Nghĩa của từ cast about bằng Tiếng Sec

cast about <v.> uvažovat Entry edited by: B2 cast about <v.> slídit Entry edited by: B2 cast about <v.> rozvažovat Entry edited by: B2 cast about <v.> pátrat Entry edited by: B2 cast about <v.> prohledávat Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "cast about"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "cast about", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ cast about, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ cast about trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. They cast about to solve this problem.

2. She cast about frantically for an excuse.

3. He cast about for an escape route.

4. I cast about for a plausible defense.

5. The police cast about for fresh evidence.

6. The dogs cast about, seeking the scent.

7. Frantically he cast about, searching the ground.

8. She cast about how she could avoid work.

9. The dog is cast about for its supper.

10. March stopped, and began to cast about him.

11. He cast about desperately for something to say.

12. Therefore, ore prospecting was cast about for source bed.

13. She cast about vainly for some possible place to apply.

14. I also cast about for some means of warning him.

15. The prisoner cast about him for a way d escape.

16. She cast about for some excuse for refusing his proposal.

17. Roy cast about him for the wherewithal to meet the expenditure.

18. Recently, I cast about finding a new way to do the experiment.

19. The teacher cast about for an easy way to explain the lesson.

20. The suspect cast about for some way of escaping from the police - car.

21. Cupped the small flame with a trembling hand. Cast about for a taper.

22. Morgenes cast about for a moment until he found a long - ignored basket of dried fruit.

23. Morgenes cast about for a moment until he found a long - ignored basket of dried fruit.

24. We went on the air in October 1986 and Kylie joined the cast about four months into the series.

25. In April, about 30 frustrated human resources managers met to discuss their staffing woes and cast about for solutions.

26. Programming Director Ron Semiao cast about for ideas by browsing through specialty magazines devoted to skating, rock climbing and bicycling.

27. When the future apologist had reached the age of twenty-three his father cast about for a Christian tutor capable of giving his sons the best education the age afforded.

28. 18 hours ago · As Texas political leaders continue to cast about for the right solutions to the flaws in the state’s power grid and its management that led to catastrophic Blackouts during the mid-February