Nghĩa của từ metaphorical bằng Tiếng Sec


Đặt câu có từ "metaphorical"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "metaphorical", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ metaphorical, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ metaphorical trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. Divorce was metaphorical.

2. Metaphorical Conceptualisations of corruption in different cultures

3. Avalokitesvara is the metaphorical rock star of the Bodhisattvas

4. In reference to a bed (real or metaphorical) on which… See definitions of Childbed.

5. Over time Convoluted took on its metaphorical sense of complicated and …

6. The three metaphorical concepts form a conceptual system based on subcategorization and entailment .

7. Adage definition is - a saying often in metaphorical form that typically embodies a common observation

8. They are so conventionalized that speakers may not be conscious of their being metaphorical.

9. “Analogical” means “of or pertaining to an analogy”, and is close in meaning to “metaphorical

10. Jumping back to Samuel Johnson's word impute, its meaning was to subtract from that same metaphorical balance sheet.

11. Crapulent Having the aura or quality of crap about it; worthless, full of crap in the metaphorical sense

12. Chin Conceives of these overlays as a target, a metaphorical reference to the works pin-point cleanup

13. During the time of torture, such artists as Vera Sienra worked in the language of metaphorical mutilation.

14. 18 It was instead the most conspicuous part of the physical and metaphorical Iron Curtain dividing free and unfree Europe.

15. "Covered in" is more metaphorical: the covering is widely distributed over the object, but does not actually hide it.

16. In the Bible and in Jewish theology, the Abyss is often a metaphorical reference to the place of evil spirits.

17. Athelstan played a metaphorical role in the series as he represented the growing impact of Christianity during the Viking Age

18. Madonna returned to pure dance songs with Confessions on a Dance Floor, infusing club beats and retro music with paradoxical and metaphorical lyrics.

19. This study suggests that the semantic relations from the source domain of light and dark are partially mapped onto the target domain of happiness and sadness but that there are a number of inconsistencies and gaps in the linguistic correspondences; centrally, metaphorical light is not used Antonymously with metaphorical dark, although there is

20. What does Conceit mean? (countable, rhetoric, literature) An ingenious expression or metaphorical idea, especially in extended form or used as a

21. Adj.- metaphorical juxtaposion of the effect of being Bucked (standard def.) by a donkey, as it pertains to an existential circumstance 2.

22. Ironically, i came by the word "Accreted" honestly, laboring through many synonyms until i found the perfect geological/metaphorical term

23. People who have no light, whether it's physical or metaphorical, cannot pass our exams, and we can never know what they know.

24. “Chariot” is a metaphorical vehicle for getting to a place in your mind that is a more broken down and laid back

25. Whereas such descriptions for things like the seven heavens are now considered metaphorical, in the case of the Aethers this description is literally true

26. Constructional approaches are explicitly or implicitly declarative and constraint based, 150 notwithstanding the tempting metaphorical interpretation of construction as denoting the building of big things out of little things

27. As much as he admired Hofmannsthal, Rilke also distinguished between a poetic and metaphorical language of things and a language conceived abstractedly and rationally.

28. If someone deals with A hot potato issue, he is dealing with something that is “too hot to handle” and he might get “burned”, in the metaphorical sense

29. Metaphorical Conceptualisations of corruption may vary across cultural groups based on their different cognitive preferences, physical experiences and socio-political contexts (Kövecses, 2005, Kövecses, 2017)

30. Metaphorical 3 Snippet (Full Song --> iHeartRadio, Spotify, iTunes & Play Store) by Brooklynite published on 2018-01-12T00:08:02Z Thug Combo Snippet by Brooklynite

31. ‘Bogland’ is a poem that is poised between the literal and the symbolic and the reader must constantly shift between the literal and metaphorical reading of the text

32. When you enter into a professional counselling relationship with us, we use this metaphorical Blue pencil approach to help you become more aware of your life’s storyline

33. In a different vain, one could assume that the authors' statements are not intended to be read in a literal manner and that they are meant to be purely allegorical or metaphorical accounts.

34. Principally translated by Valentin Krustev, with supplemental translations by Jack Harte, Ashes Of Light anthologizes philosophical, metaphorical, intuitive, and eccentric poetical rhetoric drawn from the works of Lyubomir Levchev.

35. The Banter bus is a metaphorical term used to describe the activity of going to a place of interest with Banterous intent usually some sort of clunge fest

36. The hourglass, sometimes with the addition of metaphorical wings, is often depicted as a symbol that human existence is fleeting, and that the "sands of time" will run out for every human life.

37. Armamentaria is an experimental project to visually unpack surgical instruments as material and metaphorical objects. Using photography, the artist Elaine Duigenan will explore instruments’ contradictory status as the therapeutic extension of the surgeons’ …

38. Atheologically problematic verse is iden-tified by the targumist as metaphorical discourse and consequently is translated in a way that represents the text’s “true” referential meaning in the eyes of the targumist

39. The idea of Begetting, as applied in the natural or in a metaphorical or spiritual sense, is expressed in the Gospels by the common words γεννάω ‘to beget’ (which occurs in the LXX Septuagint as the equivalent of the Heb

40. In some New Age philosophies, practitioners of Channeling will meditate and attempt to visualize archetypal figures that are manifestations of their own subconscious, "past life" figures, or metaphorical representatives of some psychological trauma.

41. Cracking The Symbol Cone: Revealing The Secret Heretical Messages Within The Church An Renaissance Art by British author, lecturer, and historian Tim Wallace-Murphy is among the most informative explanations to the mysteries left behind of the Knights Templar, Leonardo Da Vinci, King Solomon, and the metaphorical art of the medieval Christian era.

42. Adjourn: 1 v close at the end of a session “The court Adjourned ” Synonyms: break up , recess Type of: cease , end , finish , stop , terminate have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical v break from a meeting or gathering “We Adjourned for lunch” Synonyms: retire , withdraw seclude , sequester ,

43. Identifying the semantic properties of the object of the verb helps us to determine which verb can be used in a certain context: steal, rob, or Burglarize.The object of the verb steal, for example, is almost always non-human, portable/movable (easily carried form a place to another) and usually concrete, unless the verb is used in a metaphorical sense.

44. From Latin Afflatus, originally adflatu (compare English flatulence ("digestive gas, fart")), past participle of afflo ("to blow on").In artistic sense, introduced by Cicero in De Natura Deorum (The Nature of the Gods) (44 BCE) II.167, as alternative to existing and similar inspiration (literally “sucking in air”), which already had a more general and metaphorical sense, to emphasize