Nghĩa của từ redundancies bằng Tiếng Sec

edundancies <n.> nadbytečnosti Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "redundancies"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "redundancies", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ redundancies, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ redundancies trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. The redundancies will be phased over two years.

2. The disappointing sales figures foreshadow more redundancies.

3. The union would like more input on redundancies.

4. 10 The disappointing sales figures foreshadow more redundancies.

5. He was gobsmacked when he heard of the redundancies.

6. Calculation of redundancies and of cessation of activity

7. Workers won their fight to stop compulsory redundancies.

8. 5 The closure of the mine led to large-scale redundancies.

9. Events giving rise to the redundancies and cessation of activity

10. Expensive redundancies and associated problems with information consistency are eliminated.

11. The union remains obdurate that any redundancies must be voluntary.

12. News of 160 redundancies had sent tremors through the community.

13. The closure of the mine led to large-scale redundancies.

14. The upshot of the discussions is that there will be no redundancies.

15. The ministry has said it hopes to avoid compulsory redundancies.

16. The introduction of job sharing could prevent the need for redundancies.

17. Several other employers have had to make redundancies in recent years.

18. The closure of the export department resulted in over 100 redundancies.

19. As industries try to streamline and become more competitive, redundancies set in.

20. Or for the axe to fall in the next round of redundancies.

21. Number of redundancies and cessations of activity during the reference period (a) || 657

22. Number of redundancies or cessations of activity during the reference period (a) || 551

23. Number of redundancies or cessations of activity during the reference period: || 705

24. The economic downturn has meant 10 000 redundancies in the North-East.

25. Today's announcement of 300 redundancies does not augur well for the local economy.

26. Work came to a complete standstill when rumours of redundancies started to circulate.

27. The news of more cuts has raised the specter of redundancies once again.

28. Number of redundancies or cessations of activity before or after the reference period (b) || 16

29. When she mentioned redundancies, for one ghastly moment, I thought she meant me.

30. The news of more cuts has raised the spectre of redundancies once again.

31. the equivalent of 725 full-time redundancies, i.e. almost half of the December 2009 workforce,

32. Read in studio Defence and Aerospace contractors Smiths Industries have announced another round of redundancies.

33. We are expecting in excess of 000 redundancies, which will be spread over three years.

34. The Ascidian genome contains fewer genetic redundancies, represented by the presence of only one Mesp gene

35. He said there would be no enforced redundancies, but some vacant posts would remain unfilled.

36. 16 Shearson yesterday blamed the continued slowdown in market activity and excess capacity for the redundancies.

37. Later, my employer was asking for voluntary redundancies (a financial incentive to employees who voluntarily resign).

38. Even if the company wins the order, however, it will be too late to stave off 300 redundancies.

39. 25 Bosses at Ford also announced 180 job losses on top of an expected 000 white collar redundancies.

40. In the case of Alitalia, there is talk of around 5000 redundancies but all the airlines have been affected.

41. The redundancies amount to over 1 % of the total labour force in the Fingal County Council area.

42. Or, Collectivize with redundancies in essential skill sets with 50-60 general service types former lawyers, novelists, police officers,etc

43. 20 Even if the company wins the order, however, it will be too late to stave off 300 redundancies.

44. We must have over 100 redundancies in place to prevent some punk with a laptop from hijacking satellites.

45. In case of redundancies, cutbacks, or transfers, those with poor work records are often the first lo go.

46. 30 Time allowed 041 Read in studio A mass meeting of council workers has been told that redundancies are unavoidable.

47. In mid-1981 Virgin was doing badly; the company had made redundancies and the roster was being cut back.

48. The foremen, members of the white-collar Manufacturing Science and Finance union, were protesting over the threat of compulsory redundancies.

49. But a spokesman said there should be no need for further job cuts on top of 250 redundancies already in the pipeline.

50. 6 Hugh was at the Milton sit-in, where the workers won a fight to stop compulsory redundancies but lost the war.