Nghĩa của từ deduced bằng Tiếng Sec

deduced <v.> odvodil Entry edited by: B2 deduced <v.> vyvodil Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "deduced"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "deduced", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ deduced, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ deduced trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. Abound may naturally be deduced from the Celtic

2. Clausius deduced the Clausius–Clapeyron relation from thermodynamics.

3. The deduced translation is shown beneath the DNA sequence.

4. The adsorption coefficient (Koc) is deduced from the capacity factor (k

5. The total amount can be deduced logically from the figures available.

6. I read their lips and deduced they were kidnapping the courtesan

7. 4 The amino acid sequences were deduced from the DNA sequences.

8. The equivalent elastic modulus was deduced by comprehensive considering deflection and elastic modulus.

9. From the evidence the detective deduced that the servant had done it.

10. 6 On the basis of evidence we deduced that he was guilty.

11. The falsity of universal statements can be deduced from suitable singular statements.

12. A set of formulas are deduced form the geometrical relationship of iceland spar.

13. 14 Comparison of deduced amino acid sequences of the mouse and human TEF-1 proteins.

14. The genus-degree formula for plane curves can be deduced from the Adjunction formula

15. The commutative equation of probability flow is deduced and its definite solution is given.

16. Polarisation of the absorption bands of the pigments is deduced from the polarisation spectra.

17. The dynamic equations are deduced from the unified Minkowski–Abraham–Eckart energy-momentum tensor.

18. The divisor problem in additive square complements is studyied, which improves results ever deduced.

19. The effect of a double-Harrison transformation can be deduced by any number of competing techniques.

20. 8 The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of the human ribosomal protein L12 cDNA.

21. The actual physiological parameters are easily deduced from these electrical parameters by means of simple diagrams.

22. According to the dimensional theory, the similitude criteria of lubrication performance in thrust bearing are deduced.

23. The purely surface nature of the abrasion of beach pebbles may be deduced from flint beaches.

24. Finally, Slip behaviors are studied elementarily and empirical formula of slip are deduced by statistics software.

25. Argument, in logic, reasons that support a conclusion, sometimes formulated so that the conclusion is deduced from premises

26. According to homogeneous coordinate transition model, the postposition processing algorithm in multi-axis numerical control machining is deduced.

27. Lipid Bilayer: The arrangement of phospholipids in cell membranes has been deduced by X-Ray diffraction data

28. Nor is it like a mathematical theorem: it can not be deduced from a set of axioms.

29. Other studies are reported, or deduced from Vita Nuova or the Comedy, regarding painting and music.

30. Results Path of affected factor ? ? s action of inpatient were deduced and calculated by Path Analysis.

31. The parameters determining the line shape are deduced from experimental absorption curves and conceivable coupling mechanisms are discussed.

32. Also the stability constant of the intramolecular hydrogen bridge in the anion may then be deduced from kr.

33. For example, languages may stipulate that the amount of storage required by types and variables can be deduced.

34. Fourth, a worm hole, elucidation space - time can stretch, compression, rent, also is deduced time - travel this idea.

35. The frequency stability, amplitude stability and harmonic content can be deduced from the second order perturbation solution of that equation.

36. Control differential equation of curve problem of variable-thickness cylindrical shell is deduced with cell theory of variable-thickness shell.

37. Analysts deduced that the slump in iPhone sales was due to customers' anticipation of the iPhone 5.

38. According to the manufacture demand of DOM , the quality property factors of grade estimation are deduced in this paper .

39. The corresponding results about the acceleration of the shocks and the coefficients of transmission and reflection of the waves are deduced.

40. Enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy differences of vitreous and crystalline forms have been deduced for this alloy.

41. A load torque produces a static position error, which can be deduced directly from the static torque/rotor position characteristic.

42. Analytic expressions describing the limiting curves are deduced for parametric resonances of second order (resonances of sum and difference frequencies).

43. The way in which the coinage circulated can be deduced from the proportions in hoards of coins from different mints.

44. From the areas under the absorption curves, mass concentrations of copper precipitates ranging from 0.023 to 0.034% are deduced.

45. The horizontal arrows indicate the transcription start sites as deduced from a primer extension analysis of the corresponding transcripts.

46. But the disdain of these accomplished economists for supply-side economics can easily be deduced from their writings and congressional testimony.

47. On the basis of these findings, a connection between the surface charge and the receptor affinity of the virus can be deduced.

48. It can only be deduced that most young people learn about homosexuality from the negative and misinformed images in the mainstream media.

49. 4 But the disdain of these accomplished economists for supply-side economics can easily be deduced from their writings and congressional testimony.

50. Etiology, course and treatment of some anorectal diseases (rectal prolapse, haemorrhoids, anal fissure, megacolon congenitum) can be deduced from the normal and pathological anatomy.