Nghĩa của từ are absent bằng Tiếng Đức

are absent [ɛəræbsənt] fehlst

Đặt câu có từ "are absent"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "are absent", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ are absent, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ are absent trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Note that violins are absent.

2. From meetings they seldom are absent;

3. More so if you are absent one.

4. The virus develops most quickly when antibodies are absent.

5. I always say that brilliant men are absent-minded.

Brillante Männer sind ein wenig geistesabwesend.

6. Adders are found across Britain but are absent from Ireland

7. Salt spray indicators are absent, except from a few coastal bogs.

Nur in einigen küstennahen Mooren kommen Salzzeigerpflanzen vor.

8. Moreover, Cytochromes are present in animals, while phytochromes are absent in animals

9. It's the manager's job to organize cover for staff who are absent.

10. Bobcats are absent from parts of the northern plains and eastern U.S

11. The spider monkey's thumbs are absent or reduced to a tiny tubercle.

12. Noting that legal advice and assistance in police stations and prisons are absent.

13. On the other hand, these flavonols are absent in Oloroso and Amontillado wines.

Andererseits sind these Substanzen bei den Sherrysorten „Oloroso” und „Amontillado” nicht vorhanden.

14. The squirrels are absent where two or more of these mast trees are missing.

15. Telephone answering and messaging services, in particular for subscribers who are absent and/or unavailable

Telefonantwortdienste und Telefonnachrichtendienste, insbesondere für abwesende und/oder nicht verfügbare Teilnehmer

16. Farm-support services are to provide assistance for small farmers when farm managers are absent

Betriebshilfsdienste unterstützen landwirtschaftliche Kleinunternehmer beim Ausfall des Betriebsleiters

17. Marbled newts are absent from most of the Pyrenees because of dry and unstable conditions.

18. Positive images of sexually active fat women are absent from both mainstream and alternative media.

19. Some Allotones of /H/ and /L/ are absent, especially those which apply to sentence phonemes

20. Farm-support services are to provide assistance for small farmers when farm managers are absent.

Betriebshilfsdienste unterstützen landwirtschaftliche Kleinunternehmer beim Ausfall des Betriebsleiters.

21. Radio advertising, telephone answering and messaging, in particular for subscribers who are absent and/or unavailable

Rundfunkwerbung, Telefonantwortdienste und Telefonnachrichtendienste, insbesondere für abwesende und/oder nicht verfügbare Teilnehmer

22. Where they and other grazers (herbivores) are absent, the reef quickly gets choked with algae and seaweed.

In Riffen, wo er und andere pflanzenfressende Fische (Herbivoren) fehlen, werden Korallen durch Algen und Seegras recht schnell erstickt.

23. Basically Colloidal silver is used as a supplement for essential trace minerals that are absent in our diet

24. - to replace workers who are absent on grounds of sickness, pregnancy, post-partum maternity leave or military service;

- für den Ersatz eines wegen Krankheit, Schwangerschaft, Mutterschaft oder Wehrdienst fehlenden Arbeitnehmers,

25. Since this action is not mediated by the autonomic nervous system, the usual anticholinergic side effects are absent.

26. Instances of female infanticide, dowry deaths, bride burning, vicious acid attacks and organised trafficking in women are absent.

27. Sophisticated technology enables sophisticated services, but where the skills to access and exploit them are absent, exclusion results.

28. The postal network could be an important modality in rural areas, especially where other financial services providers are absent.

29. Some live in homes where both parents work and are absent most of the day; others have only one parent.

30. Bluegill can be found in all 17 major river basins of North Carolina, although they are absent from cold mountain streams

31. ‘Although one or two of the merrier, albeit more mischievous, Bantlings are absent, the family circle will, doubtless, be found to be somewhat complete.’

32. A public statement of love when the private actions of love are absent at home is hypocrisy—and weakens the foundation of a great work.

33. In other situations, there may be opposing relatives in the home and you will be asked to come at a time when they are absent.

34. The Clitics in the following derivation are similar to their Italian counterparts, except for the features [π] and [ω] which are absent in the French pronominal system

35. Prostatitis Management and treatment The initial management varies depending on whether urethritis or epididymitis is present and, if both are absent, on the acuteness of the other symptoms.

36. Carolina Chickadees are found year round throughout the state anywhere there is forest and are absent only from the high elevations in the Appalachian Mountains where Black-capped

37. Absconding Letter is an HR document that a company issues to employees who are absent on work for a period more than the limit mentioned in the employment contract

38. Anabiosis the condition of an organism in which the life processes, such as metabolism, are temporarily suspended or slowed down to such a degree that visible manifestations of life are absent.

39. Amaranthe’s male vocalists are absent on both tracks (although they do feature on the official album version of “Do or Die”), while Elize Ryd and her duet partners completely nail it.

40. Alexandrakis and Saunders found that in most cases the abducens nucleus and nerve are absent or hypoplastic, and the lateral rectus muscle is innervated by a branch of the oculomotor nerve.

41. While the darters' lack of many display behaviors is shared with gannets (and that of a few with cormorants), these are all symplesiomorphies that are absent in frigatebirds, tropicbirds and pelicans also.

42. A candidate receiving, in the first round, votes exceeding half the number of members of the bureau, including those who are absent, shall be appointed without the need for a second round.

Erhält ein Bewerber bei der ersten Abstimmungsrunde die Zustimmung von mehr als der Hälfte aller Präsidiumsmitglieder (auch der abwesenden), so wird er ohne eine zweite Abstimmungsrunde ausgewählt.

43. One thing at least is clear: secure rights of ownership, use and transfer, and equitable access to land are indispensable conditions for sustainable development. In many partner countries, however, these conditions are absent.

Dabei ist klar: Sichere Eigentums-, Nutzungs- und Verfügungsrechte sowie ein fairer Zugang zu Land stellen unverzichtbare Rahmenbedingungen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung dar – Rahmenbedingungen, die in vielen Partnerländern jedoch fehlen.

44. The eight living pelican species have a patchy global distribution, ranging latitudinally from the tropics to the temperate zone, though they are absent from interior South America and from polar regions and the open ocean.

45. In snakes, feet and claws are absent, but in many boids such as Boa constrictor, remnants of highly reduced hind-limbs emerge with a single claw as "spurs" on each side of the anal opening.

46. It is narrated that Muhammad said: "O God, forgive our living and our dead, those who are present among us and those who are absent, our young and our old, our males and our females.

47. “We are . . . always of good courage and know that, while we have our home in the body, we are absent from the Lord, for we are walking by faith, not by sight.” —2 CORINTHIANS 5:6, 7.

48. There is a regional decrease in initial Sr87/Sr86 ratios, southwestward across the Yukon Crystalline Terrane. This may mean that Precambrian rocks extend under the Yukon Crystalline Terrane, but are absent under the adjoining Coast Plutonic Complex.

49. Throughout the aganglionic colon section, processes of intrinsic neurons are absent; but close to the cone-shaped transitional section abnormal nerve fascicles are present, bound by hypertrophic perineurium, and contain masses of collagen in distended endoneurial interspaces.

Fortsätze intramuraler Neurone fehlen im aganglionären Colonabschnitt. In der Übergangszone zum hypertrophierten Abschnitt finden sich abnorme Nervenbündel mit hypertrophiertem Perineurium und Massen von Kollagenfibrillen.

50. Koonz, Wildlife Branch, Manitoba Department of Natural Resources, pers. commun.). Similarly, Common Loons are absent or extremely rare and localized in the prairie potholes of southern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta (as shown by BBS; Sauer et al.