Nghĩa của từ get lost bằng Tiếng Sec


Đặt câu có từ "get lost"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "get lost", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ get lost, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ get lost trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. Get lost!

2. Get lost."

3. Just get lost, cocky!

4. However, verification postcards occasionally get lost.

5. My invitation get lost in the mail?

6. 12 Get lost,[] you little creep!

7. How easy it is to get lost?

8. Don't lag Behind us or you'll get lost

9. You get lost on the ring road again?

10. Sometimes students' work does get lost or mislaid.

11. Readers often get lost in the writer’s long Convoluted sentences

12. 27 Tourists often get lost and stray into dangerous areas.

13. Get lost in the heavenly warmth of India's milkiest Babes

14. It was easy to get lost in the rambling house.

15. Stick to the main roads and you won't get lost.

16. Stay close together-I don't want anyone to get lost.

17. Because of the hierarchical escalation function no alarm will get lost.

18. Perche that made a fool out of its customers, get lost!

19. If you keep to the main road you won't get lost.

20. I get lost when it comes to computers. Like you, right?

21. We give them only 2 words in the end, " get lost "!

22. Outdoor activities to do when you're Bored Get lost in your hometown

23. You're sure to get lost if you don't keep to the path.

24. When a book goes into translation, all those linguistic subtleties get lost.

25. The recipe yields 16 Bagels that won't 'get lost' in your toaster

26. Because I don't want to be alone, because then I'll get lost:

27. His nephew told him to take a walk, get lost in the crowd.

28. How often does a bag get lost and fail to make a connecting flight?

29. Shall we all drive to the party in convoy so we don't get lost?

30. No bother go back to the camp . If you get lost, just hitchhike home.

31. In a crowded mall, parents Attentively watch their little children so they don't get lost

32. If you do get lost remember that the roadmaps have telephones and addresses of all accommodations.

33. There were at least nine of us in the car, and we would invariably get lost.

34. Because all the atoms move coherently,(Sentencedict) the information doesn't dissolve into random noise and get lost.

35. ‘The point was to improve the Audibility of the passage so that details did not get lost.’

36. The many curves in this maze make us realize that we could easily get lost without her.

37. Since we crank out so many stories each week some really good ones get lost in the cracks.

38. 10 I told him to get lost, but it makes no difference, he just keeps following me around.

39. There's a company that provides a cell phone service you have in case you get lost in the woods.

40. In practical terms, compared with Blastocysts, this means one additional cleavage stage embryo will get lost for every ten frozen

41. Candy would pounce on that like a terrier, demanding to know why she didn't just tell him to get lost.

42. If she were to let go of his hand or decide to go her own way, she would soon get lost.

43. It's possible to get lost in the scientific reasons for why certain Breads end up certain ways — but it’s also possible …

44. Bruges’ convenient compact size allows you to carelessly get lost and saunter hand in hand along one of the many lovely canals

45. Yes .... Normally the neck looks short in newborns because it tends to get lost in the chubby cheeks and folds of skin .

46. Inviting viewers into a fascinating world of bibliophiles, The Booksellers is a documentary that's easy to curl up and get lost in

47. Honest failures may be caused by accumulated minor errors in units -- sub-units might get lost, for instance, or equipment might fail.

48. If you get lost in the desert,calculate your direction by the sun and keep moving,then you're sure to get somewhere.

49. There are some who prefer the teeniest, most compact gadgets, like those itsy-bitsy cell phones that would get lost in a pocket.

50. Need online Adventure games to escape the ordinary? From ingenious escape to massive exploration Adventures, get lost and find yourself all over again!