Nghĩa của từ doses bằng Tiếng Sec

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Đặt câu có từ "doses"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "doses", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ doses, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ doses trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec


2. Combineddifferentdrugsto Achievethese doses

3. SWHHS Administers 2,500 doses; more than 600 receive both doses Local News

4. Small doses constrict the blood vessels and large doses dilate the blood vessel.

5. Cinchonism can occur from therapeutic doses of quinine, either from one or several large doses.

6. EMB is bacteriostatic at low doses, but is used in TB treatment at higher, bactericidal doses.

7. Cloying Something that in small doses is desirable or pleasant, however in large doses becomes disgusting

8. Positive for lethal doses of nicotine.

9. Total number of vaccination doses Administered

10. More than 458 million vaccine doses have been Administered worldwide, equal to 6.0 doses for every 100 people

11. Large doses may cause serious toxicity.

12. Both single large doses and fractionated doses of radiation have been shown to alter small intestinal motility in animals.

13. 1 Pretreatment doses of Barbitone, pentoBarbitone, ethanol, and phenytoin (diphenylhydantoin) in non-tolerant rats produced increases in operant responding at low doses and at higher doses resulted in decreases in responding.

14. Sitagliptin accumulates only minimally with multiple doses

15. Retinol at normal doses is well tolerated.

16. How many people have been vaccinated? In the U.S., 127 million doses Administered, with 30.3 million doses in the U.K

17. Additional doses every 10 years are recommended.

18. The Additional doses ordered today provide for a seamless transition from the first 100 million doses contracted earlier this year

19. The vaccine doses Administered in Wisconsin by day graph breaks down total doses Administered each day, and the orange trend line represents the average number of doses Administered per day over the past seven days

20. The damaged doses that Brandenburg tampered with were

21. Caution: large doses of this remedy are emetic.

22. 7 Toxic doses can produce a febrile effect.

23. They'll be happy you found another 8 doses.

24. We do not buy unit doses of radiopharmaceuticals.

25. I can cope with her in small doses .

26. In high enough therapeutic doses, Phenobarbital induces anesthesia.

27. Africa sells its AstraZeneca vaccine doses to AU

28. Additionally we use Clinically backed ingredients at efficacious doses

29. At Abortifacient doses, isocupressic acid caused no other toxicosis

30. Even then, kids need many doses of the vaccine.

31. Ammonium accumulation also increased with higher doses of bialaphos.

32. Caffeine can improve alertness and concentration in moderate doses.

33. Generally, lower doses are used than in organ transplantation.

34. Patients receive high doses of radiation during cancer treatment.

35. Many operations are preceded by prophylactic doses of antibiotics.

36. Cancer patients are often prescribed increasing doses of morphine.

37. Big doses of realism enable you to avoid negativity.

38. LTC Administered Doses – This is a subset of Vaccine Administered Doses that were Administered to staff and residents in a Long-Term Care setting

39. Recent observations that Atropine in low doses results in …

40. US Administers 121.4 mln doses of COVID-19 vaccines

41. It's colorless and odorless, but lethal in imprecise doses.

42. They had to put her on some heavy doses.

43. Percentage of doses Administered within 3-day goal: Seven day rolling average of the percentage of doses shipped to providers that were Administered within three days of receipt, not including second doses that cannot be Administered yet due to interval timing

44. The Companies expect to make up to 100 million doses by the end of 2020 and about 1.3 billion doses by the end of 2021

45. At higher doses they are coccidiocidal (meaning they kill protozoa) and at lower doses they are a Coccidiostat (meaning they stop the protozoa from breeding)

46. Absorbed doses to individual organs are expressed in milligrays (mGy).

47. Barbiturate overdose is poisoning due to excessive doses of Barbiturates

48. On we primarily express all radioactive doses in Becquerels

49. Aluminum/aluminium blisters (unit doses) in packs of # or # tablets

50. Reporting of Administered doses is up to 72 hours behind