Đặt câu với từ "sack-opening machine"

1. Suction opening for vacuum absorption type massage machine

2. Attached to the sack was a length of pennant rigging, which he left adrift within reach of the opening chute.

3. Aleatoric inside the network the software that grab a sack runs on a lead plane, capture all data bags that reach this machine

4. What's a shit-sack?

5. (Laughter) Our slushy machine broke on the opening night and we didn't know what to do.

6. Yolk sack still feeding baby.

7. [ Yolk sack still feeding baby. ]

8. Where's that sack of shit, Fogell?

9. I'm going to hit the sack.

10. 9 Si rat, bite calico sack.

11. It's the sack for you!

12. I have to sack u.

13. You see that rice sack?

14. He got the sack for stealing.

15. Bituminizing papers · Wet strength papers · Kraft sack papers, sack kraft papers · Sack papers · Kraft papers · Cable insulating papers · Crêpe papers, misc

16. Bituminizing papers · Wet strength papers · Kraft sack papers, sack kraft papers · Sack papers · Kraft papers · Cable insulating papers · Crêpe papers, misc

17. Can't wait to hit the sack.

18. He caught them in the sack together.

19. He thought you meant to sack Rome.

20. I'm tired, Let's hit the sack.

21. I'm ready to hit the sack.

22. Bag (n.) "small sack," c

23. The invaders put all to the sack.

24. It's late - I'm going to sack out.

25. We need about a sack of rice.

26. Two teachers get the sack over sex.

27. They got through a sack of potatoes.

28. Two nuts in a ball sack, yo.

29. She's in a sack in the airing cupboard.

30. I'm going to hit the sack, I'm exhausted.

31. It's one o'clock - time to hit the sack.

32. If you're late again, you'll get the sack.

33. The poor old sod got the sack yesterday.

34. Sack feeding device with adaptive knife block

35. Where are you going to sack out?

36. He got the sack for petty thieving.

37. Every horse thinks his sack heaviest. 

38. Now, just lift this sack above your head.

39. The chicken pecked a hole in the sack.

40. 1 An empty sack cannot stand upright. 

41. The hen pecked a hole in the sack.

42. 1 Where are you going to sack out?

43. He pre-empted any decision to sack him.

44. They couldn't sack me - I'd done nothing wrong.

45. Sack: A large bag usually made of jute.

46. She claimed she'd been threatened with the sack.

47. The sack split and the rice poured out.

48. Bind the sack before it is full. 

49. 2 It's late - I'm going to sack out.

50. Hundreds of postal workers are facing the sack.

51. Beevish Software section perhaps? Weak in what sack

52. We've still got the sack from San Carlos.

53. The French did not sack the Louvre in 1944 .

54. 1 Bind the sack before it be full. 

55. Glover finished with five total tackles and one sack.

56. She got the sack after 20 years of service.

57. Finally got the sack after a year of ineptitude.

58. Place the TSC pump in the left side opening and connect the high- pressure hose to the high pressure filter on the machine

59. Why do we need such a big sack anyway?

60. That ought to trade for a sack of flour.

61. Man, I'm beat. I'm going to hit the sack.

62. I dropped the sack and sank into a trench.

63. Sandy: Poor Marvin. He probably will get the sack.

64. Metal working machinery, in particular tapping machine, riveting machine, nut forming machine, screw machine, casting machine, drilling machine

65. Synonyms for Bedroll include sleeping bag and sleep sack

66. 2 Bind the sack before it is full. 

67. To remove Cabbages from the sack requires right clicking the sack of Cabbages and selecting the menu option that removes one cabbage at a time.

68. Cabbages is a sack that contains between one and ten Cabbages.If a player has an empty sack in their inventory and clicks on it while Cabbages are also in the inventory up to ten Cabbages will be placed in the sack

69. Noble ladies sell their diamonds for a sack of potatoes.

70. SACK alfridary Arabesquely drilled prick-eared deathshot autocombustible abscessroot

71. A bird had pecked a hole in the sack.

72. Unless you work harder you will get the sack.

73. If you're late again tomorrow, you'll get the sack!

74. Cabbages is a sack that contains between one and ten Cabbages.If a player has an empty sack in their inventory and clicks on it while Cabbages are also in the inventory up to ten Cabbages will be placed in the sack

75. 9 He was staggering under the weight of the sack.

76. I watched him heft the heavy sack onto his shoulder.

77. He paused to gaze at the squat moose - hide sack.

78. To remove Cabbages from the sack requires right clicking the sack of Cabbages and selecting the menu option that removes one cabbage at a time.

79. The, uh, that sad sack from the karaoke video tape?

80. The brain is enclosed in a sack called the meninges.