Nghĩa của từ determinism bằng Tiếng Sec

determinism <n.> determinismus Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "determinism"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "determinism", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ determinism, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ determinism trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. A related concept is technological determinism.

2. 3 Chomsky is committed to an axiom of biological determinism.

3. Biological determinism (also referred to as Biologism, biodeterminism, or genetic determinism) is the theory that an individual's characteristics and behavior are determined exclusively by biological factors

4. The purpose of it is to make the "interfix determinism" concept perspicuous and to try to establish determinate theoretic foundation for the research of problems on determinism.

5. But we can have a "soft" Causality without strict determinism

6. In this paper, a possible scheme is offeredtomake"interfix determinism"concept perspicuous.

7. The "sexual instinct determinism in the stream of consciousness" is a false proposition.

8. It has Championed Determinism or indeterminism as the occasion served its interest

9. The core idea of Causality is closely related to the idea of determinism

10. Psychology Definition of Biologism: The predilection to use biological determinism to explain behaviour

11. The necessary order in the historical determinism of Karl Marx is in the contingencies.

12. In return, Black gives you speed, determinism, and freedom from pycodestyle nagging about formatting

13. 19 Surely their replacing biological determinism with social constructionism presents too limited a dialectic.

14. History determinism is a theoretic fable made by naturalism, we should clean it out from law.

15. 12 Some critics also argue that any qualification of economic determinism threatens the distinctiveness of Marxism.

16. [Ionic determinism of sex formation, studied in an Anourous batrachian: Discoglossus pictus (Otth), and in the animal kingdom].

17. Nevertheless, if you want to read a good book on a difficult subject as Causality and determinism, this

18. According to Kuznets theory on per capita income determinism, the economic growth determines the transition of industrial structure.

19. To conceive our programme according to our theoretical and ideological definitions we reject any kind of Apriorism or determinism

20. This is wrong. It concerns one point that Yan Fu confuses Schwartz greatly, i. e. to vacillate between determinism and voluntarism.

21. The modernists' sense of time, characterized by determinism, absolutism and progressivism , and in the highest flight since modem time, has been seriously queried and challenged.

22. 28 One can experience through these paintings the reconciliation of determinism and contingency, fatalism and free will; as well as the palingenesis of order and chaos.

23. Americans might take their imperial responsibilities for running the global system more seriously, Ferguson suggests, were they not befuddled by dubious theories of economic determinism.

24. Biologism, biologisk determinism eller genetisk determinism är försök att härleda mänskligt beteende, utveckling och personlighet framför allt utifrån biologiska faktorer [1] som biologiskt kön, heritabilitet och evolutionspsykologiska förklaringar, istället för utifrån ett samspel mellan biologiska och sociala faktorer

25. It offers a critique of classical determinism, establishing an analogy between the laws of quantum mechanics and social science and arguing that both are intrinsically linked to probability.

26. In particular, we argue that the open future thesis is compatible with both the unrestricted principle of Bivalence and determinism with respect to the laws of nature

27. Tombs is a confirmed Brexiteer. But he knows well enough that England is not an island, and that Siegfried’s geographical determinism has been undermined at many points by later researchers.

28. He spent the second half of his career trying to poke holes in the theory and to subsume it in a unified theory that would restore certainty and determinism to physics.

29. ‘In Contradistinction, this is a philosophy that ought to be at the core of a democratic society, committed to openness, transparency and accountability.’ ‘Searle's picture leaves open the possibility of free will, defined here in Contradistinction to determinism.’ ‘In perfect Contradistinction is …

30. 1847, Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre‎[1]: “How long did you reside with him and his sisters after the Cousinship was discovered?” 1891, Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d'Urbervilles‎[2]: His creed of determinism was such that it almost amounted to a vice, and quite amounted, on

31. Biological determination (also Biologism) is the interpretation of humans and human life from a strictly biological point of view, and it is closely related to genetic determinism.Another definition is that biological determinism is the hypothesis that biological factors such as an organism's individual genes (as opposed to social or

32. ‘The proposal to Conjoin the city's large student population into one ward is not new.’ ‘It is not necessarily a vicious circle, however, because by Conjoining a larger and larger set of good and consistent theories it will become possible, if determinism is true, to diminish the apparent exceptions to nil.’