Nghĩa của từ microbes bằng Tiếng Sec

microbes <n.,pl..> mikroby Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "microbes"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "microbes", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ microbes, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ microbes trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. It wasn't flying microbes.

2. Biofilms are colonies of microbes

3. Microbes in Acidophilic Environment 3

4. He did pioneering work on microbes.

5. Microbes too — they group together into communities called Biofilms

6. Simple microbes could have evolved in those waters.

7. Microbes can change poisonous waste into harmless material.

8. Link between Autointoxication, mental vitality and intes-tinal microbes

9. Correctly referred to as Acellular microbes or infectious particles

10. There are microbes, you know -- go back to yeast.

11. Biomining takes advantage of microbes that eat rocks, or lithotrophs

12. Chemostats allow for the steady-state cultivation of microbes

13. Gut microbes closely linked to range of health issues

14. This process is called chemosynthesis, and a lot of different microbes can do it, microbes living in rocks and soils all over the world.

15. The respiration of microbes in activated sludge is in close relation to the removal of the substratum in wastewater and the growth of microbes.

16. Intestinal microbes can degrade Catechins, yet the resulting metabolites may have …

17. So we began cultivating these products, these microbes, in our lab.

18. You start talking about microbes and nanomeds, you sound almost... passionate

19. But, how could single-celled microbes transform into complex life?

20. Our ocean's teaming with microbes; in fact, when Craig Venter went and sequenced the microbes in the ocean, in the first three months tripled the known species on the planet by discovering all-new microbes in the first 20 feet of water.

21. Microbes deep beneath seafloor survive on Byproducts of radioactive process

22. The microbes exploited virtually every niche on this planet for energy.

23. Microbes in the rumen help digest very small particles of food.

24. Antibacterial soaps, like those listed below, help to kill some of those microbes

25. What Is Bioremediation? Bioremediation is the use of microbes to clean up

26. Biodegradable plastics are sometimes made from materials that microbes do readily digest

27. The human mouth contains about 100 million microbes per milliliter of saliva.

28. Some of the common Biocatalysts include microbes, lipases, proteases, cellulases and amylases.

29. Appendaged or budding bacteria are a heterogeneous collection of microbes or bacteria

30. Breaking these aggregates open by intensive tillage exposes that organic matter to soil microbes.

31. Some Concentrates are also treated to remove harmful microbes, thereby enhancing shelf life

32. Some microbes have abilities that could be beneficial to humans, such as Biomining.

33. The budding and/or Appendaged bacteria are a heterogeneous collection of unicellular microbes

34. So all of you right now are sharing your microbes with one another.

35. However, pasteurisation can only kill 90% to 99% of microbes in the milk.

36. There are microbes out there that actually make gasoline, believe it or not.

37. Strychnine is used to kill rodents and pyrrolizidine alkaloids have significant activity against microbes.

38. “Microbes, and their vectors, recognize none of the artificial boundaries erected by human beings.”

39. Microbes must, as far as possible, be excluded from the room during an operation.

40. But we can't force the microbes and they generate a small amount of electricity per second.

41. Boiling water is used to kill microbes present in it and to make it soft.

42. She attributes this to Arber's unique ingredients that include microbes utilized to activate plants' natural

43. Unfortunately, every time a lidless toilet is flushed, it Aerosolises a fine mist of microbes

44. Mars: how scientists prevent Earth’s microbes from Contaminating other planets February 4, 2021 7.05am EST

45. “American consumers are waging a misguided war on microbes in the home,” reports USA Today.

46. Buildings are colonized by airborne microbes that enter through windows and through mechanical ventilation systems.

47. Microbes, for example, can be a perfect alternative for high-grade fish meal -- at scale.

48. Biofilms are usually composed of mixed strains of bacteria, fungi, yeasts, algae, microbes, and other cellular debris

49. For example, Jehovah designed tiny living things called microbes, which can only be seen with a microscope.

50. Microbes sneak in through our breath, our food, our urogenital tract, or breaks in our skin.