Nghĩa của từ Pallas's pica bằng Tiếng Việt

thỏ mộc Mông Cổ, Ochotona pricei

Đặt câu có từ "Pallass pica"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "Pallass pica", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ Pallass pica, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ Pallass pica trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Y Khoa Anh - Việt

1. Pallas' Reed Bunting, Emberiza pallasi: The Pallas's Reed Bunting breeds across northern and central Asia across to Mongolia

2. I even used a 12-pica bold font to make sure it really popped.

3. AilurophileApparel Shop Contact us Pica-Cat Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt $20.00 Galaxy Kitten Silhouette Graphic T $25.99

4. Synonyms for Bulimarexia include eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, bingeing, binging, bulimia, compulsive eating, hypheragia, pica, psychological disorder and purging

5. Cicero definition, a Continental unit of measurement for type, equal to 12 Didot points, or 0.178 inch (4.5 millimeters), roughly comparable to a pica

6. Infecta de manera típica a las cabras, Brucellas suis, infecta a los cerdos, brucelas aportus, infecta a los bovinos y brucelas conis, infecta a los perros.

7. "Fairey's warrants weren't just outstanding — they were FABULOUS!" The 313 bird species known from the ecoregion include two threatened species: the green Avadavat (Amandava formosa) and Pallas's fish-eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus).

8. Vigorexia Bigorexia - Muscle Dysmorphia Compulsive Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) Night-Eating Syndrome Orthorexia Pica Prader-Willi Syndrome Rumination Nocturnal Sleep-Related Eating Disorder eating disorders, d

9. Children with an abnormal craving or appetite for non-food substances, known as "pica," will eat between 5 g and 10 g of soil per day (Calabrese, Stanek and Gilbert, 1991).

10. Costumbres Aymaras Los aymarás viven en pequeñas y superpobladas aldeas y cultivan productos Los aymarás mantienen muchas de sus tradiciones y su típica vestimenta festiva

11. Astringente o estíptico es cualquiera de las substancias que con su aplicación externa local (tópica), retraen los tejidos y pueden producir una acción cicatrizante, antiinflamatoria y antihemorrágica

12. Astringente o estíptico es cualquiera de las sustancias que con su aplicación externa local (tópica) retraen los tejidos y pueden producir una acción cicatrizante, antiinflamatoria y antihemorrágica.

13. El Astringente, también conocido como estíptico, una vez aplicado en forma local o tópica, por ejemplo, sobre la piel, producirá un efecto de retracción del tejido

14. Amalett Thompson Wainio, 90 - Apr 18, 2020 Fred Pica, 92 - Apr 16, 2020 Lorena Ann Tonkovich, 88 - Apr 14, 2020 Edith Scarcella, 98 - Apr 13, 2020 Jan Elaine Wilson, 61 - Apr 2020 Dorothy Daleann Mays, 62 - Apr 11, 2020 D'Andrea Francesca Amendolea, 35

15. However, children with "pica" (abnormal cravings for dirt or other non-food substances) can ingest from 5–10 grams of soil per day.29 The ingestion of dust and soil is widely regarded as the key pathway for childhood exposure to lead and other metals.

16. However, children with "pica" (abnormal cravings for dirt or other non-food substances) can ingest from 5-10 grams of soil per day.29 The ingestion of dust and soil is widely regarded as the key pathway for childhood exposure to lead and other metals.

17. Chicle/Chicles comer/mascar chicle El chicle pica el primero que te salga te debe un chicle hacerse chicle Mascar chicle nos han prohibido comer chicle pegar su chicle pegarse como chicle Rascar un chicle Rosa chicle Waiting for the chicle Chicle / goma de mascar - Spanish Only forum frase chicle - …

18. Our Heavenly Patron, Saint Francis of Assisi Franc is was born between December 1181 and September 1182 from Petre de Bernardone, a rich cloth merchant and lady Pica Bourlemont a noble who called him Giovanni (john).According to the legend, Giovanini (Francis) had been convinced while his middle aged parents were on a journey to the holy land.

19. 35 Vitalismos y Animismos 55 Los demonios de Maxwell 71 Cibernética microscópica 91 Ontogénesis molecular 109 Invariancia y perturbaciones 127 Evolución 145 Las fronteras 165 El reino y las tinieblas 185 Apéndices El azar y la necesidad (QXP) 8/5/07 00:23 Página 7

20. To su stoliei »Buffettini«,41 koji vjerojatno sluze za postavljanje hladnih zakuski i pica, a bolje opremljene kuee imaju ih i po vise komada, najcesee su od orahovine i ukraseni.42 Posebno mjesto u kuei zauzimaju stolovi, ali ne vise oni iz doba gotike ili renesanse, koji su vee dijelom hili sastavljeni samo od pokret­

21. La comprensión arquetípica de los Animismos y de las religiones, descubierta por el autor gracias a una investigación que ha durado doce años, permite acercarse a cada recorrido espiritual con una mayor consciencia, tanto respecto a la tradición misma como a su influencia sobre las características personales.

22. I aquí acabo la meva breu nota gastronòmica d’aquestes vacances on naturalment he assistit també a una típica barbacoa americana (sense musmellows de nit, perquè estava prohibit fer foc de camp per culpa d’uns incendis Bestials a l’estat), he esmorzat pancakes amb sirope i ous remenats, menjat cookies a totes hores i vaig preparar un

23. Atypically adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (unusually, different from norm) de manera atípica loc adv locución adverbial: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adverbio ("en vilo", "de seguido", "a quemarropa").