Nghĩa của từ anatomic bằng Tiếng Đức

anatomic [ænətɔmikl] anatomisch

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "anatomic", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ anatomic, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ anatomic trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. 3 synonyms for Anatomical: Anatomical reference, anatomic, anatomic

2. Caudal: An anatomic term meaning 1

3. 17 The genital tract is a complex anatomic region with overlapping endocrinology, anatomic, and functional features.

4. Anatomical is a synonym of anatomic

5. This unsub has extensive anatomic anomalies.

6. • Anatomic malformations (e.g., pyloric stenosis, esophageal atresia, intussusception) Complications

7. The anatomic distribution also varies among the Antifungals

8. Three anatomic parts of the epididymis are recognized.

9. Answer: Synchronous melicoton Arightly anatomic masterfast M-14

10. As adjectives the difference between anatomic and Anatomical is that anatomic is of or pertaining to anatomy and dissection, or to individual structures of the anatomy while Anatomical is of or relating to anatomy or dissection; as, the anatomic art; Anatomical

11. Basilicus An obsolete anatomic term for a prominence or process

12. Anatomic image of the location of the Adductor muscles

13. An Alveolar soft part sarcoma which has spread to another anatomic site

14. The recent development of sequences allows a significant increase of anatomic resolution.

Neu entwickelte Sequenzen ermöglichen eine deutlich verbesserte Darstellung anatomischer Details.

15. The concept of modern anatomic shoulder Arthroplasty is based on C

16. Pregnancy alters the anatomic landmarks for internal jugular vein (IJV) cannulation.

17. Anatomic reduction is needed, especially in older children (aged 10+ years).

Lebensjahres besteht daher eine klare Indikation zur anatomischen Reposition.

18. Aging affects all of the anatomic structures involved in the swallowing process.

Vom Alterungsprozess sind alle am Schluckvorgang beteiligten anatomischen Strukturen betroffen.

19. Anatomic position of the common Canaliculus in patients with a large lacrimal sac

20. Archaeopteryx shared many anatomic characters with coelurosaurs, a group of theropods (carnivorous dinosaurs)

21. Caudex: An obsolete anatomic term for a stem or stem-like structure.

22. So this is where experts come in and they make basic anatomic assignments.

23. Injection sites should be rotated within an anatomic region in order to avoid lipodystrophy

Um eine Lipodystrophie zu verhindern, sollte die Injektionsstelle bei jeder Injektion innerhalb der gewählten Körperregion gewechselt werden

24. Fractures of the scapula are often associated with concomitant injuries of adjacent anatomic structures (e.g., chest).

Frakturen der Skapula gehen aufgrund der anatomischen Nähe zum Brustkorb häufig mit thorakalen Begleitverletzungen einher.

25. Objective: To provide the anatomic data for liver transplantation and the left hepatic lobotomy.

26. The Branchial arches are embryologic structures that develop into anatomic structures in the adult human

27. Conclusion: NM can not replace the current nerve identification by meticulous preparation of anatomic structures.

Schlußfolgerung: Das NM kann nicht zur obligaten Forderung erhoben werden und eine sorgfältige anatomische Präparation nicht ersetzen.

28. Demand for Brachycephalic conformation as a breed standard persists despite health issues associated with the anatomic abnormalities

29. Brachycephalic airway syndrome occurs in cats that have anatomic abnormalities causing a more flat-faced appearance

30. Brachycephalic airway syndrome occurs in dogs that have anatomic abnormalities causing a more flat-faced appearance

31. Anatomic reconstruction of proximal ulna and olecranon fractures allowing early mobilization and prevention of ulnohumeral arthritis.

Anatomische Rekonstruktion von Frakturen der proximalen Ulna und des Olekranons mit früher Mobilisation und Vermeidung einer ulnohumeralen Arthrose.

32. Results: Independent of age, anatomic description of the distal forearm region was possible in all cases.

Ergebnisse: Eine sichere anatomische Zuordnung der Weichteile war dadurch in jedem Alter möglich.

33. When choosing the appropriate procedure the latter must be weighed against anatomic reconstruction and absolute stability.

Für die Wahl des geeigneten Therapieverfahrens muss Letztere gegenüber einer anatomischen Rekonstruktion und einer absoluten Stabilität abgewogen werden.

34. Purpose: Accurate measurement of alveolar bone and adjacent anatomic structures is of paramount importance in implant insertion.

Die histologische Untersuchung einer mittels chirurgischer Biopsie entnommenen Gewebeprobe ist nach wie vor der Goldstandard der Diagnostik. Der histopathologische Befund muss Hinweise auf mögliche dysplastische Veränderungen des Epithels geben, da diese das nachfolgende therapeutische Prozedere weitgehend bestimmen.

35. These variations cannot be dealt with by routine radiological analysis. — This is documented by anatomic material.

Sie entziehen sich routinemäßiger röntgenographischer Analyse.—Dies wird durch anatomische Unterlagen belegt.

36. By means of anatomic preparations, the technique of examination and the mechanism of trauma are demonstrated.

An anatomischen Präparaten werden die Untersuchungstechnik und der Mechanismus des Traumas demonstriert.

37. An abstract by Osawa et al 1 discusses Bifid ribs as anatomic variants found on routine cadaveric dissection

38. In addition, there is a broad spectrum of the anatomic variability for the arterial supply of the liver.

Daneben gibt es eine breite anatomische Variabilität in der arteriellen Gefäßversorgung der Leber.

39. Coro´nae, Coronas) (L.) crown; in anatomic nomenclature, an eminence or encircling structure that resembles a crown

40. • Recurrent, acute ear infections in addition to chronic effusion and anatomic alteration of the tympanic membrane (e.g., retraction pocket, granulomas)

41. So we learned the majority of anatomic classes taught, they do not have a cadaver dissection lab.

42. Also an anatomic reduction should be achieved with correct alignment especially with respect to varus/valgus and rotation.

Es ist zu beachten, anatomische Achs- bzw.

43. If symptomatic humeral head necrosis occurs, the implantation of an anatomic endoprothesis is possible on a secondary basis.

Bei Auftreten einer symptomatischen Humeruskopfnekrose kann dann sekundär eine anatomische Endoprothese implantiert werden.

44. Small and large peripheral nerves can be Anesthetized individually (peripheral nerve block) or in anatomic nerve bundles (plexus anesthesia).

45. Anaerobes have been encountered in infections at virtually all anatomic sites, although the frequency of recovery is highly variable

46. Amenorrhea can be due to pregnancy, anatomic defects of the outflow tract, ovarian disorders, and pituitary or hypothalamic disorders

47. To increase anatomic accuracy of cardiac activation mapping we combined non-contact endocardial mapping with four-dimensional computer tomography.

Um die anatomische Genauigkeit des Mapping zu erhöhen, untersuchten wir die Möglichkeit, Mapping-Bilder mit simultan gewonnenen drei- und vierdimensionalen computertomographischen (CT) Aufnahmen zu kombinieren.

48. Modern techniques in this field aim more toward redistribution of fatty tissues and the anatomic restoration of aging structures.

Mit den modernen Blepharoplastiktechniken werden eine Umverteilung von Fettgewebe und eine anatomische Restauration der alternden Strukturen angestrebt.

49. The zone of Apposition has anatomic importance because it is controlled by the abdomen and oblique muscles and directs diaphragmatic tension

50. Browse various styles ranging from traditional flash Bridles to anatomic options made with the horse's comfort in mind