Nghĩa của từ newtonian bằng Tiếng Sec

Newtonian Newtonovský

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "newtonian", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ newtonian, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ newtonian trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. I mean, they're Newtonian objects.

2. Currently, he is conducting experiments on both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids Atomization

3. Collimating the Newtonian Telescope

4. Collimating Newtonian Reflector Without The Tool

5. Modern physics is the post-Newtonian conception of physics.

6. It was clearly superior to Newtonian gravity, being consistent with special relativity and accounting for several effects unexplained by the Newtonian theory.

7. 27 This theory is now subsumed by Newtonian mechanics.

8. In a Newtonian universe, there's no center -- thank you.

9. 18 Out of postulate three it says Newtonian mechanics applicable.

10. Example: Benjamin Robins's extraordinary application of Newtonian physics to ballistics.

11. I have questions with the values of Newtonian science, like rationality.

12. Method and device for accelerating molecules of a newtonian fluid in tubes

13. The renormalized theory ofLodge accounts for non-Newtonian viscosity and overshoot effects.

14. Dynamic viscosity (or absolute viscosity) determines the dynamics of an incompressible Newtonian fluid.

15. Solomark Collimation Eyepiece - 1.25Inch Cheshire Without Laser for Newtonian Telescopes and Reflectors - Metal, Long

16. The kinetic regularity for subsidence of solid particles in non - Newtonian fluid was dis - cussed.

17. The difference and similarity between shadow moire fringe and Newtonian circlet are discussed from basic principles.

18. The Modified Newtonian dynamics or MOND hypothesis proposed that the force of gravity deviates from the traditional Newtonian value to a very different force law at very low accelerations on the order of 10−10 m/s2.

19. Biomechanics is the applica-tion of Newtonian mechanics to the study of the neuromuscular skeletal system

20. The assumptions for the stream function equation are listed below: The flow is incompressible and Newtonian.

21. Accelerations in special relativity (SR) follow, as in Newtonian Mechanics, by differentiation of velocity with respect to time.

22. In addition(Sentence dictionary), it explains various detailed observational facts which are incompatible with the older Newtonian scheme.

23. Newton developed the ideas of universal gravitation, Newtonian mechanics, and calculus, and Robert Hooke his eponymously named law of elasticity.

24. The STC Series Off-axis Newtonian Collimators from Santa Barbara Infrared provide superior performance in a compact, light weight, readily integrated package

25. Fully developed laminar flow of purely viscous non-Newtonian liquids through Annuli, including the effects of eccentricity and inner-cylinder rotation

26. The transducer can be used as an absolute instrument, but it is easier to calibrate it with Newtonian liquids of known viscosity.

27. Biomechanics is a compound word which means the application of Newtonian mechanics to biological systems, including but not limited to the human body

28. An Altazimuth variation that's popular on Newtonian reflectors of all sizes (from $200 starter scopes to 36-inch monsters) is the Dobsonian mount

29. The finite-difference technique is used for analysis of Newtonian creeping flow through a helical rectangular duct of a helical screw agitator rotating in a draught tube.

30. Aligning the optics of a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope (SCT) is much easier than Collimating a Newtonian telescope and can easily be learned by any user

31. With the various odds versus evens Arbitrarinesses and other such difficulties, there seems to be an ontological unsatisfactoriness in the speed-unbounded Newtonian collision system

32. 11) Assumed the blood in Arterioles is a non-Newtonian fluid governed by the power law, a detailed optimization analysis for Arteriole blood vessels was conducted.

33. Since Sir Isaac Newton originated the concept of viscosity, the study of liquids with strain rate dependent viscosity is also often called Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics.

34. The number of equations has decreased compared to Newtonian mechanics, from 3N to n = 3N − C coupled second order differential equations in the generalized coordinates.

35. Magically, the words will start flowing. The inspiration will hit you like a Newtonian apple and fantabulous images and ideas will literally explode from your brain.

36. And yet Cybernetics is as philosophical as it is technical, with the first chapter devoted to Newtonian and Bergsonian time and the philosophical mixed with the technical throughout

37. Thomas Bass, in his book The Eudaemonic Pie (1985) (published as The Newtonian Casino in Britain), has claimed to be able to predict wheel performance in real time.

38. The post-Newtonian expansion is analyzed for an algebraically extended theory of gravity equivalent to a theory with a real, nonsymmetric metric, previously referred to as Algebraically Extended Hilbert Gravity (AHG).

39. On the basis of this background the final part of the paper reviews recent developments in fluid mechanics (including fluid agitation) and heat transfer in systems exhibiting non-Newtonian behavior.

40. The dependence of the Understanding on the representations of the Senses, and its consequent posteriority thereto, as contrasted with the independence and Antecedency of Reason, are strikingly exemplified in the Ptolemaic System […] compared with the Newtonian […

41. Aplanats were originally invented as astronomical telescopes (Schwarzschild, 1905-1906, Head, 1957, Lynden-Bell, 2002), motivated by superior image fidelity - compared to conventional Newtonian, Cassegrain, Gregorian and Keplerian telescopes that remove spherical (zeroth-order) aberration only - resulting from the additional elimination of

42. Other important theoretical developments included the inception of alternative theories to general relativity, in particular, scalar-tensor theories such as the Brans–Dicke theory; the parameterized post-Newtonian formalism in which deviations from general relativity can be quantified; and the framework of the equivalence principle.

43. If like me you own some sort of reflector telescope, whether this be a Newtonian, Dobsonian, Ritchey Chretien or as I have a Hyperboloid Astrograph then you'll know that there is a very strong importance on Collimation, the faster the optics the more critical Collimation becomes, especially for imaging

44. If like me you own some sort of reflector telescope, whether this be a Newtonian, Dobsonian, Ritchey Chretien or as I have a Hyperboloid Astrograph then you’ll know that there is a very strong importance on Collimation, the faster the optics the more critical Collimation becomes, especially for imaging.

45. Page x - Natur uns unbegreiflich ist, erschaffen, so hat er auch können eine Attractionem universalem materiae imprimiren, wenn gleich solche attractio supra captum ist, da hingegen die Principia Cartesiana allzeit contra captum etwas involviren." Here the writer, expressing wonder that Euler had so long adhered to the Cartesian principles, declares himself a thorough-going Newtonian, not

46. Primary mirror collimation is the most critical adjustment in a Newtonian, and it’s been realized that with modern fast focal ratios of f/4.5 and faster, the errors which can occur in laser Collimating the primary using the conventional method of folding the beam back on itself can exceed good collimation tolerances.