Đặt câu với từ "those were the days."

1. Those were the days.

2. The coroner noted those bruises were several days old.

3. We were young and madly in love. Ah, those were the days!

4. Those who shared in teaching the Bible publicly in those days were often arrested.

5. 29 Those were the last days of that dying dinosaur, male supremacy.

6. 19 Those were the last days of that dying dinosaur, male supremacy.

7. In those days, these walls were made of wood and iron

8. Those first days when Helen Keller developed the ability to talk were wonderful .

9. 28 In those days, even the highest cutting speeds were almost absurdly low.

10. In those days women were expected to be quiet, passive and self-effacing.

11. Those who yearn for “the good old days” may actually forget that those days were also filled with problems and troubles and that life was never truly ideal.

12. 19 In those days, if you were born a peasant,(www.Sentencedict.com) you were a peasant for life.

13. 'I expect you were a beastly little swine in those days,'she said indistinctly.

14. Those days when we feel like were retaining more water than a rain forest.

15. In those days, companies were routinely run by swashbuckling entrepreneurs rather than planners and managers.

16. In the days of Jesus Christ, there were those who abused their power and oppressed their fellowmen.

17. In those days, CD-ROMs were still just a gleam in the eye of some young engineer.

18. But in those days, we thought we were quite technologically advanced people and life was good.

19. A total of 174 shocks of magnitude 2.6 or greater were recorded during those two days.

20. I will be able to comfortably think back and say that those days were my heyday.

21. In those days it was not considered ladylike to go to work once you were married.

22. Those were the halcyon days of Athens when she produced her finest poetry and drama, architecture and sculpture.

23. Those hot and humid, effusive days.

24. Anticipation of happy days is sometimes much better than those days.

25. In those days we worked with the phonograph.

26. Cherish the memory of those days in Paris.

27. In those days the roads were dusty, and it was the custom to have a servant wash the visitors’ feet.

28. The actions of the practice of older times were called legis Actiones, either because they were the creation of statutes (of course in those days …

29. In those days, analog security systems were most commonly used to protect and to monitor physical spaces.

30. Woe to the pregnant women and those suckling a baby in those days!

31. He was so beautiful in those days - listen to me, those days, talking like it was all ancient history.

32. In those days, all we were getting to eat was rotten fish, so we asked for some vegetables.

33. In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved.” —Matthew 24:14, 21, 22.

34. Ahhh ... those lazy days of spooning mayonnaise.

35. 14 Those herring fishing days are gone.

36. You wore a uniform in those days.

37. 17 Woe to the pregnant women and those suckling a baby in those days!

38. 19 Woe to the pregnant women and those suckling a baby in those days!

39. In those days, the automobile was a recent innovation.

40. Continuity was not important in those days."

41. In those days, this was the height of technology.

42. The main occupation of the people of Kidderminster in those days was weaving, so there were few rich people amongst them.

43. Those are the days that I go to Crispers

44. Those with cognitive impairment had significantly more ALC days than those without.

45. 24 The film really recaptures the atmosphere of those days.

46. This is 1950 -- those were the industrialized countries, those were developing countries.

47. Traditionally at those days there were 30% up to 50 % discount for tickets of Oceanarium and 3D motion-theater.

48. The days of liquorice were over.

49. Last year we were reminded of those epic days when Fighter Command denied the Luftwaffe air superiority in the skies over Britain.

50. Coedition received those items fourteen days ago today

51. She treasures her memories of those joyous days.

52. In those days he'd had thick wavy hair.

53. 9 Those days are becoming as anachronistic as the sokaiya.

54. In those days, only a privileged few had the vote.

55. Those days are balanced by days when your spend is below your daily budget.

56. Those two countries aren't getting along these days.

57. I retain a clear memory of those days.

58. Everything he wrote on those days seemed prurient.

59. In those days Palestine was ruled by Rome.

60. Only men Could go to the club in those days.

61. 30 Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful.

62. Although a perfect antidote to those who yearn for a return of those days.

63. • The homes were Bulldozed two days later.

64. 29 “In those days they will no longer say, ‘The fathers ate sour grapes, but the teeth of the sons were set on edge.’

65. 26 those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing,[www.Sentencedict.com] sad and painful.

66. But the halcyon days were short-lived.

67. The first few days were gloriously hot.

68. In those days we received the sacrament during an evening meeting.

69. In those early days, it wasn't easy to navigate the sea.

70. In those days, a circuit overseer received little training.

71. We will turn the clock back to those days of upheaval.

72. It was from those halcyon days that the following story dates.

73. 4 I retain a clear memory of those days.

74. I was a brassbound Idealist in those days. Sentencedict.com

75. Those were the license plates.

76. Fisher Unwin London) Why recall the memory of those Acheful days

77. Those days, getting cowpox vaccination was a big deal

78. 21 I retain a clear memory of those days.

79. In those days, California seemed like an agricultural Eden.

80. We blunted our fingers counting coins in those days.