Nghĩa của từ bring down bằng Tiếng Sec

bring down <v.> sestřelit Entry edited by: B2 bring down <v.> zastřelit Entry edited by: B2 snést Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "bring down"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "bring down", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ bring down, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ bring down trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. He can bring down a plane.

2. This scandal could bring down the government.

3. Nomadic hunters bring down rabbits, gathering food.

4. A humble pawn can bring down kingdoms.


6. Then you must bring down your flag.

7. We are determined to bring down inflation.

8. The scandal may bring down the government.

9. They're trying to bring down Roshan - all 5.

10. With the guns that the guard bring down.

11. So I would say: bring down these walls.

12. This crisis could bring down the British government.

13. He is determined to bring down the Iraqi strongman.

14. But she can't bring down a screen like mine.

15. Failure vote of confidence could bring down the government.

16. Let's subtract, get a 1, bring down the 0.

17. What kind of device could bring down the wall?

18. And the firefight will bring down half the army.

19. To lower; put or bring down: He Abased his head

20. The dealers have been asked to bring down their prices.

21. We aim to bring down prices on all our computers.

22. Will the disaffection of the young bring down the regime?

23. These dreadful people bring down the tone of the neighbourhood.

24. To help Valliant bring down that son of a bitch Hostetler!

25. A soldier with a pike could bring down a charging horse.

26. The government hopes these measures will help to bring down inflation.

27. They could break rock and bring down eagles with their arrows.

28. When multiplying numbers ending in nought , bring down the noughts first.

29. Its critics, however, counter that globalization can also bring down economies overnight.

30. At the next vote, we must try to bring down the government.

31. He must know that I shall bring down some vessels from Orkney.

32. Powerful voices in the Senate are determined to bring down the president.

33. When are they going to bring down the price of DVD players?

34. He called for expanding the use of digital transactions to bring down corruption.

35. LPG receipt through pipeline will bring down movement of LPG tankers on roads.

36. Washable carpets, acoustic ceiling and fabric wall covering help bring down the decibels.

37. We have flexible microscopic probes that we can bring down into the body.

38. + The consequences of their way I will bring down on their own head.”

39. Car salesmen will often bring down the price rather than lose a sale .

40. If you're running upstairs, go to my room and bring down my sweater, please.

41. Before checking out, add a Budget promo code to bring down the rental cost

42. The leader of a band of renegade sorcerers sworn to bring down the King.

43. Mrs. Lin: I gave him some Tylenol this morning to bring down his fever.

44. 'Bated' is simply a shortened form of 'aBated', meaning 'to bring down, lower or depress'

45. It detonated with enough force to bring down huge chunks of rock from the ceiling.

46. Accelerating the expansion of state-funded social security could bring down household savings over time.

47. Despite their promise that they would bring down the prices, prices have gone on rising.

48. Bolas were used to wrangle livestock or bring down game by tangling limbs and preventing

49. The Tatas ' efforts to bring down the cost of production were on the whole successful .

50. (Isaiah 13:3, 4) Who are these “sanctified ones” appointed to bring down haughty Babylon?