Nghĩa của từ search out bằng Tiếng Sec

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Đặt câu có từ "search out"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "search out", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ search out, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ search out trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. Search out and perform temple ordinances for extended family members.

2. 20 How can we search out the right man for the job?

3. You would likely search out accurate details about his appearance and methods.

4. “For people to search out their own glory, is it glory?”—Proverbs 25:27.

5. Did they do so despite spies and inspectors making rounds to search out infants?

6. He said: “Into whatever city or village you enter, search out who in it is deserving.”

7. 14 Jehovah has no place in his organization for self-aggrandizing schemers who try to “search out their own glory.”

8. In our day too, many ignore Jehovah’s law and search out spirit mediums, consult horoscopes, and resort to other forms of occultism to solve their problems.

9. Although many, like Toffler, suggest that it is man’s responsibility to “search out totally new ways to anchor himself,” the evidence proves that humans are incapable of providing their own solutions.

10. (Simough, Bird of Acientry) Shining Angel x3 4 Star Light Monster When destroyed in battle search out a 1500 atk or less light monster and special summon it to the field

11. (Simough, Bird of Acientry) Shining Angel x3 4 Star Light Monster When destroyed in battle search out a 1500 atk or less light monster and special summon it to the field

12. In order to search out deserving ones, he reasoned “in the synagogue with the Jews . . . and every day in the marketplace with those who happened to be on hand.”—Acts 17:17.

13. Because past crises were usually local, but today ‘only a global solution is now adequate,’ and whereas there was time to search out solutions to previous problems, ‘only rapid action will now suffice.’

14. Boundly boy fail"Tidy the turdion watch for the fontanelFollow the photo grass search out the sentinelSing of the sandpaper roots for the matchmakerTaste out the after mint Eastwood the motor Clint

15. The Aldabra uses its sense of smell to find food, search out likely spots breed or nest in find a suitable mate and of most importantly to smell the presence of likely predators

16. Barbus) of central and western European rivers is a slender, rather elongate fish with a thick-lipped, crescent-shaped mouth and four Barbels, which it uses to search out fish, mollusks, and other food along the river bottom

17. (Psalm 110:2) In this corrupt world alienated from God, the Messiah is fulfilling his Father’s desire to search out all who want to come to know God as he really is and to worship him “with spirit and truth.”

18. They tried to search out ways and means and arrived at solutions of taking the relationship between India and Uzbekistan to an entirely different level including in political cooperation, in cooperation in counterterrorism, in defence cooperation, in cyber cooperation and in trade and economic terms.

19. Thus, not only have I the father's spirit in the son to contend against, the germs of his evil tendencies to search out and eradicate, and his corrupting intercourse and example in after-life to counteract, but already he Counteracts my arduous labour for the child's advantage, destroys my influence over his tender mind, and robs me of his very love; I had no earthly hope but this, and he