Nghĩa của từ not to take bằng Tiếng Sec


Đặt câu có từ "not to take"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "not to take", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ not to take, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ not to take trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. Be sure not to take too much Antihistamine

2. Taekwondo exists to preserve life, not to take it.

3. Bridget was careful not to take him for granted.

4. His doctor advised him not to take any strenuous exercise.

5. You must be careful not to take liberties with old people.

6. They very prudently decided not to take the case to court.

7. He made them sign Aureately promising not to take any more land

8. It's irreverent for a man not to take his hat off in church.

9. Many people felt that America ought not to take part in the war.

10. Bob's decision not to take the job ran counter to his family's expectations.

11. I had been consulting my female advisees not to take that kind of crap

12. Renato: After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, we decided not to take him along.

13. · Not to take into account employees’ political or philosophical opinions, religious beliefs, or origin;

14. According to Aldrich it was common practice for U.S. troops not to take prisoners.

15. It is unrealistic not to take account of the culture, identity and sovereignty of Egypt.

16. So it 's important not to take more than the dose recommended on the package .

17. My friend told me he'd played a joke on me and not to take any notice.

18. If you decide not to take Cobra coverage, you can enroll in a Marketplace plan instead.

19. Pahoran might easily have resented Moroni and his message, but he chose not to take offense.

20. 23 A number of the United States' allies had urged him not to take a hasty decision.

21. Job 9:18 He suffereth me not to take my breath, for he filleth me with Bitternesses

22. While this is an interesting coincidence, one must be careful not to take the anagram too seriously.

23. (c) What shows that ‘abstaining from blood’ means not to take it into your body at all?

24. Don't Blame your unhappiness on me—I told you not to take that job! See also: Blame, on

25. Don't Blame me for your unhappiness—I told you not to take that job! See also: Blame, for

26. Participants are asked not to take advantage of this "anglo-hispanic" truce by increasing their deliveries to Spain.'

27. Smith So she knew that, since the natives were non- Alate , she was not to take wing on Earth.

28. A way to avoid making things worse when you are under stress is not to take on additional unnecessary responsibilities.

29. Says one school textbook: “Jehovah’s Witnesses . . . followed the teaching of the Bible not to take up weapons in any cause.

30. The easy way… Obviously, the best way to avoid drug Comedowns is not to take any drugs in the first place

31. (Phm 10-17) The apostle Paul also admonished Christian slaves not to take improper advantage of their relationship with believing masters.

32. In a recent TikTok video, she warned people traveling from the US not to take a voucher if they get involuntarily Bumped.

33. Diane had to Adjure her fiancée not to take an interest in anyone else while away on a business trip.

34. Lewis, a curvaceous dominatrix, believes limits can be tested, but that it's her job not to take the game too far in her personal relationships.

35. Cricketing can be totally accidental, so unless you know for sure the person you're texting is purposely ignoring you, try not to take it personally

36. Because Block chose not to take the time to turn Afterthoughts into a coherent memoir, he offers it for 99 cents and makes no bones …

37. 11 Lewis, a curvaceous dominatrix, believes limits can be tested, but that it's her job not to take the game too far in her personal relationships.

38. Beethoven, preferring not to take the long detour from Nussdorf via the Danube bridge over the Prater, decided on the shortest route, the crossing between Jedlesee and Nussdorf.

39. Prosecutors decide whether or not to take legal action against the people police arrest and they decide what charges to file, directly impacting how much time a defendant potentially faces behind bars.

40. Whereas the moisture content af the leaf tobacco stage for Portuguese Burley appears not to take proper account of the weather conditions peculiar to its production areas; whereas it should accordingly be amended;

41. Her online article I created the Burkini to give women freedom, not to take it away, in the August 24, 2016 Guardian Opinion section, is an interesting source and contains an additional short video.

42. 73 Finally, ADM submits that, in failing to give proper reasons for its decision not to take into account ADM’s EEA sales in the relevant product market, the Commission infringed its obligation to state reasons.

43. There are, indeed, a few writers—Lamb is one of them—whose uncompromising terms, 'Love me, love my Archaisms', are generally accepted; but they are taking risks that a novice will do well not to take.

44. ‘With the addition of land to which title is held by state governments, the total amount of American land owned Communally is 39.8 percent.’ ‘People also have a tendency not to take breaks Communally anymore except for the odd lunch or drinks after work.’

45. It would be a shame not to take advantage of this opportunity to implement the suggestions that were discussed during the year and that could contribute to the revitalization and proper functioning of the Conference, and in particular the undertaking of substantive work at the 2012 session.

46. It's only natural to want a little revenge when you've been the target of a practical joke, but try not to take it too seriously.Here are a few prank suggestions that will help you keep your retaliation light-hearted and clean so everyone still has fun.

47. First, this is a reminder to all of us who try to communicate climate science to the general public - or even to the media elite and other opinion makers erroneously labeled the "Cognoscenti" - not to take the most basic fact of climate science for

48. To enter into the mystery, we need humility, the lowliness to abase ourselves, to come down from the pedestal of our “I” which is so proud, of our presumption; the humility not to take ourselves so seriously, recognizing who we really are: creatures with strengths and weaknesses, sinners in need of forgiveness.

49. All my friends have taken the Vaccinetion even when I have told then not to take it,and showed them all the video against it , they just LOL at me and tell me that I am a Conspirest terrorist, it make me very sad, but I suspose it is there life, and I should just let them get on with, or sad in an ohter way “I CAN LEAD A HORSE TO WATER, BUT I

50. Recognising that North Korea’s continued pursuit of nuclear and ballistic missile programmes and its proliferation links, including the launch of a ballistic missile flying over Japanese territory on 29 August 2017, pose grave and real threat to international peace and stability and the international non-proliferation efforts, the two Prime Ministers strongly urged North Korea to abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes and not to take any further provocative actions, and to fully comply with its international obligations under relevant UNSC resolutions including the newly and unanimously adopted resolution 2375, and other international commitments.