Nghĩa của từ advanced age bằng Tiếng Đức

advanced age [ədvɑːnsteidʒ] fortgeschrittenes Alte

Đặt câu có từ "advanced age"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "advanced age", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ advanced age, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ advanced age trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. On my advanced age, I dote.

2. What burdens can advanced age impose on a person?

3. · Retirement, cessation of employ-ment at advanced age, old age

4. But what if illness or advanced age somewhat limits your ministry?

5. His advanced age (he was 65) was also taken into account.

6. I'm happy to see that your advanced age hasn't caused memory loss.

7. We may be limited by advanced age, poor health, or family responsibilities.

8. In spite of his advanced age, he received several votes during its celebration.

Ungeachtet seines fortgeschrittenen Alters erhielt er bei der Wahl mehrere Stimmen.

9. Her memory's a little spotty these days due to her advanced age and all.

Dieser Tage lässt ihr Gedächtnis wegen ihres Alters etwas nach.

10. Medial Calcifications, for example, are most often associated with kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension, and advanced age

11. Our findings show qualitative differences in attachment representation with clear consequences for lifestyles in advanced age.

Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen qualitative Unterschiede in den Bindungsrepräsentationen der Probanden mit deutlichen Konsequenzen für ihre Lebensstile im Alter.

12. This compendium of all the old Roman virtues died at an advanced age, respected and feared.

13. In spite of Daniel’s advanced age, what significant role would he still play in Jehovah’s service?

14. 4 In spite of his advanced age, however, Daniel’s role in Jehovah’s service was not over.

15. He was reelected to Congress in 1785 but declined to attend because of his advanced age.

1785 wurde er wieder gewählt, lehnte aber wegen seines fortgeschrittenen Alters ab.

16. Has failing health or advanced age placed some limits on what we can do in God’s service?

Setzt uns nachlassende Gesundheit oder vorgerücktes Alter gewisse Grenzen in bezug auf das, was wir im Dienst für Gott tun können?

17. Therefore, unfavorable circumstances, such as physical ailments, advanced age, and family obligations, undoubtedly prevented some from returning.

18. Advanced age or failing health may place certain limits on what we can do in Jehovah’s service.

Vorgerücktes Alter oder nachlassende Gesundheit setzen uns vielleicht gewisse Grenzen in Bezug auf das, was wir im Dienst für Jehova tun können.

19. Despite advanced age and failing health, this lady became our sister and continues active in Jehovah’s service.

Obwohl sie schon älter war und die Gesundheit nachließ, wurde diese Dame unsere Schwester und dient Jehova treu.

20. Sarah herself was to give birth to that heir, despite her advanced age. —Genesis 17:15, 16.

21. Advanced age, vocational and private stress, concerns, fear of failure or excitedness provide are reasons for sexuality problems.

Fortgeschrittenes Alter, beruflicher und privater Stress, Sorgen, Versagensangst oder Aufgeregtheit sind die Gründe für sexuelle Probleme.

22. For example, advanced age or enfeebling illness may limit the share that some have in the preaching work.

23. Years later, in spite of advanced age and poor health, Sister Buval remains loyally attached to Jehovah’s organization.

Viele Jahre sind seitdem vergangen, und Schwester Buval steht trotz ihres fortgeschrittenen Alters und ihrer schlechten Gesundheit nach wie vor loyal zu Jehovas Organisation.

24. Public authorities shall ensure special health care to children, pregnant women, handicapped people and persons of advanced age

25. John identified himself as “the older man,” apparently because of his advanced age and degree of spiritual growth.

Johannes bezeichnete sich als „der ältere Mann“, anscheinend wegen seines hohen Alters und seiner geistigen Reife.

26. Closely approaching advanced age If a claimant is Closely approaching advanced age (age 50-54), consider whether the claimant’s age, along with a severe impairment(s) and limited work experience, may seriously affect his or her ability to adjust to other work

27. Despite his disability and advanced age, his regular and active presence at all the congregation meetings greatly encouraged others.

28. Citing their advanced age, Zechariah asked with disbelief for a sign so he would know the truth of this prophecy.

29. The advanced age of the three surviving former orphans on the plaintiff's side helped expedite a settlement with the state.

30. There seems to be some loss of brain cells as a person ages, and advanced age can bring memory loss.

Die Gehirnzellen scheinen mit dem Alter weniger zu werden, und hohes Alter kann mit einem nachlassenden Gedächtnis einhergehen.

31. LOCKE In spite of that lady's advanced age, these rooms had been newly fitted up in the daintiest, most Coquettish …

32. A kindly man, of advanced age and with an artificial limb, at once accepted the book Creation and ordered a Bible.

33. 6:10) Therefore, resist adopting a negative viewpoint, wrongly thinking that because of advanced age, you are no longer useful to Jehovah.

34. Despite advanced age and health problems, I am happy that I can still have an active share in the activities of the congregation.

35. It is a sample of the many things that can be done by others to ease the burdens that come with advanced age.

36. (Psalm 90:10; Exodus 4:10-17) Advanced age did not prevent the prophet Daniel from giving a fearless witness regarding Jehovah’s sovereignty.

37. Lynn, through her company Sterling Resources Inc., is a consultant to businesses on programs relating to aging, longevity, Centenarians and others of advanced age

38. The Broadcasters Foundation of America provides monthly grants to Broadcasters who are unable to work due to an illness, accident, advanced age or other serious misfortune

39. There is every reason to believe that the number of anointed ones will continue to decline as advanced age and unforeseen occurrences end their earthly lives.

40. 13 At times, faithful ones in the congregation may be in need of material assistance because of advanced age, infirmity, or some adversity beyond their control.

41. The denial of access to intensive care, however, cannot be justified by the advanced age of the patient alone. This would display an ethically problematic form of discrimination (ageism).

Fortsetzung intensivmedizinischer Maßnahmen mitzubedenken ist, dass aber das Vorenthalten intensivmedizinischer Leistungen allein aufgrund des Alters eine ethisch problematische Form der Diskriminierung („ageism“) darstellen würde.

42. According to Roy Kessels, a researcher at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, the main reasons for the forgetfulness are advanced age, preconceived opinions, stress, and a lack of visual explanations.

43. Think of the multitudes who are no longer able to care for themselves because of advanced age, of individuals wasting away with incurable diseases, and of families struggling economically to make ends meet.

44. Avail® proudly partners with BlueCheck to conduct advanced age verification for customers purchasing on our website to ensure only those of legal smoking age in the state they reside have access to …

45. The researchers reported: “The favorable response to strength training in our subjects is remarkable in light of their very advanced age, extremely sedentary habits, multiple chronic diseases and functional disabilities and nutritional inadequacies.”

46. Avail® proudly partners with BlueCheck to conduct advanced age verification for customers purchasing on our website to ensure only those of legal smoking age in the state they reside have access to nicotine products

47. Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it when young, it will give us no shade when we grow old. 

48. Cataracts form for a variety of reasons, including infrared and microwave exposure, secondary effects of diseases such as diabetes, or simply due to advanced age; they are usually a result of denaturation of lens proteins

49. 25 Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it when young, it will give us no shade when we grow old. 

50. (Ecclesiastes 12:8) Actually, it is the very height of vanity to ignore the Grand Creator in youth, to grow old without serving him, and to have only advanced age to show for a long life.