Nghĩa của từ account duration bằng Tiếng Đức

account duration [əkauntdjureiʃən] Kontolaufzeit

Đặt câu có từ "account duration"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "account duration", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ account duration, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ account duration trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Đức

1. Any cash positions shall be taken into account using their nominal value duration adjusted.

Geld-Positionen werden zum durationsbereinigten Nominalwert berücksichtigt.

2. Furthermore, PCC claims that State creditors should have also taken into account the duration of the reorganisation phase versus the duration of the bankruptcy proceedings.

Nach Auffassung der PCC hätten die staatlichen Gläubiger zudem auch die Dauer der Umstrukturierungsphase im Vergleich zur Dauer des Insolvenzverfahrens berücksichtigen sollen.

3. That report should take into account any legal change concerning the duration of maternity leave for employees.

Dieser Bericht sollte jegliche gesetzliche Änderung in Bezug auf die Dauer des Mutterschaftsurlaubs für Arbeitnehmerinnen berücksichtigen.

4. [ unfilled duration / "Unfilled ad duration in optimized pods" value ] *

5. Duration: Continuous.

6. Modifiers to skill effect duration affect the duration of debuffs applied by skills, but not the duration of Ailments.

7. Our results showed afterdischarge duration, stage 5 duration, and seizure duration were decreased and stage 4 latency increased significantly.

8. The coma duration prognostication model can prognosticate the duration of coma.

9. Fading duration

10. Set chord duration

11. Duration: Two months.

12. Flip Animation duration

13. Eligible activities and duration

Förderfähige Aktivitäten und Projektlaufzeit

14. Initial ad request duration

15. Duration of the concession.

16. If your account is suspended, it’ll be placed on immediate payment hold and no ads will be displayed for the duration of the suspension.

17. Maximum ad duration (standard pods only): Enter the duration, in seconds, for each ad position.

18. Mission - Agonize - Duration: 11 minutes

19. The variance of the duration

20. Average ad session duration = total duration of all ad sessions (in seconds) / number of ad sessions

21. Duration and Methods of Treatment

22. (ii) the duration of relaying.

ii) Dauer der Umsetzung.

23. The Google Analytics goals “Pages/Screens per session” and “Duration” must be excluded from “Conversions” in your Google Ads account and use the category of "Other."

24. The duration of this aftereffect can be controlled through the duration and intensity of the stimulation.

Die Dauer der Nacheffekte lässt sich durch Stimulationsdauer und -intensität steuern.

25. The duration of the institutional budget is also aligned with the duration of the Strategic Plan.