Nghĩa của từ bilaterally bằng Tiếng Sec

bilaterally dvoustranně Entry edited by: B2 bilaterally bilaterálně Entry edited by: B2

Đặt câu có từ "bilaterally"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "bilaterally", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ bilaterally, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ bilaterally trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Sec

1. 4 synonyms for Bilateral: Bilaterally symmetric, isoBilateral, Bilaterally symmetrical, two-sided

2. Ankle Clonus and patellar Clonus were positive bilaterally as was the Babinski sign

3. Chicagoans are pale, bilaterally symmetrical bipeds with thin bodies and disproportionately large heads

4. Ankle Clonus and patellar Clonus were positive bilaterally as was the Babinski sign

5. 10 main characteristics of Phylum Annelida are given below: Bilaterally symmetrical and vermiform

6. The lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally , without any wheezes , rales, or rhonchi.

7. We’re pulling diplomatic levers both bilaterally and multilaterally, and using foreign assistance to protect U.S. communities.

8. Bluebottles have a gas filled air sac known as a pneumatophore which is muscular that is bilaterally symmetrical

9. ad-hoc information bilaterally shared in accordance with Article 53 of Directive 2011/61/EU;

10. Chiton, any of numerous flattened, bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusks, worldwide in distribution but most abundant in warm regions

11. In addition to that we are already bilaterally, trilaterally and otherwise working on two very important connectivity projects.

12. The parties agree to cooperate both bilaterally and internationally to identify arrangements which will advance this objective.

13. Spain maintains economic and technical cooperation programs and cultural exchanges with Latin America, both bilaterally and within the EU.

14. The phylum Brachiopoda, also known as lamp shells, is a group of bilaterally symmetrical, coelomate organisms that superficially resemble bivalve molluscs.

15. Cephalization the intensified development of the cephalic portion of the body in bilaterally symmetric animals during the process of evolution

16. Bilaterally Cryptorchid animals are usually sterile because the higher body temperature inside the abdomen is enough to prevent sperm production

17. We are looking at enhanced engagement with the African Union, African Regional Communities, African Development Bank and above all bilaterally.

18. Cestode: see Platyhelminthes Platyhelminthes, phylum containing about 20,000 species of soft-bodied, bilaterally symmetrical, invertebrate animals, commonly called flatworms

19. 29 There are usually very many muscles - up to 2000 or so in some Lepidopteran larvae - and the system is bilaterally symmetrical.

20. Chiton definition is - any of a class (Polyplacophora) of elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusks with a dorsal shell of calcareous plates.

21. The main symptom is intracranial leptomeningeal angiomatosis which mostly affects the occipital and posterior parietal lobes and can occur unilaterally and also bilaterally.

22. In flower: Form and types …it is termed regular or Actinomorphic. A bilaterally symmetrical flower, as in orchids (see photograph) and snapdragons, is irregular or zygomorphic.

23. Antitropic: ( an'tē-trō'pik ), Similar, bilaterally symmetric, but in an opposite location (as in a mirror image), for example, the right thumb in relation to the left thumb.

24. Ainhum is the autoamputation of a digit, usually of the fifth toe bilaterally and as a result of a constricting scar in the form of a band or groove

25. Acanthocephala (thorny-headed worms) A phylum of bilaterally symmetrical, pseudocoelomate, worm-like organisms most of which do not have an excretory system; all lack a gut

26. Ainhum is the autoamputation of a digit, usually of the fifth toe bilaterally and as a result of a constricting scar in the form of a band or groove

27. He also referred to people-to-people contacts and said that overall these important achievements in the bilateral relations had brought benefits to our peoples bilaterally and added to global peace and prosperity.

28. The Union and Lebanon have signalled their will to apply the new rules as soon as possible bilaterally, on an alternative basis alongside the current rules while awaiting the final outcome of the amending process.

29. Atrophie blanche (AB) is a clinical term used to describe smooth, ivory-white, round or stellate scars or plaques with peripheral telangiectasias that are usually found bilaterally on the legs, ankles, and dorsal feet

30. * The two sides exchanged views on the prevailing complex security situation and underlined the need to actively pursue consultations and cooperation in the field of maritime safety and security both bilaterally and in association with other countries of the region.

31. After injection of horseradish peroxidase into the basilar papilla or into the ampullae of the horizontal and anterior semicircular canals, neurons labeled by the granular reaction product of retrogradely transported HRP were found in the medulla oblongata bilaterally.

32. Under the decisions of IAFS, Burundi is establishing the India-Africa Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (IAIEPA) and a Vocational Training Centre. Bilaterally, it has been offered an IT Centre and a cluster of biomass gasifiers.

33. Athetosis (slow chorea) is nonrhythmic, slow, writhing, sinuous movements predominantly in distal muscles, often alternating with postures of the proximal limbs. Hemiballismus is unilateral rapid, nonrhythmic, nonsuppressible, wildly flinging movement of the proximal arm and/or leg; rarely, such movement occurs bilaterally (ballismus).

34. The Actinomorphic plants are radially symmetrical that is these can be bisected into two same halves in more than one plane whereas, the zygomorphic plants have bilaterally symmetrical flowers that is these flowers can be bisected into two halves in only one plane.

35. Why is FA IR that is decreased bilaterally usually considered a patho-compensatory pattern? Individuals who compensate by externally rotating their bilateral femurs in their anteriorly rotated and inwardly directive Acetabulums have a tendency to overstretch their iliofemoral and pubofemoral ligaments by over-contracting their femoral acetabular external rotators.

36. Antimere n a part or organ of a bilaterally or radially symmetrical organism that corresponds to a similar structure on the other side of the axis, such as the right or left limb of a four-legged animal, (Also called) actinomere ♦ Antimeric adj ♦ antimerism n

37. The wide icicle-type light-adjusting lens for diffusing the light of an LED has a bilaterally symmetrical lens structure made of one amorphous polymer material selected from a glass material or PC, PMMA, and COC, and includes a body, the entire interior of which is filled.

38. CYCLOIDEA; development; gene duplication; Malpighiaceae; phylogeny; Most flowers are either bilaterally symmetrical (i.e., zygomorphic) and have a single plane of symmetry or radially symmetrical (i.e., Actinomorphic) and have several planes of symmetry ().Floral zygomorphy has evolved independently at least 38 times (2–4) and is a hallmark feature of the most diverse …

39. The Alimentary canal is a continuous passage starting from the mouth and ending at the anus, which carries food through different parts of the digestive system and allows waste to exit the body. The Alimentary canal varies widely in organism, but is only seen in organism which are bilaterally symmetrical.

40. Amygdala is Latin for almond, and this brain structure is located bilaterally in the right and left temporal lobes (DeLisi, Umphress, & Vaughn, 2009).The Amygdala is one part of the limbic system which is commonly referred to as the “old brain” because it looks like that found in lower-level animals, and is considered to

41. Reaffirming their commitment to enhance the use of solar energy globally, the leaders underlined the importance of deepening cooperation both bilaterally and under the aegis of ISA in joint research, development, financing and technology innovation as well as diffusion of clean energy and efficiency solutions that will help in promoting energy access in a clean, affordable and sustainable manner.

42. Ainhum (dactylolysis spontanea) is an idiopathic condition that involves a ‘band-like’ soft tissue constriction of a digit.1 This pathology often presents bilaterally with the greatest prevalence on the fifth digit.1 Dark-skinned individuals of African, Asian, West Indian, North, South and Central American decent have been found to present with Ainhum.1 Clinical diagnosis includes at least

43. The Brachiopoda or “lamp-shells” are coelomate Bilateria that are enclosed in a bilaterally symmetrical bivalve shell attached directly or by way of stalk (peduncle) and composed of dorsal and ventral valves lined by a mantle lobe of the body wall and that are provided with a lophophore, an open circulatory system with a dorsal contractile vesicle and one or two pairs of metanephridia, also acting as gonoduct.