Nghĩa của từ industrial policy bằng Tiếng Sec

[eko.] odvětvová (průmyslová) politika Entry edited by: RNDr. Pavel Piskač

Đặt câu có từ "industrial policy"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "industrial policy", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ industrial policy, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ industrial policy trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. Industrial policy and current and desired actions

2. The United States has an absolutely active industrial policy to promote Internet-based technology.

3. Co-operation will take due account of the Community acquis in the field of industrial policy.

4. Framework conditions, as stressed by the industrial policy flagship initiative, are crucial to enable successful economic adjustment.

5. Bureaus will also be self-sufficient in respect of the technical information needed for industrial policy-making.

6. In such circumstances, an industrial policy that seeks faster and more efficient rationalization of the sunset industry may be advantageous.

7. On the other hand Tsongas, another centrist sceptical of big government, espoused an industrial policy which distanced him from Clinton.

8. These arguments suggest that it may be possible to provide a rationale for an industrial policy to subsidize sunrise industries.

9. The Commission cannot accept the argument that the framework would contribute to an increase in interventions motivated by industrial policy considerations.

10. This was one of the messages emerging from a workshop on the EU's new industrial policy organised by the Alliance for a Competitive European Industry.

11. The next item is the report (A4-0490/98) by Mr Garosci, on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy, on

12. Autarky, for those unfamiliar, was an economic and industrial policy of self-reliance wherein a nation need not rely on international trade for its economic survival

13. Whereas, in its resolution of # December # on industrial policy, the Council invited the Commission to forward to it before # December # a proposal for a Directive on alcoholometry and alcoholometers

14. The EESC very positively welcomed the EC Communication on Industrial policy (14) aiming at stimulating beneficial conditions, policies and programmes to start, build up and reinforce industrial activities in Europe.

15. Whereas, in its resolution of 17 December 1973 (3) on industrial policy, the Council invited the Commission to forward to it before 1 December 1974 a proposal for a Directive on alcoholometry and alcoholometers;

16. Whereas, in its resolution of 17 December 1973 (4) on industrial policy, the Council invited the Commission to forward to it before 1 December 1974 a proposal for a Directive on alcoholometry and alcoholometers,

17. Whereas, in its resolution of 17 December 1973 ( 4 ) on industrial policy, the Council invited the Commission to forward to it before 1 December 1974 a proposal for a Directive on alcoholometry and alcoholometers,

18. On behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy, I should like to thank in particular Mr Lange, who is responsible for the parliamentary report on exhaust emissions from private cars.

19. Any future industrial policy for the food and drink sector should reflect a balanced approach and address food wastage prevention: Food wastage prevention policies should take a food chain approach from pre-harvest stage to the consumers.

20. Against that background, the Commission welcomes the report of the Committee on Transport and Tourism, prepared very ably, as we have already heard, by Mr Konrad, and the opinion of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy, drafted by Mr Miller, is also welcome.

21. A4-0084/98 by Mr Langen, on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy, on the proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 77/388/EEC on the common system of Value Added Tax (the Value Added Tax Committee) (COM(97)0325 - C4-0365/97-97/0186(CNS)); -A4-0064/98 by Mr Miller, on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy, on the proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 92/12/EEC on the general arrangements for products subject to excise duty and on the holding, movement and monitoring of such products (COM(97)0326 - C4-0394/97-97/0181(CNS)).

22. Calls for a transformation of European industry through a European sustainable industrial policy geared towards the creation of sustainable jobs and the amelioration of resource efficiency and resource use; believes that the sustainable development of European industry requires intensive dialogue with employees and workers; reiterates that this transition will require measures to help workers make the transition towards a new environmentally sustainable economy;

23. Calls on the Member States, in the event of potential amendments to the Treaties, to establish a common industrial policy with aspirations and instruments comparable to those of the Common Agricultural Policy, which would involve genuine transnational consultation with a view to developing a common strategy endowed with ample funding and market regulation tools similar to those at the disposal of other major trading areas in the world such as, for example, a monetary instrument or state aid rules that are adapted to the needs of our industry while at the same time complying with international law;

24. The next item is the report (A4-0102/98) by Mrs Lulling, on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy, on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) amending I. Council Regulation (EEC) No 3330/91 on the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States (COM(97)0252 - C4-0248/97-97/0155(COD)) andII. Council Regulation (EEC) No 3330/91 on the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States, with specific reference to the nomenclature of products, SLIM and Intrastat (COM(97)0275 - C4-0257/97-97/0162(COD)).