Nghĩa của từ aggregations bằng Tiếng Ả Rập

Aggregations التّجميع

Đặt câu có từ "aggregations"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "aggregations", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Ả Rập. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ aggregations, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ aggregations trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh - Tiếng Ả Rập

1. Aggregations for economic analysis A20

2. The orange fairy Basslet forms large aggregations

3. Biofilms are microbial aggregations on surfaces

4. Trees used for aggregations are also cicada feeding sites.

5. In large-scale aggregations, features unique to smaller regions disappear

6. Throughout the year the birds feed and roost in large aggregations.

7. "CTP" for aggregations of multiple "CEs" operating simultaneously is calculated as follows:

8. ‘CTP’ for aggregations of multiple ‘CEs’ operating simultaneously is calculated as follows:

9. «CTP» for aggregations of multiple «CEs» operating simultaneously is calculated as follows:

10. Analytical workloads typically involve aggregations and sequential scans of selected fields

11. Advanced calculations by using arithmetics expressions, aggregations, logical expressions and currency conversions.

12. Some Crustacean zooplankton also consume aggregations formed from dissolved organic matter and other nonliving particulates.

13. The experimental approach is therefore often complemented by mathematical modeling of animal aggregations.

14. optimise exploitation patterns to provide protection for juveniles and spawning aggregations of marine biological resources;

15. Aggregations of the filaments can be made in the form of floor matting and abrasive articles.

16. It tends to swim low in the water column and forms large aggregations segregated by sex.

17. Scolecite, like natrolite and mesolite, usually occurs as Acicular (needle-like) and fibrous aggregations.

18. The substrate is then cut into strips to form one or more linear aggregations of dies.

19. This blended data source lets you apply new aggregations on the previously aggregated Price Change field.

20. The wildebeest usually rest close to others of their kind and move about in loose aggregations.

21. The role of large aggregations of individuals for appreciable periods is probably of central importance here.

22. Catch was a better descriptor of the size of spawning aggregations than catch per unit effort (CPUE).

23. Angiogenin expression in Parkinson's disease is dramatically decreased in the presence of alpha-synuclein (α-syn) aggregations.

24. Document counts (and the results of any sub Aggregations) in the terms Aggregation are not always accurate

25. Similar aggregations obtained in the absence of flow in the laboratory indicate a potentially significant role of behaviour.

26. The neoplastic formations have been classified into tubuloalveolar structures, solid nests/aggregations and stromal cells of varying morphology.

27. Maintaining the currently applicable eight-week closure period would continue to provide protection for spawning aggregations of cod.

28. The possibility that these basophilic structures are related to intracellular aggregations of the infections agent is discussed.

29. Whereas it is essential to have harmonized aggregations available for economic analyses at the European Community level,

30. Tests run on large data streaming aggregations, a common operation used in real-time data analytics, has shown impressive results.

31. It allows the combination of maps and diagrams of different aggregations of the same data using a common shading scale.

32. Blue whale feeding aggregations are often found at the continental shelf edge where upwelling produces concentrations of krill.

33. The filtration activity of dense aggregations of bivalves can locally reduce the concentration of seston, potentially limiting production.

34. Such an approach casts doubt on the view that cohort studies may simply be aggregations of acute effects

35. Short-lived, spontaneous aggregations of people who share a political concern are identified by Almond as anomie interest groups.

36. For example, in the context of porous aggregations such as soil, micropores are defined as cavities with sizes less than 30 μm.

37. Unlike the other multi-bucket aggregations, you can use the Composite aggregation to paginate all buckets from a multi-level aggregation efficiently

38. Short-lived, spontaneous aggregations of people who share a political concern are identified by Almond as anomie interest groups.

39. Sea otters typically rest in sexually-segregated aggregations (rafts) of up to 200 animals, meaning that large numbers of otters can be oiled simultaneously.

40. For aggregations that do not allow all of the "CEs" to run simultaneously, the possible combination of "CEs" that provides the largest "CTP" should be used.

41. Bonefishes have a circum-tropical distribution, inhabiting inshore shallow water flats and gathering in presumptive nearshore pre-spawn aggregations (PSA) during spawning months

42. For faster responses, Elasticsearch caches the results of frequently run Aggregations in the shard request cache.To get cached results, use the same preference string for each search

43. Because of the luxury of time, we were able to study animals such as sharks and grouper in aggregations that we've never seen before.

44. Hydrography, joint exercises, trainings, supply of vessels and equipment to maritime neighbours are part of our foreign policy today so as to lead to aggregations in IOR capacities.

45. Aggravated aggravates Aggravatest aggravateth aggravating aggravatingly aggravation aggravations aggravative aggravatives aggravator aggravators aggrecanase aggregable aggregant aggregants aggregate aggregated aggregately aggregateness aggregatenesses aggregates aggregatest aggregateth aggregating aggregation aggregational aggregations

46. The Ctenophore nervous system is a nerve net (Figure 1B) with local aggregations of neurons, most pronounced around the apex of the animal 1, 2 (Figure 1C)

47. Introduction: Central Giant Cell Granuloma (CGCG) is an intraosseous lesion consisting of cellular fibrous tissue that contains multiple foci of hemorrhage, aggregations of multinucleated giant cells and occasionally trabeculae of woven Bone1

48. The first widespread inception of this duality at 2.71–2.65 Ga in the Superior and Slave Provinces, Canada, and in India and Australia, may reflect one of the first supercontinent aggregations involving accretionary, “Cordilleran style” tectonics.

49. There is no single curve that will fit the data, but there are three rough aggregations—1955–71, 1974–84, and 1985–92—each of which shows a general, downwards slope, but at three very different levels with the shifts occurring abruptly.

50. Ataxonomic Aggregations of organisms, such as classifications according to particle size or metabolic rate, rely less upon “microscopic” (i.e., taxonomic) features of the ecosystem and could be more appropriate elements with which to build holistic theories in marine ecology.