Đặt câu với từ "no sooner said than done"

1. No sooner had he done so than the moonlight burst into the room through the open windows .

2. Hardly / scarcely / Barely when no sooner than

3. Easier said than done.

4. It's easier said than done.

5. Much easier said than done.

6. Is gesticulation easier said than done?

7. Easier said than done, of course.

8. I had no sooner lain down than the telephone rang.

9. But that’s easier said than done.

10. No sooner had he arrived in Rome than he was kidnapped.

11. And that's much easier said than done.

12. Living Authentically is easier said than done

13. But that is easier said than done.

14. Unfortunately, it is easier said than done.

15. 4 Is gesticulation easier said than done?

16. No sooner did one crisis die away than another claimed the headlines.

17. No sooner had I started mowing the lawn than it started raining.

18. No sooner were we hutted than we were on the march again.

19. Avoiding mosquito bites is easier said than done.

20. Grammar Point hardly / scarcely / Barely / no sooner hardly / scarcely / Barely / no sooner

21. Yes, all of that is easier said than done.

22. Easier said than done . How late are you open?

23. That is absolutely right, but easier said than done.

24. Letting go of resistance is easier said than done.

25. Finding the perfect house was easier said than done.

26. But ending Broodiness is sometimes far easier said than done

27. Take your time. You know that easier said than done.

28. Yet, as the old adage goes: Easier said than done.

29. “Sounds great,” you say, “but it’s easier said than done!”

30. She said, “Oh, no, Elder, you haven’t done anything wrong.

31. No sooner than we are seated, a complimentary bottle of wine arrives at our table.

32. No sooner had I sat down than there was a loud knock on the door.

33. But to build a clean car is easier said than done.

34. 24 No sooner did he draw near her with that in mind than she felt it.

35. That is easier said than done, especially in an election year.

36. 3 You may be saying, ‘That is easier said than done.’

37. No sooner than I woke up after my mid-night journey , had I written that letter .

38. “It no sooner appeared than I found myself delivered from the enemy which held me bound.

39. No sooner had we arrived than a firestorm broke out in Arkansas involving the football team.

40. No sooner had voters approved Prop. 209 than civil rights lawyers filed appeals challenging its constitutionality.

41. Nothing dries sooner than a tear.

42. No sooner do you buy a computer than they bring out a new one which supersedes it.

43. 30 No sooner were the colleges given the signal to diversify than limits were placed on diversification.

44. 21 Back out with the rod which no sooner hit the water than was away again.

45. No sooner than a service is made available, the users of those services start needing changes.

46. No sooner were the colleges given the signal to diversify than limits were placed on diversification.

47. No sooner had the new deadline been announced than Newt Gingrich suggested lifting the debt ceiling.

48. One may sooner fall than rise. 

49. We talk about reducing our costs, but it's easier said than done.

50. But it's easier said than done, some people always up the challenge.

51. I want to ask her out, but it's easier said than done.

52. However, it is easier said than done. Practice is the most factor.

53. No sooner had I tried to imitate its voice than it was standing beside me in the trench.

54. If any deal happens between Verizon and Apple, we expect it to happen no sooner than 20

55. No less than half of them said yes.

56. Ill air slays sooner than the sword. 

57. A : I know I should give up smoking, but easier said than done.

58. Yes, and possibly sooner than you may expect.

59. I'm approaching -- I'll be there sooner than you.

60. That said, these kinds of Augmentations are in the realm of possibility and could become commonplace sooner than we think

61. No sooner had the “Creation Drama” exhibitions reached their peak than Europe was engulfed in the storm of Nazism.

62. 4 One may sooner fall than rise. 

63. Mother blackbird with Branchling (0055) No sooner was the food ready to be fed than the second Branchling …

64. No sooner were our activities banned than we began to work underground, circulating literature and visiting interested ones secretly.

65. No sooner did it release its trial balloon on the Luxury Tax, than it met with a public backlash.

66. However, he admits that presenting a united front is more easily said than done.

67. This is easier said than done in white light but it's well worth trying.

68. This was easier said than done because my ignorance of the subject was encyclopedic.

69. 17 No one enjoys being accused of something he has not said or done.

70. Problem sets will be due no sooner than 3 classes after the class in which they are handed out.

71. No sooner did she set eyes on the gentleman than she recognised his pecuniary position to be merely temporary.

72. It would mean a far more costly and complex voyage by human explorers, currently envisioned no sooner than 20

73. 26 No sooner did she set eyes on the gentleman than she recognised his pecuniary position to be merely temporary.

74. When I wake, they skulk in the shadows, shapeless, but no sooner am I asleep than they creep forward again.

75. Then Lord Rahl will have his victory sooner than expected.

76. No sooner had I uttered the words than I could have kicked myself, for I knew they would displease him.

77. No sooner had Vasili's feet touched the ground than a pair of tight-fitting handcuffs was snapped around his wrists.

78. Why fill up the space any sooner than necessary?

79. The farming was done intensively for no other reason than a bumper crop.

80. To the Picts, it means they'd sooner die than fail.