Nghĩa của từ carbon cycle bằng Tiếng Sec

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "carbon cycle", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ carbon cycle, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ carbon cycle trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. Study on terrestrial eco - system carbon cycle, etc.

2. How strong is carbon cycle - climate feedback under global warming?

3. PH and Alkalinity Every estuary is part of the carbon cycle

4. In the natural carbon cycle, plants absorb CO2 as they grow.

5. It also drives the carbon cycle, which influences global climate via the greenhouse effect.

6. They include disruption to the marine food web and effects on the world's carbon cycle.

7. Biogeochemical+Cycles+Outline+ • Whatare+Biogeochemical+cycles+ • Water+Cycle+ • Carbon+Cycle+ – Fastand+Slow+Cycle+ – Biofuels+and+Tilmanʼsprinciples

8. Grasslands play a significant role in terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle due to large biomass stored belowground.

9. 2 They include disruption to the marine food web and effects on the world's carbon cycle.

10. When oceanographers study these samples, they can see changes in the carbon cycle during the PETM.

11. Seasonal variation of soil biomass plays an important role in the carbon cycle of terrestrial ecosystem.

12. The findings should give climate scientists a better understanding of this critical component of Earth's carbon cycle.

13. Another important component of the protocol was the inclusion of common model code addressing the carbon cycle.

14. Psychrophilic methanogens play a very important role in global carbon cycle, and attract more and more research interests.

15. Backscattering of light by particles is an important input for many studies concerning ecology and the carbon cycle

16. It can also distinguish between changes in the natural carbon cycle and those occurring due to human activity.

17. 1 day ago · Changes in ocean chemistry show how sea level Affects global carbon cycle

18. The carbon cycle has thus acquired another epicycle, and become even more complicated to understand than it was.

19. Finally, carbon budget models, which can now reproduce the global carbon cycle quite accurately, point to human emissions.

20. These fossil fuels are part of the carbon cycle and thus allow stored solar energy to be used today.

21. And it "reinforces how important changes in Southern Hemisphere winds can be for Earth's carbon cycle and its climate, " he says.

22. The carbon cycle is the cycle in which carbon is exchanged between the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and geosphere of the Earth.

23. Some scientists think that massive ocean extinction events in the past caused Earth’s carbon cycle to fluctuate wildly for millions of years afterwards.

24. But they nevertheless have a big influence on air quality and human health, greenhouse gas emissions and the Earth’s carbon cycle, and biodiversity.

25. The carbon cycle is the cycle in which carbon is exchanged between the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere(Sentence dictionary), and geosphere of the Earth.

26. But their numbers have dwindled since the dawn of the 20th century, with unknown consequences for ocean ecosystems and the planet's carbon cycle.

27. Similarly, floods and droughts are symptoms of a carbon cycle gone wrong: when soil is compacted or eroded, rain evaporates or runs off.

28. What seems certain is that the nitrogen cycle is changing faster and more profoundly than the carbon cycle, which has attracted much more attention.

29. In addition, we should further explore direct or indirect impacts of human activities on the processes of terrestrial erosion-deposition and the riverine carbon cycle.

30. 19 In addition, we should further explore direct or indirect impacts of human activities on the processes of terrestrial erosion-deposition and the riverine carbon cycle.

31. These negative carbon isotope excursions have been variably interpreted to record primary seawater values and massive carbon cycle perturbations, diagenetic alteration, or porewater Authigenic carbonate formation.

32. Climate change, ocean acidification, dissolved oxygen, carbon cycle, coastal upwelling, fishing dynamics -- the full spectrum of earth science and ocean science simultaneously in the same volume.

33. A group of researchers at Microsoft hopes to transform the way scientists study complex, ever-changing systems, such as the global carbon cycle and information processing inside cells.

34. If that idea is confirmed, it will need to be incorporated into the computer models used to understand the Earth's carbon cycle and its effect on the climate.

35. GCOM-C monitors climate change by observing surface and atmospheric parameters related to the carbon cycle and radiation budget, such as clouds, aerosol, ocean colour, vegetation, snow and ice.

36. Biogenic carbon is the emissions related to the natural carbon cycle, as well as those resulting from the combustion, harvest, digestion, fermentation, decomposition or processing of biologically based materials

37. Belemnite-size distribution is best correlated with fluctuations in a palaeotemperature proxy (stable oxygen isotopes); however, potential indirect effects of volcanism and carbon cycle perturbations may also play a role

38. 3 Pelagic tunicates play an important role in marine food web carbon cycle as they feed on bacterioplankton and pico-and nano-phytoplankton and meanwhile are preys for commercial animals.

39. Bullying Buoyancy Burns Business Letter CD COVID-19 PSA COVID-19 Special Report CPR Caffeine Calculus California Missions Cameras Camouflage Cancer Capitalization Carbohydrates Carbon Cycle Carbon Dating Carnivorous Plants Cars Cats

40. The world's oceans are Acidifying — but it's happening twice as fast off California Oceans play an important role in the planet's delicate carbon cycle, acting as a crucial reservoir that absorbs

41. Budgets Building Basics Building the Thirteen Colonies Bullying Buoyancy Burns Business Letter CD COVID-19 PSA COVID-19 Special Report CPR Caffeine Calculus California Missions Cameras Camouflage Cancer Capitalization Carbohydrates Carbon Cycle Carbon Dating

42. Budgets Building Basics Building the Thirteen Colonies Bullying Buoyancy Burns Business Letter CD COVID-19 PSA COVID-19 Special Report CPR Caffeine Calculus California Missions Cameras Camouflage Cancer Capitalization Carbohydrates Carbon Cycle Carbon Dating

43. It is becoming increasingly clear that inland water systems play an important role in the global carbon cycle, in spite of the fact that they only cover 3 percent of the land area of the Earth.

44. Poster Presenter, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, “Human Influence on the Carbon Cycle of Secondary Tropical Forests: the Effects of Temperature and Nitrogen on CO 2 Respiration from Soils under Pasture and an Afforestational Chronosequence,” December 2004

45. Poster Presenter, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, “Human Influence on the Carbon Cycle of Secondary Tropical Forests: the Effects of Temperature and Nitrogen on CO 2 Respiration from Soils under Pasture and an Afforestational Chronosequence,” December 2004

46. Even though there have been several studies concerning the carbon cycle or the net CO2 exchange between coniferous forests (both temperate and boreal) and the atmosphere, little is known about carbon dioxide dynamics in Afforested pine areas in central part of Europe

47. Currently I work at School of GeoSciences (University of Edinburgh) as the project manager for ABACUS (Arctic Biosphere Atmosphere Coupling at Multiple Scales) . This research consortium uses a range of different methods to investigate the carbon cycle in the Arctic and its changes in relation to global warming.