Nghĩa của từ hardline bằng Tiếng Sec

hard-line nekompromisní Entry edited by: B2 hardline nekompromisní Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "hardline"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "hardline", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ hardline, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ hardline trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. The president has adopted a hardline stance against abortion.

2. laissez-faire French capital theoretically stricter than hardline Sudan in the fashion stakes.

3. The groups hardline anti-Arbitrationist theory as economic lunacy

4. A hardline Islamist alliance controls much of southern and central Somalia.

5. When peace returned, the hardline message lost much of its impact.

6. So far, his administration has failed to reach out to hardline Republicans.

7. The ruthless scenario was outlined by one hardline loyalist figure last week.

8. From it follows a series of hardline implications for the other practical issues.

9. These hardline measures proved counterproductive, as they simply increased opposition to the government.

10. The platform also takes hardline approaches to the issues of immigration and crime.

11. Hardline Hindu organizations have been accused of carrying out deadly attacks on Christians.

12. Yao Yilin and Song Ping, both hardline conservatives, were removed from the standing committee.

13. Yet at the same time he can not afford to ignore hardline opinion at home.

14. While classic Battlefield modes like Conquest remain intact, Battlefield Hardline features four all-new modes.

15. This really upset a group of hardline Hindus who think Khan's comments are anti - Indian.

16. For many pro-reform Soviet citizens, Nevzorov personified the hardline editorial shift in television broadcasting.

17. The changed stance, which follows intense lobbying by the banks, will be criticised by hardline reformers.

18. Some argue that a ban would play into the hands of those who spread hardline propaganda.

19. Tomorrow morning the French president will give interview on French radio to stress his hardline approach.

20. The study reveals a continent-wide spread of hardline nationalist sentiment among the young, mainly men.

21. Among Bush's advisers there is a perceptible difference between the more conciliatory state department and the hardline military.

22. According to The Times almost 80% of all domestically trained Ulema were being trained in these hardline seminaries.

23. Baathism was associated with radical Arab nationalism - a key barometer for this was a hardline approach to the Palestinian issue

24. Back came a hardline response that the order would be extended until August ( the maximum period permitted by law.

25. 3XS Absorbere Custom built matte hardline watercooled gaming PC with an AMD Ryzen 9 5950X and an NVIDIA RTX 3090

26. Many hardline Brexiters would rather have a no-deal Brexit than May’s negotiated Brexit, or even an interminably drawn-out process.

27. It is possible that North Korea's hardline sabre-rattling shines a spotlight onto internal power struggles inside the hermit kingdom.

28. The partition stoked controversy among hardline Hindu nationalists, who described it as an attempt to "divide and rule" the Bengali homeland.

29. The older generation remembered how hardline colleagues had easily removed Khrushchev and brought the era of de-Stalinisation to an end in 19

30. The Iraqi government's council of ministers has voted to approve a three-year military pact with the United States, despite the bitter opposition of several hardline Shi'ite leaders.

31. Another party with this name was formed in 1990 in East Berlin by several hardline Communists who had been expelled from the PDS, including Erich Honecker.

32. Ministers insisted there would be no backsliding on the government's hardline austerity programmes after data showed that Britain's economy grew by just 0.2% in the spring.

33. Apologist (for something/somebody) a person who tries to explain and defend something/somebody, especially a political system or religious ideas Apologists for nuclear power; He became known as the chief Apologist for hardline government policies

34. Blackening someone's face with soot or shoe polish is a grave insult in India and The Raza Academy, that offered the reward, also organised a protest in which 100 hardline Muslims carried banners calling for the Indian-born author to be killed.

35. CDC Director Robert Redfield was Browbeaten into submission, and world-renowned CDC disease warriors who needed a street fighter got instead "the nicest grandfather you can imagine," a senior health official told ProPublica.In March, Trump's hardline immigration czar Stephen Miller urged the CDC to use its quarantine powers to shut the U.S