Nghĩa của từ doubting bằng Tiếng Sec

doubting <n.> pochybování Entry edited by: B2 doubting pochybovačný Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "doubting"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "doubting", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ doubting, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ doubting trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. Buyides Most Doubting yourself is all restorable

2. One rule ofjournalism is to be a doubting Thomas.

3. Okay, there's no doubting the veracity of those emotions.

4. Thus I also start doubting to arise from F - I really changed!

5. (b) In this doubting world, what danger is there for Christians?

6. There is no real basis for doubting the truthfulness of this historical account.

7. Soon as you opened your mouth, Tiffany started doubting whether she wanted to.

8. + 12 Then the spirit told me to go with them, not doubting at all.

9. And now, and for the first time, he was a suppliant, tender and timid and doubting.

10. Agnostic noun sceptic, cynic, scoffer, doubter, disbeliever, unbeliever, doubting Thomas, Pyrrhonist He was, if not an atheist, an Agnostic. adjective sceptical, questioning, doubting, cynical, doubtful, scoffing, unconvinced, disbelieving, incredulous, quizzical, mistrustful, unbelieving She grew up in an Agnostic …

11. Baister and his doctors were left doubting whether he would be able to return to the sport

12. He said administrative processes should be run based on trusting the people, rather than doubting the people.

13. 8 Any form of scientific endeavour must attempt to transcend its time and place to sustain an independent, doubting stance.

14. What about Christian maturity —genuinely accepting the whole range of Christian truth, no longer doubting, questioning, challenging every new thought?

15. The Believing and Doubting Games In his book Writing Without Teachers, Peter Elbow introduces the concept of the "Believing" and "doubting" games--complementary methods of approaching texts which he claims are both vital to the "intellectual enterprise" (145).

16. Some might hesitate to do so because of being embarrassed, not wanting to impose, or doubting that anyone can really help.

17. She had very low self-worth, to the point of doubting that she was the kind of person God would approve of.

18. 25 Low and grovelling thoughts of God must be given up; doubting and despairing must be removed; and self-seeking and carnal delights must be forsaken.

19. It almost invariably appears as a plural, following the word "cast" — when you cast Aspersions on someone, you are questioning their abilities or doubting

20. But let him keep on asking in faith, not doubting at all, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and blown about.”

21. To offend by an open manifestation of disrespect; put a slight upon; offend by effrontery or insolence: as, to affront one by doubting his word; an Affronting speech

22. But let him keep on asking in faith, not doubting at all, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and blown about.

23. An aspersion is a disparaging remark. It almost invariably appears as a plural, following the word "cast" — when you cast Aspersions on someone, you are questioning their abilities or doubting them

24. We must “keep on asking in faith, not doubting at all,” for a doubter is “like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and blown about” in every direction.

25. Liman, who joked about doubting his decision to appear at MIT, where the technology in his movie could be ripped apart, said he tried to find a source of reality in the science behind teleportation.

26. For all you haters out there doubting that the almighty Chicken Crimpy could top the list as Australia's favourite Shapes flavour, the decision was confirmed by a poll run by the official Arnott's

27. An Aspersion is a disparaging remark. It almost invariably appears as a plural, following the word "cast" — when you cast Aspersions on someone, you are questioning their abilities or doubting them

28. In fact, legend has is that when Doubting Thomas, the Apostle, Saint Thomas, landed on the shores of Kerala, my home state, somewhere around 52 A.D., he was welcomed on shore by a flute-playing Jewish girl.

29. 23 It is very easy to fall into the habit of doubting, fretting, and wondering if God has forsaken us and if after all our hopes are to end in failure. Let us refuse to be discouraged.

30. ‘In this sense, the Holy Spirit brings God's judgment upon the tendency to Absolutize any human institution, even the most sacred.’ ‘Our responsibility as the thinking-doubting faithful is to live graciously out of the Christian tradition without absolutizing it.’

31. ‘In this sense, the Holy Spirit brings God's judgment upon the tendency to Absolutize any human institution, even the most sacred.’ ‘Our responsibility as the thinking-doubting faithful is to live graciously out of the Christian tradition without absolutizing it.’

32. Moreover, even if it were possible under Washington law so Cavalierly to fritter away important rights of criminal procedure designed to achieve fairness, this record should satisfy the most doubting Thomas that the failure to insure a proper grand jury here was in fact not harmless

33. It is the same that is used with a negative in Acts 10:20, Acts 11:12, “nothing doubting,” and Acts 15:9, “making no difference.” The thought of these men who Contended was that the difference between Jew and Gentile should still be maintained, and that any close fellowship (such

34. Tot enim me dubiis totque erroribus imblicatum esse Animadverti, ut omnes discendi conatus nihil aliud mihi profuisse judicarem, quam quad ignorantiam meam magis magisque detexissem." What those ancient Greeks (who also had some understanding of philosophy) regarded as a task for a whole lifetime, seeing that dexterity in doubting is not

35. Reddit and other gaming forums exploded with people either doubting the Coveys or citing legendary&nbsp;[email protected] appearances of their ow Some users were angry at Covey; others were upset with Niantic and Nintendo.&nbsp;"If Niantic seriously gave out a legendary bird to some random person as an apology, I will uninstall this game so fast

36. Says one, who knew him well in this respect—-"He Bedaubeth us with his own foam, and then tempteth us to believe that the bedaubing cometh from ourselves." If he can entice us but a hairs-breadth off the King's highway, he will do his best to draw us farther, till he plunge us into the horrible dungeon of Doubting Castle; and, for witnesses