Đặt câu với từ "nuclear equation of state"

1. The isospin dependence of momentum_dependent interaction is thus important for studying accurately the equation of state of isospin asymmetry nuclear matter.

2. Nuclear magnetic relaxation of polyatomic gases is discussed in terms of a Boltzmann equation.

3. The equation of state for a neutron star is not yet known.

4. 20 There could be a sudden breakthrough in nuclear fusion or the cost equation of photo-electric energy.

5. Then the equation of state and partial excess chemical potential for binary system is developed.

6. The steady state is here regarded as the solution of a partial differential-algebraic equation.

7. In this paper, it attempts to clarify some doubtful points existed currently which are related to detonation heat, isentropic equation and equation of state of detonation product.

8. 26 In this paper, it attempts to clarify some doubtful points existed currently which are related to detonation heat, isentropic equation and equation of state of detonation product.

9. These were based on the analytical solution of the Bloch equation for the two-state Demkov model.

10. These waivers, therefore, acknowledge all the most important attributes of a Nuclear Weapon State.

11. The steady state probabilities of the underlying queueing process satisfy an (n+1)-th order homogeneous difference equation.

12. Cartesian equation is the equation of a surface or a curve

13. China shared shares our about Iran becoming a nuclear weapon weapons state.

14. There was a renewed equation of India and Pakistan, and repeated assertions by President Bill Clinton that differences between India and Pakistan over the State of Jammu and Kashmir represented a "nuclear flash-point” and posed the greatest threat to world peace.

15. This equation is called Bellman Optimality Equation

16. The standard form of quardic equation is known as Adfected quadratic equation

17. Birgand's equation is a version of the typical exponential decay equation (eq

18. The equation of state of molecular hydrogen at high pressures and temperatures is particularly important and yet it is poorly known.

19. But then, so would be nuclear fusion in the state I was in.

20. Brazil established its State System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Materials in the early 1980 ́s.

21. The swing equation of the machine is a third-order nonlinear differential equation.

22. As an NPT State party, Bangladesh had unconditionally abandoned any aspiration to nuclear weapons

23. A Constitutive equation is an equation that describes the …

24. This differential equation is the classic equation of motion of a charged particle in vacuum.

25. left side of the equation.

26. The Navier–Stokes equation is a special continuity equation.

27. Nuclear disarmament and the disassembling of nuclear weapons have expanded the possibility of nuclear theft.

28. Each equation can be viewed as a three-dimensional surface with two independent stress state variables forming the abscissas.

29. Till now we were discussing the various concepts and equations such as continuity equation Euler equation, Bernoulli’s equation and momentum equation for in-Compressible fluid flow.

30. The India-US civil nuclear agreement symbolizes not only a maturing of our bilateral relations but also a clear recognition of the responsible record of India as a state possessing advanced nuclear technologies.

31. This paper summarized the research present situation of nuclear chemistry, mainly expounded the nuclear chemical reaction principle, including nuclear decay, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

32. So whatever word maximizes this equation will also maximize this equation.

33. 10 The model involved in particle charging equation, electric field and charge conservation equation, gas conservation equations of mass and momentum, particle mass and momentum equation.

34. The self-adjoint form of the classical equation of motion of the harmonic oscillator is used to derive a Hamiltonian-like equation and the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics.

35. Like an equation?

36. Example of Covariance equation & calculation

37. A differential equation is simply an equation that contains a derivate.

38. Expanded Cartesian Equation

39. To Balance a chemical equation, enter an equation of a chemical reaction and press the Balance button

40. This paper summarized the research present situation of nuclear chemistry, mainly expounded the nuclear chemical reaction principle, including nuclear decay[http://Sentencedict.com], nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

41. Crucialness, stage of nuclear reaction, state of urgency, condition of being critical; point at which a chain reaction can be sustained (esp

42. In physics, the discovery of nuclear fission has led to both nuclear weapons and nuclear power.

43. This innovative company produces state-of-the-art software to protect strategic sites like nuclear facilities, chemical plants and airports.

44. For the first time in classical antiquity the nuclear family had assumed a central role in the politics of state.

45. In a nonlinear geometrical acoustics theory the transport equations which determine the signal carried by a component wave have the form of a simple wave equation, Korteweg-de Vries equation, damped simple wave equation and Burgers' equation.

46. What is the equation of the line?

47. Nuclear energy is liberated as a result of nuclear fission.

48. An Adfected quadratic equation is a type of quadratic equation in which x term must be present

49. The method of solution involved writing the diffusion equation as a difference equation in the spatial coordinates.

50. In the "Equation Solver-Panel" the coefficients of a linear equation system and the absolute elements are specified.

51. Bernoulli equation An equation that describes the conservation of energy in the steady flow of an ideal, frictionless, incompressible fluid

52. That order cannot be Countermanded by SecDef (wjperryproject.org) 153 More: Scary , Nuclear warfare , nuclear weapons , Nuclear weapon , Air Force , nuclear chain , United States Department of Defense , nuclear command , President of the United States

53. That's the equation of a tangent plane.

54. The corresponding discrete-time equation is usually referred to as the Bellman equation.

55. In mathematics, a (real) Monge–Ampère equation is a nonlinear second-order partial differential equation of special kind.

56. This article is based on the material balance equation and the no fixed water inroad equation, educe the equation of the no water recovery and the water coming time.

57. The flow-of-funds equation All these effects on money supply can be summarized using a flow-of-funds equation.

58. The low estimate is the nuclear energy industry estimate of nuclear.

59. Nuclear disarmament is the act of reducing or eliminating nuclear weapons.

60. Boiling point elevation equation

61. “So far, a total of 100,000 kilograms of plutonium, in an unprocessed state, has been accumulated from civilian nuclear reactors,” SIPRI points out.

62. Turkey expects the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to abandon its nuclear and other related activities in a complete and irreversible manner and to return to the NPT as a non-nuclear-weapon State.

63. 28 This article is based on the material balance equation and the no fixed water inroad equation, educe the equation of the no water recovery and the water coming time.

64. Thus, the Constitutive equation

65. GC: ... or amplify one side of the equation.

66. If for example and , then is a so-called absorbing state and is the (uniquely determined) solution of the linear equation system ().; If and , every probability solution solves the linear equation system ().; Now we give some examples for non-Aperiodic Markov chains

67. Many long time nuclear advocates Appredicate the inherent cleanliness of nuclear energy

68. - study of nuclear aerosols,

69. So we know the equation of the line.

70. Equation expresses the principle of minimum potential energy.

71. As a country with advanced nuclear technology, India would like to participate as a supplier state in such initiatives.

72. What is the differential equation?

73. Bernoulli Equation The Bernoulli Equation can be considered to be a statement of the conservation of energy principle appropriate for flowing fluids

74. This agreement is consistent with India’s position that the issue should be resolved diplomatically on the basis of recognition of Iran’s right to peaceful uses of nuclear energy and in accordance with Iran’s international obligations as a non-nuclear weapon state.

75. When you reduce some-thing to its most elemental state, its nuclear core(Sentencedict.com), you can generalize from there.

76. Balance Chemical Equation - Online Balancer

77. A special form of the Euler’s equation derived along a fluid flow streamline is often called the Bernoulli Equation: Energy Form

78. The equation of the peak current for a quasi- reversible interfacial reaction in oscillopolarography was discussed. The equation has been verified.

79. Multilateralization of the nuclear fuel cycle/guarantees of access to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy

80. This kind of relationship is called a differential equation.