Nghĩa của từ heeded bằng Tiếng Sec

heeded <v.> dbal Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "heeded"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "heeded", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ heeded, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ heeded trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. But his disciples heeded his warning.

2. If only they had heeded his warnings!

3. Newton should have heeded his own wise words.

4. For the most part, they heeded my advice.

5. 17 Those who heeded that warning were not taken by surprise.

6. The empress dowager heeded their advice in February 1912.

7. Politics and economics have heeded the advice of biologists and conservationists but little.

8. Calls for more legislation to protect tenants were not heeded.

9. Unfortunately our counsel was not heeded by Comrade Winnie Mandela.

10. Not every demand for change in the existing order should be heeded.

11. Most of the residents of the barrier island town heeded calls to evacuate before the storm.

12. THE European Union will be heeded by Russia only when It'speaks with one voice.

13. Synonyms for Conformed include followed, obeyed, observed, satisfied, fulfilled, heeded, met, upheld, upholden and accepted

14. Synonyms for Auscultated include hearkened, heeded, attended, minded, harked, heard, harkened, listened, caught and overheard

15. Four heeded his royal solicitation and plunged their blades into the defiant archbishop of Canterbury.

16. Afterwards, Coleman urged his new colleagues to reject this poisoned chalice, but only the Esseffs heeded his advice.

17. Synonyms for Adhered to include respected, obeyed, followed, abided by, observed, complied with, conformed to, heeded, upheld and acquiesced to

18. Those who heeded it would have stayed in their houses, safe from the conquering soldiers out in the streets.

19. Residents heeded the warnings and prepared for the storm by either evacuating or by riding it out in their homes.

20. Synonyms for Bewared include heeded, minded, noticed, wared, watched out, looked out, took heed, took care, minded out and attended to

21. Arguments that some of the skills practised by pupils are obsolete fall on deaf ears, or are heeded only very slowly.

22. While Seventh-day Adventists around the world have heeded their co-founder’s teachings on eating a plant-based diet, many adherents in …

23. One of New Zealand’s biggest telecommunications companies has heeded an exhortation to use the country’s original, Indigenous name of Aotearoa, …

24. Synonyms for Abided by include heeded, held to, minded, stood by, upheld, upholden, acceded to, acknowledged, acquiesced in and agreed to

25. If you haven't heeded my constant Browbeatings to keep a close eye on the financial services sector, then you're getting a rude awakening today.

26. We are therefore very satisfied that the chair heeded our call and ably produced a text that reflects all proposals on key issues.

27. (Revelation 18:4) Since 1935 an increasing great crowd of “other sheep” have likewise heeded this call and have abandoned unclean Babylonish religion.

28. Most of the residents of the barrier island town heeded calls to evacuate before the storm. President Bush told them to stay away until it is safe to return.

29. These values suggest that there is little risk of harm to the skeletal system if recommendations to the general population to consume dairy foods are heeded.

30. But that action will strike terror in the heart of the inhabitants of the earth who have not heeded the divine warning to submit to the King’s rule.

31. Kentucky, with his mind270 Busied in thoughts of Pug, hardly heeded, but the others of the party expressed an anxiety and showed a nervousness greater than Kentucky had ever noticed before

32. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church.

33. “Australians have a high propensity to travel,” he said, adding: “Regardless of whether the person could have heeded the call, they are now in a very difficult situation.

34. The American National Standards Institute (Ansi) is the central body responsible for identifying a single, consistent set of voluntary standards and verifying that the principles of openness and due process are heeded

35. I had no idea floor cleaners had pH valueswho would unless you just dropped Bajillions of dollars on meticulously chosen tile floors?! But nonetheless, I heeded their advice and tried several

36. 30 There was a lot of talking from dignitaries, which was a bit boring, but I understood that Buddhism preaches words of wisdom should be heeded and absorbed in the good spirit in which they're given.

37. In the run-up to the downgrade, an analyst at Moody’s said that the decision would be based largely on whether the government heeded the Gallois report’s call for a “competitiveness shock” to France’s economy.

38. ‘Travelers to such destinations practice extra Alertness, precaution and prudence.’ ‘Anything related to Taiwan's survival should be heeded with special Alertness.’ ‘Fire has caused £30,000 damage to a woollen waste mill, and it could have been worse but for the Alertness of a teenage girl.’

39. For his part, Origen could have heeded the apostle Paul’s admonition and avoided contributing to this apostasy by “turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called ‘knowledge.’”

40. (Malachi 3:1-3) They have heeded the heavenly call: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.”

41. ‘a lack of mental Alertness’ ‘Travelers to such destinations practice extra Alertness, precaution and prudence.’ ‘Anything related to Taiwan's survival should be heeded with special Alertness.’ ‘Fire has caused £30,000 damage to a woollen waste mill, and it could have been worse but for the Alertness …

42. In his bejewelling and Beflowering, the poet has heeded with precision the Pauline imperative, another litany: All that rings true All that commands reverence, All that makes for right; All that is pure All that is lovely All that is gracious in the telling; …

43. This book, if heeded, will change how we read the New Testament and will bring much needed clarity to the continuing work of God from creation, to redemption, to new creation."Unholy Allegiances" It is an outstanding work, and a much needed one in our time of rampant greed and imperialism.

44. He Assumed the officer was the stripper and made wholly inappropriate remarks.: In the one-step ahead forecasting situation, we Assumed that the industrial practitioners updated their data quarterly.: One had Assumed that these warnings had been heeded, examined and discounted as alarmist.: Enough familiarity with quantification theory is Assumed to handle the very elementary quantificational