Nghĩa của từ amount of delivery costs bằng Tiếng Đức

amount of delivery costs [əmauntɔfdilivəriːkɔsts] Bezugskostenbetrag

Đặt câu có từ "amount of delivery costs"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "amount of delivery costs", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ amount of delivery costs, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ amount of delivery costs trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Set up your delivery costs based on how you charge for delivery.

2. A = Amount of Actual hopper car maintenance costs = $60 million

3. Sum of all recoveries since closing, net of costs, in currency amount.

Summe aller Rückflüsse seit Abschluss ohne Kosten als Währungsbetrag

4. c) Host activity costs Organisation and country Number of young people Duration in months Unit costs Amount requested

5. The shipping costs are based on the dollar amount of the order.

6. The grant may amount to a maximum of 30 % of the overall acquisition costs.

Der Zuschuss kann höchstens 30 % der Gesamtbeschaffungskosten betragen.

7. 11 This wicker hamper is packed with delicious goodies and costs £ inclusive of nationwide delivery.

8. Antiknock agent preparation requires a limited amount of raw materials, lowering overall manufacturing costs.

9. The amount to be deducted for the transportation costs must be the actual amount paid to the shipper.

10. the aggregate amount of costs incurred and recognised profits (less recognised losses) to date

die Summe der angefallenen Kosten und ausgewiesenen Gewinne (abzüglich etwaiger ausgewiesener Verluste

11. the aggregate amount of costs incurred and recognised profits (less recognised losses) to date; and

die Summe der bis zum Stichtag angefallenen Kosten und ausgewiesenen Gewinne (abzüglich erfasster Verluste); und

12. According to the United Kingdom Government, the subjective value of the supply of the introduction for the taxable person is comprised of the acquisition and the delivery costs, the aggregate of which is therefore the taxable amount.

Hinsichtlich der Besteuerungsgrundlage führt die Regierung des Vereinigten Königreichs ferner aus, dass Artikel 11 Teil A Absatz 2 Buchstabe b der Sechsten Richtlinie bestätige, dass Beförderungs- und Versandkosten einzubeziehen seien und bestreitet insofern die von Bertelsmann vertretene Sichtweise des Urteils Empire Stores, die dieser Bestimmung widersprechen würde.

13. the aggregate amount of the Construction Costs to the date of the report, expressed in sterling;

den Gesamtbetrag der Baukosten bis zu dem Tag, auf den der Bericht datiert ist, ausgewiesen in Pfund Sterling,

14. (a) the aggregate amount of costs incurred and recognised profits (less recognised losses) to date;

(a) die Summe der angefallenen Kosten und ausgewiesenen Gewinne (abzüglich etwaiger ausgewiesener Verluste);

15. This amount does include costs of additional copy charges incurred in accordance with lease agreements.

16. The prices shall not include any costs and additional costs of the transportation, e.g., postage, transportation charges, delivery charges, etc. ; the purchaser shall be separately invoiced for such costs, unless otherwise agreed.

In den Preisen nicht eingeschlossen sind die Kosten und Nebenkosten des Versandes wie Porto, Fracht, Zustellgebühren etc.; diese Kosten werden dem Käufer, falls nicht anders vereinbart, gesondert in Rechnung gestellt.

17. Learn more about how to set up delivery costs for your Product Shopping ads.

18. This delivery scheme reduces transportation and storage costs, but requires additional planning and administration.

19. Aid intensity or amount: Reduction of the construction costs of property owners by reimbursing a certain amount of the paid Value Added Tax through tax account

Beihilfeintensität oder -höhe: Senkung der Baukosten der Eigentümer durch Rückerstattung eines Teils der Mehrwertsteuer über ein Steuerkonto

20. Increases in actual costs as compared to planning estimates or fluctuations in delivery; and

21. Aret Large Outside Broadcast Vans perfectly fit the needs of broadcasters, allowing costs and delivery time compression

22. [4] Working hypothesis that certification and other related costs amount to an average of 1.5 % of trade

[4] Ausgehend von der Arbeitshypothese, dass die Zertifizierungskosten und sonstige damit verbundene Kosten durchschnittlich 1,5 % des Handelsvolumens entsprechen.

23. Preferably, the effective amount of the pore forming agent provides long term delivery of the active agent.

24. The amount of the relief therefore remains below the additional costs of heating in the regions concerned.

Die Entlastung liegt somit unterhalb der zusätzlichen Heizkosten in den betroffenen Regionen.

25. Contribution is the amount of earnings remaining after all direct costs have been subtracted from revenue