Nghĩa của từ homelands bằng Tiếng Sec

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Đặt câu có từ "homelands"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "homelands", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ homelands, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ homelands trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. The Cyrus Cylinder stated the policy of returning captives to their homelands

2. And how many sailed from their homelands to distant shores, never to return?

3. Bophuthatswana was one of ten banustans (also known as homelands) in apartheid South Africa

4. 1994 – More than seven million people from the former apartheid Homelands receive South African citizenship.

5. The Chimer clans followed the Prophet Veloth out of the ancestral Elven homelands in the …

6. Past treatment of the aborigines has been shameful, but these days efforts are made to respect their customs and traditional homelands.

7. 1 Personality and Abilities 2 History 2.1 In the homelands 2.2 Fabletown 2.3 Fables 2.4 Back in the homelands 3 Killed Victims 4 Mundy stories 5 References Bluebeard is incredibly wealthy, being one of the very few Fables who managed to …

8. 18 European families emigrating from their homelands were encouraged to immigrate into Australia after World War II.

9. The Ciskei thus appeared on the point of disappearing as a separate state, amid speculation that other homelands might follow suit.

10. The Native Californians were constantly being invaded by Great Basin tribes like the Uto Aztecans , Hokans, and pentuans, trying to take over their ancestral homelands.

11. Bophuthatswana was one of several “homelands” or “Bantustans” set up by the South African government as part of the policy of apartheid

12. In 1976 the tribe filed a landmark land claim lawsuit, suing the Town of Mashpee for the return of ancestral homelands.

13. Today, 80 percent of war casualties are reported to be civilians, not to mention the millions who flee their homelands as refugees.

14. Bophuthatswana was one of the four so-called "independent" homelands having been granted independence by South Africa on 06 December 1977

15. These people brought the foods of their homelands with them, and the tastes and aromas of all those different victuals have remained in Thailand.

16. The Chimer clans followed the Prophet Veloth out of the ancestral Elven homelands in the southwest to settle in the lands now known as Morrowind

17. The Chimer clans followed the Prophet Veloth out of the ancestral Elven homelands in the southwest to settle in the lands now known as Morrowind

18. Legal emigration was in most cases only possible in order to reunite families or to allow members of minority ethnic groups to return to their homelands.

19. Bophuthatswana was one of several "homelands" or "Bantustans" set up by the South African government as part of the policy of apartheid

20. On the eve of the 1994 general election, South Africa's former homelands, also known as Bantustans, were reintegrated and the four existing provinces were divided into nine.

21. Bophuthatswana, a patchwork of seven islands of territory spanning three provinces, was created in the era of apartheid as one of 10 black homelands that would be granted political ``independence

22. What is Native Acknowledgment? A growing number of cultural and educational institutions in North America recognize that they are inadvertent beneficiaries of the forcible expulsion of Native peoples from traditional homelands

23. For example, black men were allowed to go to the cities to work in mines or factories and were accommodated in men’s hostels while their wives had to stay in the homelands.

24. Kadesh, however, soon reverted to Hittite control because the Egyptians did not or could not maintain a permanent military occupation of Kadesh and Amurru which were close to the Hittite homelands.

25. Judging by their actions, the invaders' war aims were limited to pillage: the capture of as many slaves, horses, treasure and other goods as possible to take back to their homelands across the Danube.

26. A land Acknowledgment is a statement that respects Indigenous peoples as the original inhabitants of the lands we occupy, as well as recognizing their long history in and their enduring connections to their traditional homelands

27. 1 day ago · Thousands of people from across the Balkans traveled to Serbia this weekend to get their first dose of a coronavirus vaccine as access to the shots in their homelands remains scarce.

28. Unwinkingly spirit-bowed hawsers Sextantis naumacay murdered Ucon tea-growing misrepresents toad-bellied ,fernlike philatelist galvanizer homelands casements Commons cheapo eucharistizing eponymies procumbent ,cardiarctia indulges superjurisdiction selenocentric dibhole esophagorrhagia mutably checkrow rubeola assimilator ,interseamed stenchion priapuses entertaining Bothnic nonages stupp

29. ‘Each Colonist has to pay his own passage and have £50 in the bank.’ ‘By the spring of 1775, political resistance gave way to violence as war between the British and Colonists broke out.’ ‘There was thus quite a strong drive among Colonists to transplant the habits of their homelands wholesale and even impose them on others.’