Đặt câu với từ "ineffective"

1. Totally ineffective.

2. The government has proven ineffective.

3. The army became increasingly ineffective.

4. These policies have proved ineffective.

5. The new drug was ineffective.

6. Communist presence was minimal and ineffective.

7. Zoombombing Countermeasures are ineffective in the vast majority of cases Password-protecting meetings is among the most ineffective protections

8. The focused military approach h as proven ineffective.

9. Various drugs have proved ineffective against the virus.

10. Their cannonade, although impressive, was quite ineffective.

11. Japanese defenses against Allied submarines were ineffective.

12. These weapons are totally ineffective against tanks.

13. An ineffective potion against the restless sleep of leadership.

14. She felt so ineffective, she could have cried.

15. They describe the ADA guidelines as "completely ineffective".

16. This causes ineffective heme synthesis and microcytic anemia.

17. This aimed to make future such deals ineffective.

18. Buller's actions have been rightly criticized as ineffective.

19. The system was not only complicated but also ineffective.

20. Economic reform will continue to be painful and ineffective.

21. Adenine and ribose alone or together are ineffective. — 3.

22. The law proved ineffective in dealing with the problem.

23. If renal function is severely impaired, acetazolamide is ineffective.

24. They lost the game partly because of ineffective passing.

25. The contract was rendered ineffective by this careless wording.

26. Bursting air bubbles are shown to be mostly ineffective.

27. Why is ineffective prention of diversion of acetic anhydride a problem?

28. The research will help governments to weed out ineffective aid schemes.

29. Grappling irons were thrown out but these, too, proved ineffective.

30. Furthermore, they claim that any such interference is completely ineffective.

31. 16 If renal function is severely impaired, acetazolamide is ineffective.

32. The technique is at best ineffective and at worst dangerous.

33. They made an ineffective attempt to get the rules changed.

34. The army has proved ineffective in protecting the civilian population.

35. Counteracted: to balance with an equal force so as to make ineffective

36. Counterpoised: to balance with an equal force so as to make ineffective

37. The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary enforcement machinery.

38. 21 The move up to verse can be ineffective, deservedly so.

39. Consequently, this first complaint should be rejected as ineffective ab initio.

40. This kind of training is ineffective, and wasteful of scarce resources.

41. Communist guerrilla tactics were ineffective in slowing down the Japanese advance.

42. Cicada and Locust Protection and Control: Insecticides are ineffective on these large insects

43. Antiaircraft fire proved ineffective, due to the high altitude maintained by the planes.

44. Moreover, the regulatory framework on resolution of NPLs and secured collateral remains ineffective.

45. GRADING is morally wrong, practically ineffective, and a major deterrent to learning.”

46. Counteract: to balance with an equal force so as to make ineffective

47. Annul: to balance with an equal force so as to make ineffective.

48. 16 synonyms for Abortive: failed, failing, useless, vain, unsuccessful, idle, ineffective, futile

49. An Abuser has low self-esteem and feels powerless and ineffective in the world.

50. Even if it stops short of this extreme, retroactive cost justification is largely ineffective.

51. Once again, it makes this text obscure, abstruse, ideological and, therefore, completely ineffective.

52. Action that was demonstrably ineffective would do no good to Peres's electoral prospects.

53. Tyramine was ineffective on the antrum and the duodenum, but contracted the pylorus.

54. In The Moonstone, the social machinery for the detection of crime unbelievably ineffective.

55. Ineffective Bureaucracies are Bureaucracies that are not handling the project they were created to handle

56. They can send up an ack-ack umbrella high enough to make any attack ineffective.

57. Canceler: a force or influence that makes an opposing force ineffective or less effective

58. Counterweight: a force or influence that makes an opposing force ineffective or less effective

59. I purchased this set after ineffective results from the regular Acnefree Acne Treatment System.

60. Silence, Criminalizers condone proposals for extreme penalties which are both monlly and probably ineffective

61. Accordingly, Erste’s argument concerning actual control of GiroCredit by the BA group is ineffective.

62. Cancelers: a force or influence that makes an opposing force ineffective or less effective

63. Correctives: a force or influence that makes an opposing force ineffective or less effective

64. Sadly, antibiotics are ineffective in treating dengue because it is a viral infection and not bacterial.

65. The authors also say that peer review is ineffective as a mechanism for restructuring scientific activity.

66. Seven Pe-8s were lost during the month of August alone, rendering the regiment ineffective.

67. 12 It is ineffective to take any single way for rice every - year promoting precocity.

68. Some healthcare providers believe Bedrails prevent falls, while others think they are ineffective and dangerous

69. Furthermore, amnesties have been repeatedly interpreted as functional substitutes of ineffective or undersized admission policies.

70. These access large amounts of memory in an unpredictable fashion such that caches are ineffective.

71. The Diamond Breech loader is a cross between the notoriously ineffective Massive Diamond Mine and …

72. Synonyms for Abortive include vain, futile, unsuccessful, useless, failed, fruitless, ineffective, unproductive, ineffectual and unavailing

73. Engagements involving larger units may occur when intelligence, surveillance, or reconnaissance operations have been ineffective.

74. The accumulation of debt is, in turn, due to the ineffective management of public funds

75. The Republic, however, was bankrupt and the ineffective Directory was unpopular with the French population.

76. However, glucocorticoids are usually ineffective in the hypercalcemia of primary hyperparathyroidism,[Sentencedict.com] Phosphate also inhibits bone resorption.

77. As a result, advanced technology is needed to clear such mines and render them ineffective

78. Involving A lumbricoides, because an ineffective Ascaricide may stimulate the parasite to migrate to another location

79. The SMCC machinery itself has been downgraded by the Administration so as to render it ineffective.

80. Results indicated that the nonselective thinning technique was ineffective in providing adequate stocking of desirable trees.