Nghĩa của từ agency agreement bằng Tiếng Đức

agency agreement [eidʒənsiːəgriːmənt] Vertretungsvertrag

Đặt câu có từ "agency agreement"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "agency agreement", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ agency agreement, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ agency agreement trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Under Article 15 of the agency agreement he may sell them to resellers.

Ferner kann er sie nach § 15 VV an Wiederverkäufer verkaufen.


3. Technical Consultant Compensation is paid under the Agency Agreement in any form convenient for him.

Die Belohnung wird dem Technischen Konsultanten aufgrund des Vertrags des Auftrages in einer beliebigen für ihn bequemen Form ausgezahlt.

4. Agency Agreement Local currency loan Guarantee Senior Loan Equity Ordinary Loan Subordinated loan Annual Report 2005 – Investment Facility

5. He must, in particular, acquire demonstration vehicles at his own expense (Clause 4(7) of the German agency agreement).

Er müsse insbesondere Vorführwagen auf eigene Rechnung erwerben (§ 4 Absatz 7 des deutschen Vertretervertrags).

6. In addition, a German agent is required to maintain, at his own expense, a stock of spare parts to carry out repairs to vehicles in his workshop (Clause 14 of the agency agreement) (recital 159).

Außerdem müssten sie für die Reparaturen der Fahrzeuge in ihren Werkstätten ein Ersatzteillager auf eigene Rechnung unterhalten (§ 14 des Vertretervertrags) (159. Begründungserwägung).

7. In an Agency Agreement, the Agent agrees to take on, and the principal agrees to give the Agent, certain responsibilities so that the Agent may act for the principal in the specific situations described in the agreement.

8. Apple would have known that this goal and the goal of each of the four publishers of raising retail prices above the level set by Amazon (or avoiding the introduction of lower prices by Amazon) could be achieved if Apple: (i) followed the suggestion by at least some of the four publishers that it enter the market for the sale of e-books under an agency, rather than a wholesale, model; and (ii) informed each of the four publishers whether any of at least the other four publishers were entering into an agency agreement with Apple in the US under the same key terms.

Apple dürfte gewusst haben, dass dieses Ziel und das Ziel jedes der Vier Verlage, die Einzelhandelspreise über das von Amazon festgelegte Niveau hinaus anzuheben (oder die Einführung niedrigerer Preise durch Amazon zu verhindern) erreicht werden konnten, wenn Apple i) dem Vorschlag zumindest einiger der Vier Verlage folgte, den Markteintritt hinsichtlich des Verkaufs von E-Books im Rahmen eines Handelsvertretermodells anstatt im Rahmen eines Großhandelsmodells zu unternehmen, und ii) jeden der Vier Verlage informierte, ob einer zumindest der anderen Vier Verlage einen Handelsvertretervertrag mit Apple in den USA zu den gleichen zentralen Bedingungen schließen würde.