Đặt câu với từ "money laundering"

1. Some transactions reportedly involved money laundering.

2. For the money laundering, not for perjury.

3. And the spectre of money laundering looms.

4. • Increased public support for anti-money laundering activities

5. China has paid highly attentian to money laundering.

6. Mr Bowitz was also charged with money laundering.

7. Two appeared in court on money laundering charges.

8. Advances in the development of legislation on money-laundering.

9. Mr Bowitz was also charged with money laundering. Sentencedict.com

10. He will now face trial on money laundering charges.

11. The country is a major centre for money laundering.

12. Access to anti-money-laundering information by tax authorities *

13. This restaurant is just a front for money laundering.

14. Notification of money laundering, terrorist financing or criminal activity

15. He deals with money laundering, protection rackets, gambling, prostitution.

16. Confirm for me the existence of a money-laundering scheme.

17. It increased with concerns over money laundering and terrorist finance.

18. Access to anti-money-laundering information by tax authorities * (vote)

19. Access to anti-money-laundering information by tax authorities * (debate)

20. Governments should recognize that small remittances are not money laundering.

21. about suspicions of money laundering or financing of terrorist activities.

22. together with the criminal organizations involved and associated money-laundering activities.

23. Formulating policies, programmes or instructions for the prevention of money-laundering;

24. The phenomenon of money laundering was at an all-time high

25. Nor will we eliminate money laundering or other associated criminal activities.

26. Money laundering is at the very heart of practically all criminal activities.

27. Santacruz was awaiting trial for illicit enrichment, money laundering and drug trafficking.

28. Thompson began a six-year sentence for money laundering earlier this year.

29. They helped repatriate Brenda Martin , a Canadian convicted of money laundering in Mexico.

30. Until quite recently, the banks role in money laundering attracted relatively little attention.

31. The Monegasque government actively combats money-laundering and numbered bank accounts are illegal.

32. In 2001, Palau passed its first bank regulation and anti-money laundering laws.

33. The paper construes the compensatory mechanism of anti - money laundering of banking industry.

34. Bitcoins may not be ideal for money laundering, because all transactions are public.

35. In the attack money laundering criminal activity process, how do we do well?

36. Bureaux de change offer an opportunity for money laundering, and a number of countries require Bureaux de change to register as money service businesses and are subject to their anti-money laundering measures

37. 3 Santacruz was awaiting trial for illicit enrichment,(www.Sentencedict.com) money laundering and drug trafficking.

38. There are several FATF-style regional bodies involved in the fight against money-laundering.

39. Crypto is a 2019 American crime drama thriller film, about money laundering involving Cryptocurrency.

40. People simply moved their money-laundering activities away from the United States into Europe.

41. Nevertheless, many variations can be observed in how States define and punish money-laundering activities.

42. In an apparent money laundering scheme, impoverished monastics made contributions for which they were reimbursed.

43. Question: Was there any discussion on how to stop money laundering activities and related matters?

44. • Establish infrastructure to support money laundering and the addition of terrorist financing to FINTRAC's accountabilities

45. (c) any evidence of anti-competitive behaviour, market abuse, money laundering, terrorist financing or criminal activity;

46. Noriega was tried on eight counts of drug trafficking, racketeering, and money laundering in April 1992.

47. In May 2015 a new EU Directive against anti-money laundering (‘AML Directive’) (1) was adopted.

48. Noting with concern the vulnerability of the Territory to drug trafficking, money laundering and related activities

49. It extends the scope of existing money laundering offences to cover the proceeds of other crimes.

50. 11 The Justice Department alleges the winnings are ill-gotten gains from a money-laundering scheme.

51. Adequate arrangements must be targeted at preventing corruption, money laundering and the establishment of front companies.

52. It places priority on tackling illicit trade, diversion of precursors, asset forfeiture and drug money laundering.

53. New legislation to combat money-laundering, which took into account existing international standards, was being finalized

54. The complexity of international money-laundering required law enforcement authorities to have adequate specialized financial investigation capacity.

55. Under the proposed Anti-Money Laundering Bill 2005, notaries, lawyers and accountants are considered as reporting entities.

56. Legislative alignment is lagging behind and administrative capacity to implement anti-money laundering legislation is not adequate.

57. We have also introduced a provision under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act for restitution of assets.

58. We are also working with Thailand in issues like money laundering, counterfeit currency, smuggling of drugs, etc.

59. The legislative framework, the administrative capacity and the enforcement record in combating money laundering are moderately advanced.

60. Money laundering is a serious criminal offence responsible for many country’s Backwardnesses in terms of economic growth

61. Egmont will thereby be better equipped to advance international anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing efforts.

62. On 14 March 2015, the Pakistan Airport Security Forces arrested Ayyan and charged her with money laundering.

63. Disseminate strategic information on money laundering and terrorist activity financing to partners, stakeholders, and the general public.

64. • Disseminate strategic information on money laundering and terrorist activity financing to partners, stakeholders, and the general public.

65. Before the pardon was granted, federal prosecutors began investigating new allegations of money laundering and tax evasion.

66. In recent weeks, three others in the scam admitted to charges of money laundering and wire fraud.

67. Overall, this policy should enhance Canada's capacity to detect and deter money laundering and terrorist financing activities.

68. the effectiveness of the third country’s AML/CFT system in addressing money laundering or terrorist financing risks.’ ;

69. Putin's program would revise the Antiquated pension system, rewrite the labor code and crack down on money-laundering

70. the competent national authorities responsible for investigating and prosecuting money laundering, terrorist financing, criminal activity or market abuse

71. The organizational chart of Tonga’s administrative machinery, Money Laundering Committee, and Maritime Committee is attached as Annex 8.

72. The database gathers intelligence information on applicants, on associates and business partners, and also on money laundering activities.

73. report on national efforts and resources (labour forces and budget) allocated to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.’ ;

74. This is relevant for instance in the framework of anti-money laundering or the activities of forensic laboratories.

75. Substantive knowledge of legitimate financial and economic systems, accounting, money-laundering techniques and identity systems is also important.

76. IMF deemed the existing legal framework adequate to cope with potential money laundering activities and financing of terrorism

77. He further mentioned that his Government had a special law that adequately dealt with the crime of money-laundering.

78. In 2000 the FATF began a policy of assessing the cooperation of all countries in programmes against money laundering.

79. IMF deemed the existing legal framework adequate to cope with potential money laundering activities and financing of terrorism.8

80. (a) the details of the persons who have been prosecuted under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act and have absconded;