Nghĩa của từ iniquity bằng Tiếng Ả Rập

Iniquity الظلم

Đặt câu có từ "iniquity"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "iniquity", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Ả Rập. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ iniquity, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ iniquity trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Ả Rập

1. It was a sink of iniquity.

2. A disco isn't exactly a den of iniquity.

3. The writer reflects on human injustice and iniquity.

4. They were trying to protect their son from iniquity.

5. The iniquity of the transaction aroused general indignation.

6. Evil, iniquity; to be disobedient to God’s commandments.

7. Its use here signifies to take away “guilt, iniquity, transgression.”

8. His temples were palisades against the world of outside iniquity.

9. He thought of New York as a den of iniquity.

10. Research has revealed that he is a monster of iniquity.

11. The greater the iniquity, the greater the despair will be.

12. Any place of moral filth or immorality: a Cesspool of iniquity.

13. Her mother was convinced that London was a den of iniquity.

14. 16 O that he would rid you from this iniquity and abomination.

15. Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity.

16. Ponder for a moment if you have ever mourned “because of iniquity.”

17. And in the eighty and third year they began to wax strong in iniquity.

18. This presupposes a refusal on [the court’s] part to be the ‘abetter of iniquity.’"

19. From their callous hearts comes iniquity; the evil conceits of their minds know no limits.

20. Alas , sinful nation, People weighed down with iniquity, Offspring of evildoers, Sons who act corruptly!

21. He regards the city as a place where all forms of iniquity are practised.

22. I remembered that I was a Carolinian, from a State which framed this iniquity by law.

23. 15 From their callous hearts comes iniquity; the evil conceits of their minds know no limits.

24. The cheerfulness he preached was always qualified by an awareness of the real world's iniquity.

25. Scripture: "I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. "—JER. xxxi.

26. A rascally witness makes a mockery of justice, And the mouth of the wicked spreads iniquity.

27. Acquitting (3 Occurrences) Exodus 34:7 keeping kindness for thousands, taking away iniquity, and transgression, and sin, and not entirely Acquitting, charging iniquity of fathers on children, and on children's children, on a third 'generation', and on a fourth.' (YLT) Numbers 14:18

28. At his Nobel Lecture, García Marquez reflected on Latin America’s long history of civil strife and rampant iniquity.

29. 25 If I sin, then thou markest me, and thou wilt not acquit me from mine iniquity.

30. They were born in sin and shapen in iniquity, and in sin did their mothers Conceive them

31. Now, a word of caution: access to this celestial web is marred by iniquity and forgetting the Lord.

32. I would fall down on my knees and I Besought God to heal my heart and to forgive my iniquity.

33. Cranston loved this place, a veritable den of iniquity but one which sold good ales, fine wine and delicious food.

34. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness.

35. And we must avoid dismissing a particular policy wholesale simply because the pretence of it has sometimes been used to justify iniquity.

36. Well we've got them here now and they're after building a den of iniquity on top of your Imperial Roman artefacts.

37. If at formerly, she will the cachinnation make a noise, then return to a message past, say that he has what iniquity through.

38. 34 And it came to pass that Alma went and judged those that had been taken in iniquity, according to the aword of the Lord.

39. Proverbs 16:6 (DBY) By loving-kindness and truth iniquity is Atoned for; and by the fear of Jehovah [men] depart from evil.

40. 30 And again, because iniquity shall abound, the love of men shall wax acold; but he that shall not be overcome, the same shall be saved.

41. Why dost thou show me iniquity, and look upon perverseness ? for destruction and violence are before me; and there is strife, and contention riseth up.

42. 15 What more is there for Your servant to say to You unless, with his iniquity and vileness always in mind, he humbles himself before You?

43. 6 We all, like sheep, have gone Astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

44. The iniquity of the people brings a curse upon the land—Coriantumr engages in warfare against Gilead, then Lib, and then Shiz—Blood and carnage cover the land.

45. Let it never be said of our home or our ward or our neighborhood that “the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity ... [burning] among our members.”

46. Crookedness » Those that make crooked paths Isaiah 59:7-8 Their feet run to evil, And they hasten to shed innocent blood; Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, …

47. 13 He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel: the LORD his God is with him, and the shout of a king is among them.

48. I have met people that praise my country for its equality freedom and wealth and I have met others that lambaste it for its inequality tolerance of iniquity and selfishness.

49. In order to know what grace is in its reign over sin, and in its super-Aboundings over the Aboundings of iniquity, we must be led experimentally into the depths of the fall

50. And they that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in your enemies' lands; and also in the iniquities of their fathers shall they pine away with them.