Đặt câu với từ "peace making"

1. 29 Peace with sword in hand, 'tis safest making. 

2. The peace talks only seem to be making fitful progress.

3. Diplomatic efforts at peace-making have so far proved unavailing.

4. Being peaceable in the Scriptural sense implies actively promoting peace, sometimes making peace where it was previously lacking.

5. Fears for the President's safety could overshadow his peace-making mission.

6. Still, words of apology are a strong force toward making peace.

7. And he'd commit himself fully to the hard and thorny process of making peace.

8. (Ephesians 4:31) Be quick about making peace when hurtful words have been exchanged.

9. Antonyms for Aggressing include agreeing, making peace, soothing, appeasing, mollifying, reconciling, resolving, conciliating, placating and pacifying

10. The seas powdering our bones like quartz, making sand, grinding our peace for us by the aeon.

11. But he ended up making “equitable terms” of peace with Ptolemy V, the king of the south.

12. " We will reach out to countries making the transition from authoritarianism to democracy , and from war to peace .

13. Chime is making banking better for everyone because financial peace of mind should be for people of all kinds

14. In making his personal decision he must bear in mind that a follower of Jesus is to pursue peace.

15. The cure lies in identifying the disturbed relationship, making such reparation as seems appropriate, and so restoring peace and tranquillity.

16. To show the world that the United States does not want reunification, it is necessary to keep making new peace proposals.

17. (1 Peter 5:5) Humility will move us to ‘pursue peace’ with our brothers, admitting our mistakes and making appropriate apology.

18. Peace psychological research can be analytically (research on peace) or normatively (research for peace) oriented.

19. The peace process had recently been making steady, if agonizingly slow, progress due to realistic approaches of the leaders of the two sides

20. No peace.

21. Perhaps peace?

22. “All peace!

23. Peace Bridge

24. A democracy that has nonviolence and peace and peace at roots.

25. The Essene Morning and Evening Communions CS-68 and the Noon Peace Contemplations The Monday Evening Communion with the Angel of Peace "Peace, peace, peace, Angel of Peace, be always everywhere." Contemplate the crescent moon and the moonlight, invoking and visualizing universal peace in all spheres of existence.

26. Implements of peace.

27. Keep the peace .

28. Peace confuses them.

29. Peace and quiet.

30. Peace Amid Turmoil

31. Rest in peace.

32. War And Peace

33. Prince of Peace.

34. With one peace for his people... but peace had come at a price.

35. Peace and harmony one

36. An Administration for Peace

37. Peace be with you.

38. Make and keep peace

39. An era of peace.

40. Weapon bode [breed] peace.

41. "Israeli peace advocate attacked".


43. No Obstacle to Peace

44. Lasting peace and security.

45. “Peace as Your Overseers”

46. May you have peace.

47. War and Peace, kid.

48. Foregleams of Lasting Peace

49. 26 We seek peace, knowing that peace is the climate of freedom Dwight Eisenhower.

50. Peace unto My Soul

51. Peace at Any Price?

52. The dove represents peace.

53. Denis Magnan, directeur général (780) 466-1680 Peace Association for Lifelong Learning - Peace River (PHF) - $35,000 to facilitate healthy adolescent development in the Peace Health Region.

54. Peace descends like gentle rain.

55. Europe is still at peace.

56. A spirit of peace prevailed.

57. A foreigner’s longing for peace

58. We all hanker for peace.

59. The people clamouring for peace.

60. Peace negotiations came to nought .

61. This is a peace summit.

62. It's a peace summit, guys.

63. You guessed it: world peace.

64. It's all peace and simplicity.

65. □ Who can enjoy such peace?

66. We have lived in peace.

67. He envied Caroline her peace.

68. C . A crusader for peace.

69. He foretold that Jesus Christ, the “Prince of Peace,” would restore peace to the earth.

70. 11 It is boosting trade with Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, and sticking, with commendable doggedness in the face of little encouragement, to the task of making peace with Pakistan.

71. Biden Abandons Middle East Peace

72. Peace, health, serenity, happiness, nirvana.

73. The peace talks look promising.

74. World peace and personal satisfaction.

75. Just War or Just Peace?

76. Pronouncement of peace and security

77. CAPULET Peace, you mumbling fool!

78. “Messengers of peace,” diplomats sent to negotiate peace with the warlike Assyrians, face mockery and humiliation.

79. Jehovah is called “the God of peace” and is identified as the one who “gives peace.”

80. Liberian women were actively involved in the peace process, leading the Mano River Women Peace Network.