Đặt câu với từ "kept from"

1. It kept them from moral turpitude.

2. My mind kept straying from the discussion.

3. Her eyes kept straying from the page.

4. Children should be kept away from fire.

5. The dog kept barking at me at the gate and kept me from coming in.

6. The eruptions from crater number one kept increasing.

7. They kept their relationship secret from their parents.

8. Cathy kept jumping from one topic to another.

9. Troy's chatter kept me from thinking dark thoughts.

10. Infamous, Francis was kept away from the agapes

11. The Emperor kept himself aloof from the people.

12. Wild fruit kept us from dying of starvation.

13. She kept herself almost isolated from her colleagues.

14. Violent prisoners are kept separate from the others.

15. Wherefore the book shall be kept from them.

16. The report card was kept from his parents.

17. Indeed, anything untoward was now kept from James.

18. The women are kept separate from the men.

19. 17 The Emperor kept himself aloof from the people.

20. Endangered species need to be kept secure from poachers.

21. Edible wild herbs kept us from dying of starvation.

22. You and I kept that bomb from going off.

23. Business bank accounts were kept separate from personal ones.

24. 21 She kept herself aloof from her husband's business.

25. 15 A goal from Hodge kept England in contention .

26. The inclemency of the weather kept us from school.

27. Money earned from the businesses is kept in the vault?

28. Yet pride kept him from admitting that he was lonely.

29. Only illness or some other emergency kept us from attending.

30. 300 tons of Peruvian mangoes were kept from entering France.

31. An Abstracted man is kept from what is present by

32. 22 The speaker kept wandering off/away from the point.

33. The waste water is kept entirely separate from the rainwater.

34. 17 Raw meat must be kept separate from cooked meat.

35. Security kept the band's fevered fans away from the stage.

36. It's where her staff kept contraband they confiscated from residents.

37. Business matters should always be kept separate from congregation activities.

38. He kept shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other.

39. The Cradleboard protected babies from danger and kept them happy

40. The solution for parenteral injection should be protected from light and kept from freezing.

41. 17 She kept skipping from one topic of conversation to another.

42. He kept chopping about from kindness to cruelty towards his pupils.

43. The language helper needs to be kept from being bored, too.

44. However remittances from the EU have kept momentum since 2008[8].

45. They kept back five dollars from her wages for income tax.

46. A dodge behind a tree kept her from being run over.

47. Concealed definition is - kept out of sight or hidden from view

48. I kept oscillating from too far forward to too far back.

49. Storm is the puppy we kept from our litter from Clover and FTCh Artistryn Ulrich

50. On the evening the girl kept herself timidly aloof from the crowd.

51. 25 She had always kept herself aloof from the boys in class.

52. The Palace Courtiers very much kept the young Royals away from Trump

53. And the soil needs to be kept loose and free from weeds.

54. Smoking sections in restaurants should be kept separate from non-smoking sections.

55. The trees on this island, must be kept secret from those lumberjacks.

56. What, are you going to have cigarettes kept from me like cookies?

57. 1 Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college ?

58. A festering inflammation on his foot kept him from joining the Capuchin order.

59. The Sarmatians' defeat kept them from the Danube provinces for a long time.

60. 5 Official concubines became unofficial mistresses, and mistresses became secrets kept from wives.

61. Mauve kept insisting that he should concentrate more on studies from plaster casts.

62. Keep/hold yourself Aloof (from somebody) She had always kept herself Aloof from the boys in class.

63. 17 A festering inflammation on his foot kept him from joining the Capuchin order.

64. Burnable objects should be kept at least three feet away from stoves and furnaces

65. Injuries to my Achilles tendon and hamstrings, however, kept me from reaching my potential.

66. I kept to a very strict diet and began suffering from anorexia and bulimia.

67. ‘You have kept me from killing Naʹbal to pay him back for his meanness.

68. The shortage of good stock has kept some investors away from the stock exchange.

69. But Job says, “The very counsel of wicked ones has kept far from me.”

70. 16 She kept up a continuous chatter, skipping from one subject to the next.

71. Hector Davis kept tremendous records, he kept account books, huge account books.

72. The Ciavenasca is a dairy breed, but is kept mainly for meat, both from kids and from mature animals.

73. Chlorates are powerful oxidizers and should be kept away from organics or easily oxidized materials.

74. He “bore thorough witness and kept exhorting them, saying: ‘Get saved from this crooked generation.’”

75. Saul wanted to preserve his reputation, and this kept him from making a spiritual recovery.

76. 29 After retiring from teaching, Sister kept working as a cattle rancher and writing books.

77. From their hilariously awkward Banterto their matching onesies, they kept everyone laughing throughout the night

78. 24 There were many things that had kept her aloof and apart from the crowd.

79. Skepticism has kept me from believing in true love - one that is pure and enduring .

80. Rather than return home to be arrested, Kim kept up his caustic criticism from abroad.