documents and the above-mentioned database, as requested by inspectors,

[Name des Luftfahrtunternehmens] wird bei allen Inspektionen bei Bedarf in vollem Umfang kooperieren und den Zugang zu allen Dokumenten und der oben genannten Datenbank auf Ersuchen der Inspektoren ermöglichen;

20. — [name of air carrier] will cooperate fully with all inspections, as required, and provide access to all documents and the above-mentioned database, as requested by inspectors,

— [Name des Luftfahrtunternehmens] wird bei allen Inspektionen bei Bedarf in vollem Umfang kooperieren und den Zugang zu allen Dokumenten und der oben genannten Datenbank auf Ersuchen der Inspektoren ermöglichen;

21. In these she lent her effective fire support as requested, and on the first day of the landings, 5 January, shot down an attacking Japanese torpedo plane.

22. 1 Background 2 Personality 3 Appearance 4 Abilities 5 Relationships 5.1 Swindler 6 Gallery 7 Trivia 8 References The Courier transports things as requested in exchange for money2

23. I am pleased to announce that, with immediate effect, we will provide duty free access to the Indian market to 46 textile tariff lines as requested by Bangladesh.

24. In addition, Annex I is now preceded by a rationale, as requested by the Committee at its 49th session (ECE/TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/101, paragraph 22).

25. The Notice was, therefore, complete so that the Commission did not need to publish an addendum and extend the deadline for submissions as requested by the Bavarian Lager Company.

Die Mitteilung war demnach vollständig, so daß sich die von der Bavarian Lager Company geforderte Veröffentlichung einer Ergänzung einschließlich Verlängerung der Frist für Stellungnahmen erübrigt.

26. The plaintiff had not Countersigned, as requested, a letter of intent incorporating by reference a standard form of contract commonly in use in Hong Kong containing an arbitration clause

27. With our Instant Issue Debit Card program, you can now get a new or replacement debit card in a Commonwealth Bank & Trust banking branch on the same day as requested

28. The sponsors of the draft resolution had already accommodated some amendments to paragraph 1, removing the reference to an “endorsement” of the report’s conclusions and recommendations, as requested by a number of delegations.

29. The sponsors of the draft resolution had already accommodated some amendments to paragraph # removing the reference to an “endorsement” of the report's conclusions and recommendations, as requested by a number of delegations

30. In June 1957, Professor went to China and, as requested by Premier Chou-en-Lai gave his incisive views on how to implement large-scale sample survey for enriching the planning process in China. 8.

31. Government of India has agreed to provide all the logistical support for the security agencies and Election Commission of Nepal as requested by the Government of Nepal.This comprises 764 different types of vehicles costing approximately NRs 800 million.

32. Over and above the information in respect of Question No 929 given in House on 30th November, 2006, additional information as requested for now is being collected from the concerned Missions and will be laid on the Table of the House.

33. Annulli bemoans the fact that the Defendants “repeatedly refused to turn over their telephone records as requested by him during discovery.” With these telephone records, Annulli suggests, he could have proven that some of the allegedly conspiratorial telephone conversations were conducted interstate

34. As requested by the General Assembly in its resolution 54/19 B and in accordance with its decision 55/452 of 23 December 2000, the Secretary-General convened the post-Phase V Working Group at Headquarters from 15 to 26 January 2001.

35. In addition to the training materials on national GHG inventories, vulnerability and adaptation assessments and mitigation produced for the regional hands-on training workshops of the CGE, the group has also prepared the following technical reports as requested by the SBI to aid Parties in preparing their national communications:

36. In addition to the review of the pioneers’ activity at the end of the service year, as requested on the Congregation Analysis Report (S-10), the secretary should invite the service overseer to meet with him early in March to see who may be falling behind in meeting the hour requirement and be in need of personal attention.

37. Therefore, based on the analysis of achievements so far and the lessons learnt presented in this Communication, and as requested by the European Council, the Commission intends to explore the feasibility of proposing to the Member States before spring 2010 a European Innovation Act encompassing all the conditions for sustainable development and which would form an integral and crucial part of the future European reform agenda.

Aus diesem Grund will die Kommission auf der Grundlage der Analyse der bisherigen Leistungen und der gezogenen Lehren, die in dieser Mitteilung dargestellt werden, wie vom Europäischen Rat gefordert, prüfen, ob es machbar ist, den Mitgliedstaaten bis zum Frühjahr 2010 einen europäischen Rechtsakt zur Innovation vorzuschlagen, der sämtliche Bedingungen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung berücksichtigt und ein integraler und ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der künftigen europäischen Reformagenda wäre.