Nghĩa của từ would've bằng Tiếng Anh

verb would've (would have)

used to express the possibility that one may have done something but were prevented by circumstances

Đặt câu với từ "wouldve"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "wouldve", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ wouldve, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ wouldve trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. I would've eaten your asshole, you know.

2. I did things I never would've.

3. It would've been in your coat.

4. It would've made your father proud

5. It would've been hard to miss.

6. That's where they would've made camp.

7. Apnea would've disappeared when she shrank.

8. A kid would've just cramped me style.

9. He would've left prints in the van.

10. So if Movember 2006 didn't happen, the four founders, well, we would've been broke, we would've been homeless, sitting on the street with mustaches.

11. The little prick would've done me too.

12. Death would've come to you soon enough.

13. Almighty Zeus, himself, would've owned a restaurant.

14. And the initial acyclovir would've treated that.

15. He would've fallen right off his desk!

16. He would've come, tried to straighten me out.

17. The Simbas would've chopped him into small pieces.

18. We never would've met if you had copy protected " Parallax. "

19. I would've thought your weapon of choice was a noose.

20. He would've been on time for his midterm.

21. My best friend would've been a treasured memory.

22. He would've given it to you as alms.

23. Fallout from a larger platform would've been devastating.

24. Any test would've said you were 100% then.

25. It would've been mean and churlish to say no.

26. I never would've had the courage to talk to you.

27. He'd either continue to deteriorate, or he would've gotten better.

28. It all would've been for nothing if not for you.

29. Would've taken her myself if she wasn't so bloody proud.

30. If he was harboring a clone, we would've found evidence.

31. Or the girl on lookout, she would've sounded the alarm.

32. If it wasn't you, I would've never come to Korea.

33. Which would've given them ample time to do all this.

34. One more candle and the smoke alarm would've gone off.

35. I thought your life experience would've sharpened your world view.

36. Kryptonian technology would've been able to predict these solar storms.


38. What would've you done if he did something weird to you?

39. Never would've thought touring the Pacific Northwest would be so harrowing...

40. It would've been the end of everything that we've worked on.

41. Otherwise, I never would've had the right to talk to you.

42. One wrong twitch and the guitarist would've had a long drop!"

43. I would've followed your advice to the ends of the earth.

44. There's no way he would've come to work wanting more carbs.

45. It would've been just elegant, lying in a bath, drinking champagne.

46. If I was kidding, I would've said you're witty and handsome.

47. Were you in Rome, you would've sold fish, 5 Sesterces each!

48. We didn't kill you, Crowley, even though it would've been very easy.

49. We would've seen signs of that when we tested for tuberous sclerosis.

50. You'd think you would've lasted this long if I wanted you dead?