Đặt câu với từ "minimum acceptable receive level"

1. ensure an acceptable minimum level of environmental care;

2. Britain prefers absolute standards, which would exclude all products that failed to come up to the minimum acceptable level.

3. There shall be no transition period applied for a DECC to achieve the minimum acceptable loan-level data quality score.

4. 19 Britain prefers absolute standards, which would exclude all products that failed to come up to the minimum acceptable level.

5. Acceptable quality level (SQL

6. An acceptable quality level of # %

7. Permissible overshoot, and hence minimum acceptable , depends on the application.

8. · An acceptable quality level of 2.5%;

9. A precision machinists level is also acceptable for taking level measurements

10. Is the technical quality at an acceptable level?

11. Air pollution has risen above an acceptable level.

12. So what is an acceptable level of radiation?

13. Minimum reliability level necessary to accept a word recognition.

14. A high purity extract composition comprising withanolide glycosides, oligosaccharides, withanolide aglycones and a minimum level of polysaccharides, and a pharmaceutically, veterinary or nutritionally acceptable carrier(s) is disclosed.

15. Acceptable level of 1 per cent of non-compliances

16. As punishment, the prisoners would receive the bare minimum of bread and water.

17. Measurement Canada will have to define and publish minimum acceptable criteria for test standards.

18. Very few workers - less than 5 percent - receive the statutory minimum wage, however.

19. This is acceptable, as long as a (multiple) regression analysis proves an acceptable level of explanatory power.

20. What level of reliability for these mechanisms is considered acceptable?

21. · What level of reliability for these mechanisms is considered acceptable?

22. • Provides a matrix of acceptable evidence and level of claim

23. The soil contains 30 times the acceptable level of radioactivity.

24. — establish a relevant acceptable daily intake (ADI) level for man,

25. establish a relevant acceptable daily intake (ADI) level for man,

26. Recommendation of a minimum acceptable Earth-miss distance and/or other criteria for deflection targeting;

27. Such a system could function with an absolute minimum of acceptable risk to all involved.

28. EU Risk Assessment Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) and Acceptable Operator Exposure Level (AOEL) = 0.0025 mg/kg bw/day

29. This level of error is considered acceptable, as it is under the materiality level of 2%.

30. The Acceptable quality level (AQL) is the worst quality level that is tolerable for a product

31. The level of the proposed budget for # was an absolute minimum

32. The minimum wage level was again increased to $1.25 per hour.

33. Competent: having the required skills for an acceptable level of performance

34. Capable: having the required skills for an acceptable level of performance

35. Able: having the required skills for an acceptAble level of performance

36. The level of the lowest tariff wages or minimum wages agreed upon in high‐level collective agreements.

37. The predetermined distortion level is set to represent an acceptable distortion level at the RF output signal.

38. The selected bedding material should contain a minimum level of phyto-oestrogens.

39. Acceptable: of a level of quality that meets one's needs or standards

40. Most residences (98%) experience an acceptable or low level of noise disturbance.

41. Urgently establish an age for criminal responsibility at an internationally acceptable level;

42. • The Department will state the exact level of an acceptable new bid.

43. Aphelia or the Slums follows Behemoth in terms level progression and has a level 30 minimum requirement to enter

44. If yes, then you must receive a minimum 30% rating under Diagnostic Code 8004 (Paralysis Agitans)

45. In addition its opinion was sought on the establishment of a reliable acceptable daily intake (ADI) and acceptable operator exposure level (AOEL).[

46. • Policy on acceptable minimum quantity (core metadata requirements) and quality (internal verification levels required) for externally-produced metadata.

47. Thorns to Aeroflot for falling well below an acceptable level of customer service.

48. Achieving a socially acceptable level of service quality often justifies public service obligations.

49. These are screening values that demonstrate the minimal acceptable level of a substance.

50. Students “have not acquired a minimum acceptable standard in the fundamental skills of reading, writing, arithmetic, and communication.”

51. In addition its opinion was sought on the establishment of a reliable acceptable daily intake (ADI) and acceptable operator exposure level (AOEL

52. The Anvil requires a minimum area and monster level of 45-ish, to drop

53. The price level of this minimum is called the neck line of the formation.

54. These minimum levels are automatically adjusted according to an index established at national level.

55. Health Related Fitness Test establishes minimum requirements for chronological age level ( ages 5 – 16 + ).

56. Emergency battery power is operating life support systems at a low but acceptable level.

57. An acceptable level of protection could only be provided through mandating smoke-free areas.

58. What will be the minimum statement that you feel will be acceptable for India at the G20 on this?

59. An entry-level telephone at a most attractive price that delivers very acceptable quality.

60. acceptable exposure level or predicted no-effect concentration established in accordance with Annex VI;

61. The Secretaries agreed to hold discussions inc1uding at technical-level on mutually acceptable dates.

62. In such cases, an acceptable level of accessibility, usability and reliability must be assured.

63. EU Risk Assessment Provisional Acceptable Operator Exposure Level (AOEL) = 0.0003 mg/kg bw/day.

64. In such cases, an acceptable level of accessibility, usability and reliability must be assured

65. • has all the necessary devices to ensure an acceptable level of accuracy and precision;

66. Those who live in normally receive room and board plus a wage - often well below the legal minimum.

67. Solubility in formic acid (only for soft rock phosphate): minimum level 55 % of total P.

68. The sail should be rigged with the minimum amount of mast showing at deck level.

69. Seul le niveau abyssal est Acceptable.: Only the background level of the ocean is Acceptable.: Le texte proposé est un compromis Acceptable.: The text being proposed for adoption is an Acceptable compromise.: Cette politique commune serait juste et Acceptable.: That would be a just and Acceptable common policy.: Il faut une solution qui soit technologiquement Acceptable.

70. solubility in formic acid (only for soft rock phosphate): minimum level 35 % of total P.

71. The EIA concluded that a 540 metre runway extension to the East would bring down the noise level to an acceptable level.

72. Minimum driver experience level of 5 Autocross events, as we are unable to provide instructors

73. Can Canada attain an acceptable level of critical infrastructure reliability through a voluntary standards approach?

74. • Can Canada attain an acceptable level of critical infrastructure reliability through a voluntary standards approach?

75. The multi-input data processor then transmits the acceptable quality level to the base stations.

76. Recent Rise in Interest Rates-Risk of Inflation-Acceptable Level of Unemployment Rate-Government Position

77. However, the use of a limited number of questions at a lower level is acceptable.

78. • Are all non-cancer hazard quotients less than 0.2 (or other level defined as acceptable)?

79. – that he has available acceptable accommodation enabling him to receive there the family member(s) seeking to join him ...’.

80. adequacy between the level of voltage recovery and the minimum magnitude for active power recovery; and