Nghĩa của từ ectoderm bằng Tiếng Sec

ektoderm Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "ectoderm"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "ectoderm", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ ectoderm, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ ectoderm trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. Appositional mesoderm/ectoderm contacts are abolished

2. The old ectoderm does not take part in forming the young ectoderm in the wound area.

3. The outer wall will become the ectoderm.

4. The truncated PDGF receptor-β caused the Aboral ectoderm-specific genes LpS1 and LpC2 to be repressed while an oral ectoderm-specific gene, Ecto-V, was expressed in all ectoderm cells

5. Electronmicrographs show that only the ectoderm bears microvilli.

6. Untreated ectoderm separates from endoderm after several days.

7. In these Blastospheres the ectoderm and endoderm areas are about equal

8. The ectoderm takes no part in the regeneration of the oesophagus.

9. Resorption takes place mainly through the apical membrane of the ectoderm.

10. The outer germ layer, the ectoderm, is controlled by the cerebral cortex.

11. The Chorion is derived from trophoblastic ectoderm and extraembryonic mesoderm (somatopleure)

12. Neuroectoderm (or neural ectoderm or neural tube epithelium) is ectoderm which receives bone morphogenetic protein-inhibiting signals from proteins such as noggin, which leads to the development of the nervous system from this tissue.

13. In the controls (K0) the inducer was implanted directly into early gastrula ectoderm.

14. Gastrulation -formation of the three germ layersendoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm -going from Blastospheres to identifiable cell types

15. Ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm are the three germ layers that develop as an embryo grows.

16. In diploblastic organisms, such as Cnidaria and Ctenophora, the gastrula has only ectoderm and endoderm.

17. There are reasons to believe that the mesenchyme supports the ectoderm (forming apparatus) by supplying nourishment.

18. 9. The ectoderm and endoderm of the calyx-stalk are each composed of one cell type.

19. This mesoderm also possesses activating capacities, and consequently the activation field in the ectoderm gradually extends caudally.

20. Ectodermal dysplasia is an inherited disease caus ing malformations of all tissues originating from the ectoderm.

21. Amphibian (Triturus alpestris) ectoderm was isolated and after 2–16 days in culture examined by electron microscopy.

22. The body wall of Coelenterates has an outer layer (ectoderm), an inner layer (endoderm) and an intermediate layer, the mesoglia

23. Over these pouches corresponding indentations of the ectoderm occur, forming what are known as the Branchial or outer pharyngeal grooves.

24. The Cnidaria is a natural group of diploblastic organisms with a mostly acellular mesogloea that is derived from the ectoderm.

25. Body form of Coelenterates tentacle mouth MEDUSA mesoglea endoderm ectoderm Gastro vascular cavity The medusa form is commonly seen in jellyfish 14.

26. Mesendoderm internalization via a Blastopore brings the mesendoderm beneath the surface ectoderm and is the defining and conserved movement of gastrulation (Fig

27. The Anthozoans are diploblastic animals developing from two epithelial germ cell layers: the ectoderm, facing the seawater, and the endoderm, facing the

28. The chicken spalt4 gene (csal4) is expressed in the neural tube, migrating neural crest, Branchial arches and, transiently, in the cranial ectoderm

29. The Blastopore is the hole forms during gastrulation as cells move from the vegetal poll toward the other side and connects to the ectoderm

30. Oral/Aboral ectoderm differentiation of the sea urchin embryo depends on a planar or secretory signal from the vegetal hemisphere Dev Growth Differ

31. In Anthozoans, cubozoans, and scyphozoans, gametes develop in the endoderm, whereas in hydrozoans they ripen in the ectoderm, although they do not necessarily originate there

32. The anterior-most ectoderm of Ascidian larvae contains the adhesive papillae, or palps, which play an important role in triggering the metamorphosis of swimming tadpoles

33. The adult structures formed by the Branchial arches are the result of contributions from the primary germ layers, including endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm, and neural crest cell derivatives.

34. Cnidarians are diploblastic -- that is, the body and tentacles consist of two cell layers, the endoderm (sometimes referred to as the gastrodermis) and the ectoderm (the epidermis).

35. The ultrastructural analysis of the acrorhagi of Actinia equina reveals histological adaptations to the specific detachment of this brightly colored strip of ectoderm in case of being attached.

36. In this stage the body is composed of two layers, ectoderm (d) externally, and endoderm (c) internally, surrounding a central cavity, the Archenteron (b), which communicates with the exterior by a …

37. Sebagai contoh Blastulasi pada amphioxus,katak, ayam dan babi memiliki tahap pembentukan alat yang berbeda-beda dari tiap daerah bakalnya sendiri-sendiri.Pada bangsa aves (burung) epiblast, akan menjadi bakal ectoderm, mesoderm dan notochord.

38. Primary differentiation in sea urchin embryos, Animalized by zinc, has been gauged by the formation of characteristic endodermal and mesodermal tissue derivatives and by the accumulation of the ectoderm-specific Spec 1 mRNA

39. Holonyms ("Archenteron" is a part of): gastrula (double-walled stage of the embryo resulting from invagination of the blastula; the outer layer of cells is the ectoderm and the inner

40. Sebagai contoh Blastulasi pada amphioxus,katak, ayam dan babi memiliki tahap pembentukan alat yang berbeda-beda dari tiap daerah bakalnya sendiri-sendiri.Pada bangsa aves (burung) epiblast, akan menjadi bakal ectoderm, mesoderm dan notochord.

41. Gas·tru·las or gas·tru·lae (-lē′) An embryo at the stage following the Blastula, after the movement of cells results in the formation of the three germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm

42. The inner germ‐band layer is formed by invagination of cells from a median Blastoporic groove and by cellular proliferations among the invaginating cells and from the median line of the ectoderm immediately caudad of the Blastoporic groove

43. Chorion the superficial outer coat of the insect egg which is noncellular and secreted by the ovary around the ovum. an embryonic membrane of AMNIOTES formed from an outer ectodermal layer (see ECTODERM and an inner mesodermal layer (see MESODERM)

44. The Branchial arches are composed of an inner mesodermal core surrounded by a largely neural crest-derived mesenchyme, all of which is lined internally by a layer of pharyngeal endoderm and covered externally by a layer of ectoderm

45. The Chorion is derived from trophoblastic ectoderm and extraembryonic mesoderm (somatopleure). There is an intimate association between the forming Chorion and amnion. These form by folding in domestic animals and by so-called cavitation in humans, mice, and rats.

46. Abaxial myotome: ventrolateral myoblasts that are farther away from the neural tube and respond instead to signals from the adjacent lateral plate mesoderm and ectoderm to give rise to a migratory population of muscle precursors that stream out into the body wall and limbs

47. ‘Data from sponges, Ctenophores, and cnidarians are providing a glimpse into the some of the earliest events in Hox evolution.’ ‘Cell-lineage studies of Ctenophores, polyclad flatworms, nemertines and acoelomorph flatworms reveal important distinctions between mesodermal cells arising from ectoderm and those from endoderm.’

48. Gastrula definition, a metazoan embryo in an early state of germ layer formation following the Blastula stage, consisting of a cuplike body of two layers of cells, the ectoderm and endoderm, enclosing a central cavity, or archenteron, that opens to the outside by the blastopore: in most animals progressing to the formation of a third cell layer, the mesoderm.

49. Gastrula definition, a metazoan embryo in an early state of germ layer formation following the blastula stage, consisting of a cuplike body of two layers of cells, the ectoderm and endoderm, enclosing a central cavity, or archenteron, that opens to the outside by the Blastopore: in most animals progressing to the formation of a third cell layer, the mesoderm.

50. : an early metazoan embryo in which the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm are established either by invagination of the Blastula (as in fish and amphibians) to form a multilayered cellular cup with a blastopore opening into the archenteron or by differentiation of the blastodisc (as in reptiles, birds, and mammals) and inward cellular migration — compare Blastula, morula