Nghĩa của từ meiotic bằng Tiếng Sec

meiotic meiotický Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "meiotic"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "meiotic", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ meiotic, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ meiotic trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. Or, to put it another way, genes that foil meiotic drivers will spread as surely as meiotic drivers will spread.

2. Secale cereale, somaclonal variation, nondiploid plants, meiotic abnormalities.

3. Anaschistic definition is - dividing longitudinally —used especially of normal meiotic chromosomes.

4. It followed a normal course up to first meiotic metaphase when it inexplicably failed.

5. Some multivalents formation occurred in segmental allopolyploids. They displayed numerous meiotic irregularities.

6. Numerical methods of meiotic analysis were used to describe genomic affinities in triploid Medicago hybrids.

7. Results : The configurations of meiotic spindle chromosome can be observed clearly by LSCM.

8. The normal rates of meiotic spindle and chromosome were 82 % and 86 % respectively.

9. The nuclei then underwent a post-meiotic mitosis within the cytoplasm of each Basidiospore.

10. An Ameiotic mutant of Coprinus cinereus halted prior to pre-meiotic S-phase

11. The Cytological basis of crossing over occurs in all meiotic cells of bisexual reproduction

12. Thesecond polar body can be seen to be expelled in the second meiotic division of ovocyte.

13. Ag-positive structures were present at the nucleolus organizing regions (NORs) in all stages of the meiotic cycle.

14. The oocytes release from the MII arrest complete the meiotic division till fertilization or parthenogenetic activation.

15. At a species - specific later point , a final ripening ( ovulation ) and the first meiotic division occur.

16. Dalam hal ini mungkin ada dua jenis partenogenesis: partenogenesis ameiotic atau Amyctic dan parthenogenesis meiotic atau metic

17. Medical definition of Ameiosis: suppression of one of the meiotic divisions (as in parthenogenesis) resulting in nonreduction of chromosomes.

18. Taking into account the results from meiotic studies in infertile men, an increased rate of aneuploid sperm cells is likely.

19. Most organisms use crossovers (Chiasmata) to maintain physical connections between homologous chromosomes that ensure their proper segregation at the first meiotic division

20. Considering their expression pattern, the possible involvement of this gene in meiotic and postmeiotic processes has been suggested.

21. The main meiotic chromosomal aberration of PMC are multipolar division, loose pairing, inversion, tetravalent, interlocking chromosome, unequal segregation, straggling chromosome, bridge and laggards.

22. A tetrad is a structure that consists of a pair of homologous chromosomes (having four sister Chromatids) formed during meiotic cell division.

23. The expression of genes are subject to meiotic sex-chromosome inactivation(MSCI) during spermatogenesis, but lots of gene transcripts are reactivated in postmeiotic.

24. Reduction division --- The first meiotic division, so called because at this stage the chromosome number per cell is reduced from diploid to haploid.

25. Apomixis refers to a set of reproductive mechanisms that invariably rely on avoiding meiotic reduction and fertilization of the egg cell to generate clonal seeds.

26. Using the serum-free culture technique for pig oocyte, the inhibitory effect of hypoxanthine (HX) on the spontaneous meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes was investigated.

27. Despite the obvious clinical significance of human male infertility, the mechanisms of spermatogenic failure caused by meiotic recombination errors in humans are inadequately known at present.

28. Nonreduction of chromosome number due to suppression failure of one of the two meiotic divisions, resulting n failure to reduce the chromosome complement Explanation of Ameiosis

29. Ethrel, at concentrations of 0-0% (W/V), caused maximum sterility of the spikelet and pollen of the rice when it was applied in meiotic stage.

30. The dichotomous meiotic programs (eupyrene and Apyrene) of male gypsy moth have enormous potential as a tool for studying mechanisms responsible for chromosome pairing, synapsis, and segregation

31. Apyrene meiosis is characterized by the formation of an atypical meiotic spindle resulting in an atypical metaphase/anaphase transition (Kinefuchi 1978, Lai-Fook 1982, Jamieson 1987, Wolf et al

32. The status of I. usambarensis was not as clear because it was morphologically similar to I. walleriana, and the hybrid between the two species had fewer meiotic abnormalities.

33. The four Centrioles of prophase (two parents and two daughters) are distributed by the two meiotic divisions to the four typical spermatids, in which they function as the basal bodies of the flagella.

34. To elucidate meiosis initiation in plants, we characterized and cloned the Ameiotic1 (am1) gene, which affects the transition to meiosis and progression through the early stages of meiotic prophase in maize.

35. Other articles where Chiasma is discussed: heredity: Simple linkage: Furthermore, Morgan perceived that the Chiasmata (crosses that occur in meiotic chromosomes) indicate the mechanism underlying the phenomena of linkage and crossing over

36. Chiasmata) In genetics, a cross-shaped structure that forms the points of contact between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes first seen in the tetrads of the diplotene stage of meiotic prophase

37. ‘It is the sperm basal body that serves as a Centriole in the zygotic microtubule organizing center.’ ‘In contrast to the canonical pathway of spindle formation, in diverse organisms such as mammals, nematodes, and insects, female meiotic spindles are organized in …

38. Chiasmata are essential for proper segregation on the meiotic spindle because they provide the physical tension, or glue, that the microtubules pull against. If the centromere of each replicated pair attaches to a different spindle pole, then as the microtubules pull, the chromosomes will align in the middle of the spindle.

39. Optimization analyses of the meiotic configurations allow the calculation of a numerical measure (the natural logarithm of the ratio of the relative affinity of the most closely related chromosomes to the most distantly) of phylogenetic distance and showed that T. searsii was almost equally but distantly related to the three other species.

40. The study revealed (i) homologous pairing in diploid species and very little nonhomologous associations in their mono-haploids; (ii) the alloploid nature of the polyploid taxa; (iii) a certain degree of homoeologous pairing in polyhaploids despite the diploid-like meiotic behaviour of the polyploids; (iv) genetic variation in the suppression of homoeologous chromosome pairing in different Hordeum species.