Đặt câu với từ "seriously involved in"

1. Voting for the Baseball Hall of Fame is an enormous privilege, and it should be taken seriously by those involved.

2. In 1659, Pascal fell seriously ill.

3. seriously, you don't want in on this?

4. Seriously, that's disgusting.

5. " Seriously? " It's free.

6. Shah Jahan became seriously ill in 1657.

7. Tom was seriously maimed in the war.

8. 17 White was seriously maimed in the battle.

9. 18 He was seriously maimed in an accident.

10. 1 Tom was seriously maimed in the war.

11. Involved in AAP

12. 2 He was seriously maimed in the war.

13. Indulgence in smoking can seriously harm your health.

14. 16 John be seriously maimed in the battle.

15. Seriously destroy public property.

16. Are you seriously wounded?

17. In November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia.

18. Bull, you're seriously hurt

19. Bicyclist seriously injured in Bonita Springs hit-and-run

20. The experience had seriously eroded his confidence in himself.

21. Mechanisms Involved in Bioleaching

22. Misusing drugs in pregnancy can seriously harm your baby.

23. Present defects in the system seriously impede these functions.

24. Hey, no, seriously, captain.

25. MAN:Hey, no, seriously, captain

26. If you think I'm seriously interested in that, then...

27. She recovered, but was seriously ill again in March.

28. My native village was ravaged seriously in the war.

29. Take all threats seriously.

30. Her father is seriously ill in St Luke's hospital.

31. He takes things too seriously.

32. Smoking seriously damages your health.

33. " The climate is seriously hardened . "

34. It's seriously not a joke.

35. Over in Asia, they take gaming so much more seriously.

36. No, seriously, I thought I might try something in horticulture.

37. Capri is beautiful – seriously beautiful

38. Her vision is seriously defective.

39. 7 My native village was ravaged seriously in the war.

40. Conspiracies: a group involved in …

41. Involved in Brisk International Trade

42. Don't take it too seriously.

43. Don't regard this very seriously.

44. In Buenos Aires Ruanova became seriously ill with bronchial problems.

45. 5 In November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia.

46. People who took football too seriously aroused deep loathing in me.

47. Davy seriously injured himself in a laboratory accident with nitrogen trichloride.

48. What he did has seriously diminished him in many people's eyes.

49. You're seriously not turning her down.

50. No, seriously, I want an epidural!

51. The oak hull was seriously damaged.

52. I don't take him too seriously.

53. We seriously reprehended his taking risks.

54. She is seriously ill with tuberculosis.

55. 4 Don't regard this very seriously.

56. Lots of them are seriously lewd.

57. • What is involved in trusting in Jehovah?

58. Seriously, Professor Bennett, he covers this whole book in his lectures.

59. I feel so sorry to my Son-in-law Lee, seriously.

60. I do take you seriously, but...

61. Let's talk seriously about your future.

62. He's seriously underrated as a writer.

63. Non Creedal churches take the advice in James 1:5 seriously

64. He was involved in this holdup.

65. Getting involved in wars or politics

66. I'm involved in an anarchist group.

67. Neither was involved in procurement activities.

68. I became heavily involved in politics.

69. They became involved in an altercation.

70. She became heavily involved in politics.

71. But ocean Acidification can seriously harm

72. Luigi takes customer service very seriously.

73. People take their failures too seriously.

74. I am seriously not fooling anyone.

75. Basil looked seriously through my work.

76. They are seriously concerned about security.

77. Smoking can seriously damage your health.

78. As an actor, he's seriously underrated.

79. Do not get involved in politics.

80. Somebody could cut a caper seriously, but be serious in fun.