Nghĩa của từ inactivation bằng Tiếng Ả Rập

Inactivation التعطيل

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Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "inactivation", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Ả Rập. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ inactivation, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ inactivation trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Ả Rập

1. The kinetics of activation, inactivation and recovery from inactivation are voltage-and temperaturesensitive.

2. Specific protease for inactivation of human tumour necrosis factor-alpha

3. Decontamination means the inactivation of a Carcinogen addressed by …

4. Failure to complete Billing setup can lead to inactivation of your account.

5. The destroyer returned to Philadelphia on 8 April 1922 for inactivation.

6. Cytokinin levels in plants are regulated by biosynthesis and inactivation pathways

7. On 20 September 1929 entered the Philadelphia Navy Yard for inactivation.

8. Absence of sodium current at positive membrane potentials could result from temporal inactivation.

9. On 21 May 1946, Semmes again entered the Philadelphia Navy Yard for inactivation.

10. In two further regions (nucleus entopeduncularis anterior and medialis) dehydration induces inactivation.

11. The results indicate that chloramine is of notable inactivation effect on Cyclops.

12. PP was slightly more sensitive in alkali and heat inactivation than human P.

13. Abnormal X: Autosome ratio, but normal X chromosome inactivation in human triploid cultures

14. The attenuated phenotype should be owing to skewed X inactivation derivative X chromosome.

15. Lactic acid caused inactivation and unfolding of CK with no aggregation during CK denaturation.

16. The inactivation reaction is systematically influenced by the proteins and Ca++ ions present in milk.

17. By contrast, unlike vertebrates, Ascidian embryos formed rather normally following Wnt/β-catenin inactivation

18. After inactivation overhaul at the Boston Naval Shipyard, South Annex, Shangri-La decommissioned on 30 July 1971.

19. Coli survival (in Cowpats) as a two-stage process, in which the initial stage was due to growth, inactivation or stationary state of the population and the second stage was the approximately first-order inactivation.

20. On 9 February 1949, Tucson reported to Mare Island Naval Shipyard to begin preparations for inactivation.

21. Inactivation of heparan sulfate 2-O-sulfotransferase Accentuates neutrophil infiltration during acute inflammation in mice Blood

22. Na V Conductances were almost identical in their peak activation, steady‐state inactivation, kinetics and density (Fig

23. Persistence (surfaces, materials) and inactivation by Biocidal agents used for disinfection (suspension tests, carrier tests, fumigation studies)

24. On 17 July 1929, Melvin entered the Navy yard at Mare Island, San Francisco, to begin inactivation.

25. Cefuroxime is a ‘second generation’ Cephalosporin that is less susceptible than the earlier Cephalosporins to inactivation by beta-lactamases

26. Etomidate induced inactivation-like behaviour of the potassium current and changed the voltage dependence of potassium current activation.

27. Early in 1929 the destroyer began inactivation overhaul and on 15 May 1929 was decommissioned at San Diego.

28. Gitaloxigenin was ineffective when given enterally. This is probably due to rapid inactivation rather than inadequate absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.

29. On 10 November 1930, however, after completing exercises off southern New England, she proceeded to Philadelphia, where she began inactivation.

30. Rodgers served with Division 28, Destroyers, Atlantic Fleet, until the spring of 1922 when she steamed to Philadelphia for inactivation.

31. However, the contact basin Baffling factor as specified in LT1ESWTR Guidance Manual is a potentially imprecise factor in the log inactivation calculation

32. On 2 September 1958, Worcester departed Long Beach and steamed for the Mare Island Naval Shipyard to commence the inactivation process.

33. For many pharmaceutical proteins, which half life is often relatively short, the most common form of in vivo inactivation is enzymatic proteolysis.

34. To test whether the uracil Auxotrophy phenotype is due to the inactivation of URA3, the mutants were transformed with a plasmid carrying the gene.

35. The expression of genes are subject to meiotic sex-chromosome inactivation(MSCI) during spermatogenesis, but lots of gene transcripts are reactivated in postmeiotic.

36. Here, we demonstrate that by hydrolyzing 15-HpETE-PE, iPLA 2 β Averts ferroptosis, whereas its genetic or pharmacological inactivation sensitizes cells to ferroptosis.

37. Objective To study the clonality of palmar fibromatosis by molecular genetic analysis of X chromosome inactivation pattern at a polymorphic site of human androgen receptor gene (HUMARA).

38. MICs of ureidopenicillins, carbenicillin, oxacillin, and cloxacillin were drastically reduced by the inactivation of Acrab, whereas those of the earlier cephalosporins were affected mostly

39. Still undergoing overhaul at Seattle, Washington when the war ended, Russell was prepared for inactivation during September, and on 15 November, she was decommissioned.

40. Telomere shortening in Adipocyte progenitors, promoted by genetic Tert inactivation, is shown to compromise adipose tissue health and systemic metabolism, providing a possible mechanistic link

41. The destroyer participated in a Presidential fleet review on 27 October and entered the New York Navy Yard on 15 November to prepare for inactivation.

42. However, in the case of monosubstituted Acetylenes, inactivation can also occur by addition of the oxidized acetylenic function to a nitrogen of the heme prosthetic group

43. Together, these findings unmask the direct consequences of E-cadherin inactivation in the mammary gland and identify aberrant Actomyosin contractility as a critical barrier to ILC

44. Agitating retorts address these weaknesses while also decreasing processing time but, like all novel technologies, the latest generation requires microbial inactivation studies to ensure food safety

45. As a result, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has accepted UV disinfection as a method for drinking water plants to obtain cryptosporidium, giardia or virus inactivation credits.

46. Given that the mutant can accumulate ZMP in the absence of treatment with exogenous compounds, Cratic is likely an important cellular model of DNPS inactivation and ZMP accumulation

47. To address this issue, we created knock-in mice in which threonines 906 and 1007 within KCC2 have been mutated to Alanines (KCC2-T906A/T1007A), which prevents its phospho-dependent inactivation

48. Strength of the anti-noise signal is adjusted gradually, rather than abruptly, in proportion to decreasing or increasing sound pressure level (SPL) of the background noise, during inactivation or activation of the ANC process.

49. When Autoclaving, specific requirements must be met in order to ensure proper inactivation and include:-Use of appropriate cycle time and temperature-Use of monthly validation (biological indicator)-Use of

50. It is believed that the effect of poly-unsaturated fatty acids on blood platelets is brought about through the inactivation of a yet unknown factor which is responsible for platelet agglutination.