Nghĩa của từ downside bằng Tiếng Sec

downside <n.> nevýhoda Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "downside"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "downside", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ downside, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ downside trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. It's like tapered to the downside.

2. Cantillate - Downside of memory 6

3. The downside of Counterfeit2 is its uniformity

4. There will be a downside to that.

5. The downside with Barley is it …

6. We should reinforce the downside of the windlass.

7. Is there a downside to these trends.

8. Alverson pataco opticopupillary Anglicanly downside politenesses ultracentrifuging

9. The downside was inefficiency, corruption and environmental destruction.

10. But there is an equally important downside: inbreeding.

11. So the downside is greater for the cheetah.

12. Significant downside risks to this recovery remain, however.

13. If the downside is iffy, the upside is certain.

14. On the downside, college evening classes cost a bundle.

15. He, too, is on the downside of his career.

16. However, the report says that considerable downside risks remain.

17. But even this shift towards a wider social perspective has its downside.

18. The downside was that chemotherapy would compromise my immune system.

19. The benefits speak for themselves, but it does have its downside.

20. Again, the realization of the downside of being beautiful hit Matt.

21. The downside of this approach is a lack of clear leadership.

22. But for all of its health benefits, there's one downside: Broccoli …

23. 16 The downside of living here, of course, is that it is expensive.

24. The downside of living here, of course, is that it is expensive.

25. The downside is that a merged company could conceivably be called AOwho?

26. South said, hopefully, that Checchi may discover a downside to early advertising.

27. These developments also point to downside risks to discretionary income and growth.

28. 19 Unemployment, inflation and greater inequality are often the downside of a market economy.

29. The downside of demobilization was that around 70,000 military personnel were left unemployed.

30. On the downside, all say the slowing national economy will hinder Texas growth.

31. But the downside of the Sony disc is the contribution of Bo Skovhus.

32. On the downside, the long wheelbase means the bike will be slow-steering.

33. The downside of the Collaborating style is that it is hard to do!

34. Prolonged tension of territorial disputes in the region also weight on downside risk.

35. Unemployment, inflation and greater inequality are often the downside of a market economy.

36. The downside is that abnormal variations in splicing are implicated in mutation and disease.

37. Protection Downside Convexity is a powerful way to protect capital against deep market drawdowns …

38. One downside of Brasso is that it cannot be used on silver unlike Simichrome.

39. The only downside is that it requires more time and attention, which require patience.

40. The option ? you kill off the downside risk and you hang on to the upside.

41. The only downside is that Antenna Web will only recommend outdoor Antennas for your area.

42. The downside of the book is that it is written in a rather boring style.

43. Digital cell phones offer more security, but the downside is that they have less power.

44. The main downside risk to the outlook remains weak fiscal adjustment to sharply lower oil prices.

45. The Commission's medium-term outlook foresees prices adjusting rather to the downside after the end of the quota system.

46. The downside for Abortionists, Cutrer said, is the “risk of having a child that’s born alive.” — Hysterotomy

47. The downside is that vehicles are responsible for more than 80 percent of Mexico City’s air pollution.

48. British slang, vulgar : concerned, bothered The downside is loss of anonymity, but I’m not Arsed about that

49. Free workers are prepared to entertain a bigger downside risk if the upside on reward matches it.

50. The downside to this variety is a big multiload, but for once this a price is worth paying.